26 May 2013

EVP and UFOlogy — MP3 Audio: Arthur Shuttlewood 1968 Interview

In August 2006 I learned Wendy Connors had released a new Faded Disc audio archive CD — this one featuring an audio retrospective of British and Australian UFOlogy cases.  The recordings on the CD are dated between 1946 and 1989.  The "UFOs Across The Ponds" MP3 CD consists of 51 tracks with a total running time of 32:25:30.  There are four Arthur Shuttlewood recordings described on the Track Listing:

28 Arthur Shuttlewood Interview.  Interviewer unknown at this time.  1968.  35:02

32 Arthur Shuttlewood lectures on the Continuing Story of the Warminster Thing and his involvement in the investigation.  October 5, 1968.  57:06

34 Arthur Shuttlewood lectures on UFOs and Modern Thought.  September 13, 1969.  49:40

38 Arthur Shuttlewood lectures on the 1964 Warminster case.  February 28, 1970.  01:04:35

You may listen to the 1968 interview by clicking on the first listing above.  Shuttlewood would go on to have many more unusual experiences as recounted in his books.  Other Warminster tracks on the "UFOs Across The Ponds" MP3 CD are two 1965 news reports and "witness statements" from the 1966 BBC documentary "Pie in the Sky."

Since I first read Shuttlewood's books, I've recognized that there are some aspects of the Warminster UFOlogist's life that are similar to my own.  The paranormal phenomena that I witnessed while investigating a so-called 'talking poltergeist' haunting in 1995 made possible an expanded awareness of life and spirituality that I felt compelled to chronicle in a journalistic manner.  Some of my most astonishing experiences involved listening to what is often called Electronic Voice Phenomena ('EVP') while transcribing microcassette interviews, although I hadn't heard of this acronym at the time I published the case study Testament in 1997.  In my book I had simply described the "unattributed sounds and spirit messages audible on the tapes."  I also began noticing the phenomenon where people while conversing unconsciously say the word "no" and, less significantly, "you know."  EVP messages and instances of unconscious utterances by people are two manifestations showing that individual beings are mentally connected with what might be expressed as an organizing 'Universal Consciousness,' 'Spiritual Force'/'Oneness,' 'Superconsciousness' or 'Shared Subconscious Mind.'  Other evidence of this aspect of the human condition is mediumship and other forms of psychic phenomena, including automatic writing.

In the following excerpts from the 1968 Arthur Shuttlewood interview (Track 28), apparent EVP messages are indicated by capital letters within parentheses similar to the transcripts in my book.  Readers unfamiliar with EVP will be surprised to learn that EVP communication is commonly noticeable on radio broadcasts and any unedited program recordings, including television broadcasts.  As you can see in these transcript excerpts, some EVP instances are more distinct than others when one attempts to differentiate them.  Whenever I listen to radio interviews, I routinely notice EVP messages and 'unconscious utterances' although most listeners seem oblivious to this phenomena, assuming instances of EVP to be attributable to radio show hosts or guests.  There are also many unattributed sounds that are noticeable on this 1968 Shuttlewood recording.

At 5:10 of track:
Arthur Shuttlewood: ("BUT")  I was convinced on September the twenty-eight, which is a Tuesday, at 3:42 p.m.  I'll never forget.  When I saw this cigar for myself and I trained the camera on it — the movie camera, I could feel a needling sensation up my left arm, left side of my face.  My eye watered for several weeks afterwards.  It was very embarrassing.  And I could feel that this 'Thing' had power that it was pushing out.  Whether it thought that I was manning a machine gun or was trying to ("NO") fire away at it or whether it disliked or didn't want to be photographed I wouldn't like to say but I think really — there was certainly no radioactivity there.  I checked up with the doctor.  There was no — nothing radioactive or harmful about the ray that was being pushed out.  But I think it was pushed out — really and truly, I think that the main reason was 'this is a disbelieving sort of chap.  Now we've got to convince him personally.'  And they did.  There's no doubt about it.

AS: These calls — harking back to these calls, now these — if — if they were not hoaxes could be the most relevant and the most revelationary things that've ever happened because I was contacted on the phone by three people.  Now (or "NOW") they rang from a local phone box.  They even gave me the kiosk number.  There was no doubting the fact that they were there because I mean the whole family here ("NO" or "KNOW") would know that they were here.  And I had Peter Earle of the News of the World down who was following up a Thing story at the time ("WHEN") the first call broke.  And I handed the receiver to him and he listened.  Now (or "NOW"), as you know, if you get a local call you get the four pennies dropping.  ("BUT THERE  WAS")  There were no pennies dropping at all and all that I could hear was a distinct crackling noise as of electricity and this accompanied the voices always that came through to me.  There were three people and they claimed that they came from a planet or a cantel, as they termed it, called Aenstria . . .

AS: She was going to fly to the phone — to — to her father's phone which is in another house down the road.  ("BUT")  As soon as I gave a signal — I'd said nothing at all about this phone call — the voice on the other end, which I think was Caellsan at that time, warned me immediately — he could read my mind.  I have no doubt about that.  He monitored my  thoughts because he said immediately, "Please do not try and apprehend us.  It will be the worst for you and we have no — we have nothing but love and compassion for your people.  ("BUT")  We are here for specific purposes . . ."

Shuttlewood mentioned that one of Caellsan's following comments was, "We will have to harm you if you do" — seemingly a poor choice of words at the moment considering what Shuttlewood has written about the Aenstrians.

AS: Several other things were — were beyond the pale of sheer coincidence because, for example, on the first night that they rang.  It was a Saturday, September the tenth.  On September the ninth — or was it eleventh?  I'm not really certain.  ("BUT ANYWAY")  After our story came out in the Mirror in September together with young Faulkner's picture, which is a genuine picture of the Thing.  On the next day in the Mirror a false picture appeared — a hoax picture that had been made up.  And this was on that particular night that Caellsan rang through and, of course (or "OF COURSE"), I immediately said sort of stringing him along and laughing, you know — in a laughing fashion ("I SAID WELL") "What did you think of our picture in the Mirror yesterday?"  And he said, "By our standards very poor — palpably poor.  By your standards good.  It is of our machine."  And or "one of our craft — one of our spacecraft."  And then I said, "Well what did you think of the picture in the Mirror today?"  And this was two days before it was acknowledged to be a hoax picture.  And (or "AND") immediately he said, "It is too serious to laugh at really although we have a sense of humor as you have — as you people have.  But (or "BUT") it is a fake fake fake.  A great shame."  And that was two days before.  Well (or "WELL") a lot of things of that nature crept into the conversations.  An (or "AN") — and it was as though not only could he monitor my thoughts — I couldn't monitor his but he could certainly follow my train of thought.  I — I ne[ver] — very, very rarely did I have to ask them — any of them — a question.  As soon as the question was in my mind and being framed, they'd answer immediately . . .

AS: . . . There's a material or a physical science.  There's a spiritual science.  There's a social science.  Now (or "NOW") for the past half century — this is what I've been told by all of these three people at different times — our material and physical science, which is gratifying our concrete needs as materialism — motor cars, television sets, what have you, transport even — we (or "WE") the superstructure of that science is dwarfing the other two sciences, which are spiritual and social.  We're losing sight of spiritual and social sciences, which are creative — we don't know how to use their creations so that the super structure of the material science is in danger now of collapsing on top of the other two.  And if that happens well we're finished as a world and they know that so I think that there's a little — something here that's a little bit religious.  They're here they tell me — they're not the only planet engaged in this operation.  But it is an operation and apparently it's by divine guidance that they're here.

AS: . . . So far as I'm concerned — and I'm convinced now, having watched them every night for the past nine months — these things.  On clear nights they've been — ever since February the twenty-fifth on Cradle Hill we've seen them above us hovering as though saying, 'Well here we are, you know?' ( "AND")  I've no doubt in my mind now that these are interplanetary or extraterrestrial or whatever you want to call them.  They’re certainly not of this Earth.  So that therefore looking back ("ON") — I'm convinced now that the calls I received were genuine.  Particularly when I've witnessed landings myself up on that hill.  That — that sounds incredible but there are certain things I couldn't tell people at the moment.  They would just laugh.  But I think my book will pave the way.

AS: There — there are several things I have learned.  And that is reincarnation is a — is definite.  Whether — whether religious people like to accept it or not.  They tell me that reincarnation is a definite fact.  So that if you read your Bible it still doesn't conflict — that you die and you're born again.  You reawaken.  Your soul lives on.  And that is the essence of it.  But it doesn't mean to say that you go into another — into another sphere — into a heaven.  ("YOU")  You're born here.  Where you're born originally — you keep being reincarnated until you've reached the perfection required — before you go and join these people in another planet.

AS: . . . You asked me about other planets.  It's factual according to these people that Mars and Venus — I know for a fact those two are peopled.  Absolutely like us.  Absolutely as we are.  Except that the people with whom I dealt are even more advanced.  They're even more advanced — I'm convinced of that because we've had a number of cases here of people having seen someone ("WHO") and talked to them.  And then the person has disappeared.  So I think that these people have not only gained an extra sense — you know, they have six senses as opposed to our five.  They have an extra dimension.  They've mastered the fourth dimension.  They can alter, if you like, the — the frequency, you know of their atomic particles.  We're all made up of atomic particles, after all.  They can lower and raise at will the frequencies of the atomic particles ("OF WHICH") flesh is composed — flesh and bone.  And I think that they can render themselves invisible ("TO") to sight.

When I decided to provide an additional link to examples of EVP heard during a recent radio interview segment, I glanced at some of the topics of the NPR show "Fresh Air" hosted by Terry Gross.  I found two interviews in particular where there were noticeable many EVP instances of the word "No."  The first was The Anatomy of Violence: The Biological Roots of Crime featuring author Adrian Raine in an interview given the title "Criminologist Believes Violent Behavior Is Biological"EVP instances of the word "NO" can be heard at: 4:04, 4:06, 4:30, 5:39, 6:07, 6:28, 7:26, 12:10, 13:51, 15:58, 17:56, 21:12, 21:18, 23:34, 23:47, 26:20, 32:35, 33:00, 36:29, 36:44, 37:33.  Another example of EVP is the word "FROM" heard at 10:05.  The second interview was the May 21 segment with director Steven Soderbergh: "Soderbergh's Liberace, 'Behind The Candelabra".  EVP instances of the word "NO" can be heard at: 7:29, 9:28, 9:50, 9:58, 10:18, 12:35, 12:44, 15:48, 17:24, 17:34, 17:40, 18:15, 18:38, 19:00, 19:07, 19:12, 19:34, 27:55, 27:57, 28:44, 29:03, 29:25, 29:27, 33:41, 33:51, 34:43, 35:56, 36:21, 36:59, 37:02, 39:56.

A previous blog article is "In Appreciation of Wendy Connors and Her Faded Discs Archive".  Wendy's retirement announcement may be read at this UFOUpDatesList. com page and a Brief Biography may be read at this National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomena (NICAP) International Who's Who in Ufology page.

25 May 2013


I finished this calligraphy piece several months ago but forgot to blog it-- it's J.R.R. Tolkien's beautiful poem Namárië from The Lord of the RingsIt is written in Quenya (the High Elvish language). On the left, the poem is written in our alphabet, and on the write, it is written in the Tengwar (Elvish) script.

The poem is a beautiful piece which the Lady Galadriel sings to Frodo when the Fellowship leaves Lothlorien to destroy the Ring. 

I didn't have space to fit the entire poem on my little sheet of paper board, so I just used the first stanza and stuck the final two lines (about farewells and finding Valinor) on at the end. 

The border was done entirely freehand using india ink and watercolors. I am pretty proud of it-- this was my first time making an Art Nouveau border, and I'm getting better at making celtic knots with decorative tips.

The heraldic device at the top is the symbol for Feanor, as designed by Tolkien himself. I thought this device would be fitting because not only is Feanor Galadriel's anscestor (if I have my genealogy straight), but it was mostly because of his family that the Elves were banished from Valinor-- and this poem is all about Galadriel's longing for Valinor when she thought she could not return, but nonetheless wished that Frodo may make it there one day. (Valinor is sort of like an Elvish heaven-- sort of, not really, but it's the best description I can come up with off the top of my head).

Here's the English version of the poem:
Ah! like gold fall the leaves in the wind,
long years numberless as the wings of trees!
The years have passed like swift draughts
of the sweet mead in lofty halls beyond the West,
beneath the blue vaults of Varda
wherein the stars tremble in the song of her voice, holy and queenly.

Who now shall refill the cup for me?

For now the Kindler, Varda, the Queen of the Stars,
from Mount Everwhite has uplifted her hands like clouds,
and all paths are drowned deep in shadow;
and out of a grey country darkness lies on the foaming waves between us,
and mist covers the jewels of Calacirya for ever.
Now lost, lost to those from the East is Valimar!
Farewell! Maybe thou shalt find Valimar.
Maybe even thou shalt find it. Farewell!

For those of you complete Tolkienites, the title of this blog post ("Farewell") is not about me saying farewell to blogging or anything. I have one more crazy busy week of school left, and after that I will be taking a couple of days to just do nothing and not feel guilty about it (in other words, I will curl up on the hammock for two days and do nothing but devour some novels and drink lots of iced tea and catch up on TV shows before bed). After that, however, I will be working on some of the hundreds of creative projects that have been clanking around in my brain. :) 

It's so incredibly strange to think that I am almost done with high school. It's been a beautiful four years and I've learned and grown so much! For all of you still in school, when does your summer vacation begin?

16 May 2013

Skylines and Turtles

I've grown up in semi-rural and suburban areas, so cities always overwhelm me. However, there is definitely something beautiful about all the hustle-and-bustle and the strangely crowded buildings. Last weekend, we visited some family in Chicago for my cousin's baptism. It was my first trip to the Windy City, and the only sightseeing we did was a stroll along Lake Michigan.

That walk was beautiful and eerie. The lake is practically an ocean, and it even has a proper beach. After driving by so many crowded streets it was strange to walk on the beach and see no more people than I see hiking in the woods at home.

The pier, snuggled between a gray sky and cold gray water, was empty, but we could still see the busy skyline from a distance.

It was a lovely trip and I took some really cool pictures with my family!

There's been this strange sense of unreality for me lately-- it's probably one of those things most teens get when preparing to graduate high school and "start being adults." When we came back home and I had a bit of free time after school and work, I went hiking in our local woods. These are the same trails that I've walked and biked for three years, but the powerful scent of honeysuckle and the heavy, damp forest air made it feel more like a fairytale adventure than one of the crisp hikes I'm used to.

 I know I'm being florid right now. Oh well. Bloggers are allowed to do that sometimes.

And look! I found a woodhollow tree!

I ran into two box turtles on my walk. These fellows are anything but shy! When I got up close and personal to this turtle, he nonchalantly chewed a sprig of grass and kept his quizzically distant gaze fixed on my camera lense. All he needs is a pair of sunglasses and he'll pull of the "cool dude" look really well!

THIS turtle, however, did nothing but glare at me.

Flowers don't glare. They explode like fireworks instead.

09 May 2013

Solar Panel Tariffs

It's time to start a new series on "energy idiocy." You just can't make this stuff up... From today's WSJ:
BRUSSELS—Chinese solar-panel manufacturers will face import tariffs of up to 67.9% at European Union borders under a plan from the 27-nation bloc's executive body...
Europe, like the US, subsidizes the installation of solar panels. So, we subsidize things to make the prices to consumers go down and encourage the industry. Then when the industry is encouraged and prices do go down, we pass tariffs to make prices go up.  This is almost as fun as oil, which we subsidize to make prices go down, then pass regulations to try to stop people from using it.

The US doesn't get to indulge in any Europe bashing here,
The U.S. has already placed tariffs on solar-panel imports from China.
We also subsidize ethanol, but only from midwestern corn. We have tariffs against ethanol from Brazilian sugar cane, which is a whole lot better environmentally (is a lot less closer to using 1 btu of petroleum to produce 1 btu of ethanol, wash away topsoil and fertilizers down the Mississippi, drive up corn prices)* but seems not to show up at the Iowa caucuses.

Of course it was a bit of a miracle that prices came down in the first place. Usually,  subsidizing and protecting an industry in the idea that just making it bigger makes it cheaper leads to large inefficient industries. The correlation between big and cheap comes from competition. Hence revealing that it was the Chinese who figured out how to exploit European subsidies and actually make panels cheaper.

If you have any remaining thought that concern for the environment motivates any of this mania, reading between the lines of the rest of the story will put that to rest:
Suntech Power Holdings ..and its subsidiaries will face tariffs of 48.6%, according to the document. Tariffs on LDK Solar ... will be 55.9%, and tariffs on Trina Solar Ltd.... will be 51.5%. JingAo Solar Co. will face tariffs of 58.7%..

Most other Chinese companies in the sector that cooperated with the investigation will pay the average tariff of 47.6%. Those that didn't will pay a tariff of 67.9%, according to the document.
The tariffs vary specifically company by company, and reward those that played along politically.
...European manufacturers have filed a separate complaint against the Chinese firms alleging they receive Chinese-government support
They are shocked, shocked to find that subsidies and bailouts are occurring in the Chinese solar panel industry.
European import duties would deal a blow to these (Chinese) manufacturers, which have been piling up losses and struggling to refinance huge debts. 
In March, Suntech sought bankruptcy protection in China, after defaulting on a $541 million bond repayment it owed mainly to Western investors.
Western investors, who appaarently are not as well connected as the western investors in European solar panel plants.
LDK and Trina are both facing large debt repayments. LDK's hometown of Xinyu, China, bailed out the company in 2012, agreeing to repay $80 million of its debts.
Here in the land of free markets, we never bail out large politically connected solar panel plants....

If we want to subsidize solar panel production (debateable, but "if") for environmental reasons, and if China decides to tax their citizens to provide the subsidies rather than us tax our citizens, the appropriate response is flowers, chocolates, and a nice thank-you card.

Update: Donald Boudreaux at Cafe Hayek did a much better job.

*Update: A reader catches me with possibly out-of-date facts. I'll leave his comment here and postpone getting in to a sidetrack about corn ethanol. I'll look in to it, as it seems a good topic for another "energy idiocy" post at some point.
The tariffs on Brazilian ethanol were removed back in 2011. In fact, because of the misinformation around environmental impacts of corn ethanol, California imports Brazilian cane ethanol in remarkable quantities (and at remarkable expense, compared to Midwestern corn ethanol). We also repealed the VEETC at the same time we eliminated the tariff, which is what I assume you’re referencing in your comment about subsidization of corn ethanol. There are still incentives for some ethanol feedstocks, but corn is explicity excluded.

The information about the energy consumed to produce ethanol is also considerably out of date.... And the stuff around environmental impacts is very much in dispute—but life-cycle “science” is so lacking in data one is usually left trying to prove a negative when defending the issue

I won’t dispute Gulf of Mexico hypoxia, but there’s remarkable progress being made with agricultural production today. We still need to get homeowners to stop fertilizing their lawns at a rate 4-8X what farmers use in cornfields if we’re going to stop it, but at least the corn farmers are cleaning up their act.

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