12 September 2009

Welcome to the Shoppe!

Not so much a shoppe as a place to display my wares. A nook to cram myriad crafts in. A whole world of creativity. A land overloaded with too many explanations. A waterfall of artwork. However thou dost choose to veiw it.

Why Shealynn's Faerie Shoppe, ye asketh? Shealynn is a play on my name. Faerie is another spelling of Fairy. And Shoppe is Old English for... (you won't believe this!) shop. While I doubt I shall actually sell things, this blog is a sort of online display window... instruction manual... idea book...

Why Faerie? I am fascinated with fantasy, myths, and medieval times. Most of my artwork and crafts are heavily influenced by fantasy movies, fairy tales, and the works of such genius as Tolkien, Shakespeare, and Lewis. Besides, my first name means "Fairy of the deep pond" (a recent discovery that I am rather proud of).

And yet ye asketh yet another question?! "Why another blog?" Yea, I shall tell ye truly. I have cluttered up my personal blog with far too many art-related things... Besides, if I create a seperate place to keep my art stuff, I thinketh that I shall (hopefully) post more relevant items there. :)

Today and on the morrow I shall attempeth to capture some runaway time, and actually begin my real posting.

Edit: Oh, dear, I feel funny editing my first ever post. What a dear little thing you are, quaint little post written in semi-Old English.

I would like to inform everyone that I do have a Shoppe now! Check it out {HERE}

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