24 July 2010

What's Happening

Hello, everyone!

Those of you who know me IRL know we are moving. Those of you who don't now know. :P This means that I will be busy packing and moving. I will probably have all of my arts and crafts stuff (minus my life-sustaining sketchbook) packed up for a month or two.

In addition to all that, I've got the gumption to start school this next coming week (I am a proud homeschooler!) My siblings are going to wait until we move, but I don't want to work on school during next summer vacation.

So this might be keeping me from this blog:

Yes, those are the books I am working on this coming year. That does NOT include my Latin and Chemistry texts, mind you. Nor does that stack include any notebooks, binders, lesson plans, etc. I use Kolbe Academy and am pursuing their Summa Diploma. It is a wonderful program, though it takes lots and lots of hard work and must be kept on top of if you want sanity.

I can't believe I'm in the 10th grade now... and getting my driver's license soon... sorry, off topic, that is not art/craft/blog related.

Not to mention that when we move, I will not have access to a internet-enabled computer for awhile... and when I do, I will have lots of I&F work.

Also, I got the student edition of Adobe CS5 as an early birthday present/school/general experience. This is MASSIVELY AWESOME SOFTWARE. I'll be spending lots of time teaching myself how to use it. ^_^

HOWEVER! I am not totally abandoning you, my dear blog readers. This summer I went on a crafting spree!

I have just made over 20 posts, and still have about 10 more crafts to take pictures of (and then I need to scan in some artwork).

I'm not going to post it all at once-- I think that makes it boring. Besides, I just did that a week or two ago!

I am using Blogger's Scheduling feature. (Have you ever noticed that scheduling is such a funny looking word? It looks like a tidal wave. And how strangely people with British accents pronounce it?) What does that mean? Every two days, until the end of August, a new post will magically appear on my blog!

Every now and then I might add a new post in the mix of all those scheduled ones.But you are assured a new post every two days! How great is that?

Don's miss a post! Remember the RSS feed I talked about? You can add this blog through the buttons on the rights sidebar.  Or, you can use the ones I have embeded in this post:

Alternatively, you can follow me via Blogger. If you do so, your blogger picture winds up on that pretty little widget (again on the right sidebar).

One last word before I bid you all adieu. I wanted to try making a facebook page, just to see what it is and how it works. I had nothing to make it for, so I decided to make it for this blog. You can fan "Shealynn's Faerie Shoppe" on FACEBOOK and get updates in your news feed! You can see all my new blog posts on the facebook page, but the page is not as pretty as my my blog. :) Mean ole facebook doesn't let me mess with HTML!

ALSO! I've been running out of people to give all my crafts to. I'm considering getting an Artfire account. It is alot like Etsy-- only Artfire's Basic account is totally free. I might give it a try once we move. What do you think?

PS: Sorry this post was so long. :D I DO ramble! I'm like Dug from UP!-- I'll talk about something, and then, suddenly: SQUIRREL!

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