31 January 2011

First Awards!

The lovely Aquariann passed on these awards to me-- my first ever blog awards! :) Apparently I am a Stylish and Versatile blogger. (Edit: Pink Scarf sent this to me, too!)

I'm now to tag 15 amazing bloggers... This is going to be difficult! I like too many blogs, but I want to tag artsy-craftsy-writing-creative blogs (I tag personal blogs on my own personal blog, which is mostly dead).

And the majority of the craft blogs I follow are the "big blogs" that I'm scared to tag. Heehee. :)

Here goes:

(a friend of mine discovering jewelry-making! very talented)

(ditto!!! and random fact: ElvenMaiden is learning German with me!)

(beautiful fantasy jewelry-- the ones who inspired me to find leaf beads)

(pretty photography)

(modest and vintage-y fashion)

(a blog about fashion and life)

(a friend of mine who writes about life, books, movies, and writing)

(a blog of daily paintings!)

(beautiful artwork)

 Recently discovered blogs:
(I bloghopped around a bit to find some random, creative blogs to tag. Ones I've never heard of before this. It all adds to the fun!)

Waltzing Matilda
(found while searching for a St. Thomas coloring page while babysitting my lil bro. What caught my eye? A LotR-themed birthday party. Eeep!)

A Celtic Cowgirl
(she loves horses, makes jewelry, and draws. 'nough said.)

Artisan of the Shire
(graphics and art, with a blog name to die for)

The Faithful Elven Princess
(another blog title to die for)

Distant Hoofbeats
(got to love the quote on her header! and she love acting, too!)

Ithilwen's Faerietale
(looks quite fantasy-ish!)

(Tagged blogs: Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to jump over exploding piles of dynamite, tag 15 people, and share 7 things about yourself. And eat an ice cream cone. If you can't come up with 15 to tag, that's OK.)

(So I spiced up the instructions.... Still, go eat an ice cream cone, it's yummy.)

Alrighty, I usually don't do many tags, so here goes:

I also get to share 7 random things about myself:

I unicycle(Ich bin eine stolze Einradfahrerin!!!)  You already knew that. But what you didn't know is that I got a majorly awesome Nimbus Muni (mountain unicycle/all terrain unicycle) for Christmas. Now for the snow to go away...

Oh, wait... I don't let the snow stop me. It's just the ice...

My feet are very flat and wide. We actually went to a special store to get tennis shoes for me. Men's 9 1/2 6E Wide with orthodics (that's not wide... not double wide... not even quadruple wide... its 6 wide. What is that? Hexa wide? Very wide.). I've had them for two days and they feel funny. Hopefully they'll help. I've never been able to do even half a mile without some kind of cramp or tightness.

I've never been able to wear glamorous shoes. I need a hug. :)

I'm crazy and am doing an intense school curriculum. And I actually like it. Kolbe's Summa. I'm writing a good 2-4 essays a week. Ever wonder why I don't post daily?

I haven't done any paintings for a full year. (Why? We were moving, and my paints make a mess. And I haven't unpacked them yet. There's something called time and it doesn't exist for me.)

When I was little, I used to call my Grandma "That." (or so I've been told)

It drives me bonkers when people gush all over my stuff... I really, really appreciate words of encouragement or *cough* admiration, but I can't stand that oh-my-gosh-you-are-so-amazing-and-I'm-never-going-to-shut-up-about-it-and-hey!-random-person-walking-by-see-what-this-girl-made! *shudder*

I can't sing! Seriously. My range is an octave, if that, and I can't keep a tune. This makes my dreams of acting go waaaaaaay downhill. (I was in Pirates of Penzance once, with the most amazing group on the face of the planet, and I mimed. Yup-- not a peep out of my mouth the entire play long.)

My friend E. (left) and I after the show! My curls died in this picture!

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