16 May 2011

The Sky is Up

"What's up?"

"The sky."

I get that answer every time I ask that question.

Today I am giving you one of those super-duper wrap-up posts. Don't worry. Awesome craft posts coming soon. As in, tomorrow.


It's really disheartening to lose hard work.

Remember that blog linky party I promised you? I spent over 3 hours working on a post for it, getting everything figure out, etc. The wording was just so, perfectly perfect, I had all the photos, links, coding, information, etc... The only thing left to do was hit the Publish button.

And then something happened to my computer and I lost it all. All 3 hours of hard work. I won't go into details because I'm afraid I am going to blow up! But it is all gone and I don't have the time or energy or motivation to re-do it right now.

Please be patient... I'll get the linky up sometime. I need to let myself cool down and then find another 3 hours of spare time... so this linky won't happen for a few weeks. I hope you understand.


Couldn't access my blog on Thursday/Friday? Blogger had an issue that left literally everyone with missing posts and nobody could get on their dashboard. Everything is back up and working like normal now (except that I lost all the comments on my wrought iron artwork post... but at least I didn't lose all my hard writing work on that post!!!)


I wanted you to know that I've had some computer hiccups lately-- this has made me really slow on the whole editing pictures for blog posts. My Adobe software is taking up huge amounts of space and basically rendered the computer unusable for any heavy usage (heavy usage meaning photo editing and graphics building, urgh!). I have to wait until Dad can install more drive space. Which will take awhile.

EDIT: Problem temporarily fixed! Now the issue is with my camera-- the computer that reads my card isn't here for a week. 

Really annoying problems aside...

Thank you all for being so understanding and supportable while I took a blogging hiatus during Lent! I have plenty of projects coming for you soon...

Not to mention an upcoming blog series (on what? leave a comment with your guess!) and a blog linky! (which, as I just explained, won't be coming for a few weeks)


May's Ink and Fairydust is out!

(Actually, it's been out for awhile but I just forgot to let you know).

(For those who don't know, Ink and Fairydust is a free e-magazine full of faith and creativity. I am heavily involved as a comic writer, webmaster, graphics team member, assistant photographer, occasional article writer...)

This month was one of those that made me realize we must be doing a good thing, or else so many bad things wouldn't be happening!

From computer troubles to time crunches to bad health issues... we've had it all.

This month, my main contributions are the Shea and Bergen comic and the article on Truth in Art (both the article and the graphics!). It is based on a philosophical essay I wrote while studying Plato in 9th grade.

Yes. I did just say that. I studied Plato-- and loved it, especially comparing it to Christian teachings and seeing where it falls short.

Check it out here:

Speaking of Ink and Fairydust, I've become the self-proclaimed advertising monster! Chesterton magazine was just the first...

We've been featured in Faith and Family Live {here} and St. Anthony {here}. Plus, I just wrote a big article for a homeschool magazine, all about I&F!

Would YOU like to feature Ink and Fairydust on your blog/website/facebook/twitter/etc? Please do! If you want any more information about it, feel free to email me at ShealynnsFaerieShoppe {at} gmail.com. I can get you in touch with other contributors, too.

I am now on twitter as @ShealynnsFaerie. 'Nother post about that coming soon.

My Sharpie Easter Eggs have been featured on Suzy's Artsy Craftsy Sitcom! This is awesome... please check it out { HERE }.

The DIY Wirewrapped Rosette Ring tutorial is featured { HERE }!


The play I was all worked up about went OK. Not the best, but I was definitely impressed with how well we pulled it off, given the time we spent on it! Those kids are talented.

Here I am in my role as a Recording Company Executive Who Gets Accused of Being a Spy in World War II.

And I got to learn how to do the Victory Rolls hairdo. It took awhile to get the hang of, but I think I did OK, what do you think?


Confirmation was wonderful.

2 of my brothers, the bishop, and me (I look kind of really... fierce in that picture. I also look like I'm about to trip! This is the only picture that I have, the rest are still on people's various cameras)

Not to take away from the sacredness of this sacrament, but I wanted to share my outfit with you! (since this is an arts-and-crafts blog and not a religious one... and I did do alot of DIY on this outfit).

This is my dress, on the website model. NOT on me. :) I love this dress, the fabric is so comfy.

I wore my beautiful new (first) heels. They were very expensive, on account of the fact that I have very weird and pretty bad feet problems. They are comfortable and classy and good quality though!

I wanted to "customize" the shoes for my outfit but obviously can't just go into a shoe store and buy normal shoes. So I decorated them with handmade shoe-clips!


(Shoe clips... I need to make more and then get a friend with normal, pretty feet to model for me, and then I'll do a blog post!!!)

I made the same type of fabric yo-yo to add to the ribbon belt:


I made a hairclip:


and earrings:


QUESTION for all you computer people! I am considering building my own website this summer. I will go through Dreamweaver tutorials and teach myself how to make a pretty one. I was wondering whether any of you know good (and cheap) places to register a domain and host the site.

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