05 September 2012

LotR Pinterest Roundup

In case you haven't heard of it already, Pinterest is a visual bookmarking site. I started off by using to bookmark my favorite blog posts, but since it is a social media site and I get to see all the pins by my online friends, and half of my boards have turned into collections of "MUST PIN ALL THE PRETTY PICTURES, MUAHAHAHA!"

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Anyway, Pinterest is a great tool for discovering crafts, tutorials, artwork, GIFs, funny memes, and more. I created a Tolkien board at the start of this month and have been pinning like a maniac. It may or may not have killed all my free time one evening, when I was planning on working ahead in my college chem course...

Speaking of said chemistry course, I'm going to be attending a four hour lecture this evening, so today's blog post will, of necessity, be quick and short. I've decided to do a Pinterest Roundup of some of my favorite LotR-themed pins! When possible I'm linking to the original site.

You can see my board here, and if you pin any awesome LotR-themed pictures that you think I would enjoy, tag me with @Shaylynn. (Hopefully that will tag me, you should see a thumbnail of my avatar, the little fairy named Shea). Or, enter your own Lord of the Rings Pinterest boards into the linky, and I'll follow it!

Pinned from The Nailsaurus.
One Ring nail polish. How amazingly geeky! I actually bought some gold nail polish in order to copy this design (minus the Black Toungue... I may just write "One does not simply walk into Mordor" in Tengwar, the Elvish script). However, it turns out that the nail polish is gold sparkles, not gold matte. Waste of a good $5. Oh, well...

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I love these Lord of the Rings movie memes... they do a wonderful job of reminding you of the best, funniest, and most emotional scenes... and making me wish I could just go do a nine hour movie marathon.

Pinned from ShaylynnAnn at DeviantArt
So this is something I made, is it bad that I'm posting it in my roundup? It's my all-time favorite quote from The Return of the King! This graphic was made for and published in Ink and Fairydust

Pinned from this tumblr blog, no idea what the original source is.
To quote the description on the pin:

German art student Benjamin Harff decided for his exam at the Academy of Arts to do something only slightly ambitious — to hand-illuminate and bind a copy of J.R.R. Tolkien’s Silmarillion. It took him six months of work. In very 21st century elvish-monk style, he hand-illuminated the text which had been printed on his home Canon inkjet printer. He worked with a binder to assemble the resulting book.

OK, I haven't had a time to look into this too closely-- I've only found a few images from this piece and a handful of text written in German, which I am rubbish at translating, but I need you to pause what you're doing for just a moment and let me go bounce off walls and do a happy dance! This is amazing! Celtic knotwork, illuminated manuscripts, calligraphy, The Silmarillion... what better combination can you get? You'll probably see more about this project as I find more information!

Pin from Lee Pace
A first look at Thranduil, the Elf King of Mirkwood, the captor of the Dwarves, and Legolas' father. At first I really didn't like his costume (the crown would be much better if it actually went all the way around his head), but it's grown on me. I like the silver/shadowy take on the Elves-- and it makes sense, since Mirkwood is a dark forest full of giant hobbit-eating spiders and is not the paradise of Rivendell or Lorien.

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That's an illustration of The Hobbit by Tolkien. Yes, by Tolkien. He wasn't just a genius storyteller, he was a phenomenal artist with a really unique and beautiful style!

That's all for now, folks, wish me luck at my class and enjoy these pines!

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