06 October 2012

Upcoming Art Piece

Frodo and Sam was my last honest-to-goodness pencil drawing. I was only 15 years old when I drew that (well, almost 16, but the point is that was over two years ago) and haven't done any large scale pieces since. I love pencil drawings, so I figured that it was high time to make a newer, better piece that can go into my portfolio.

Since this month is one of the craziest for me academically-- midterms in all subjects, long nights at my Chem I class, extra essays, the SAT and ACT, trying to do college tours, and waiting anxiously for my official transcript so I can apply to college-- as I was saying, in academics alone I am more busy than should be allowed, so of course I decided that now is the perfect time to do a big drawing! My logic is irrefutable!

I'm hoping to enter this into an art contest with a deadline in less than a week and have been spending every last ounce of free time drawing. (Literally. One night I was on a roll and stayed up until two in the morning drawing and was firmly convinced inside my head that it was only eleven o'clock). Unlike for Frodo and Sam, I'm not doing a portrait (the most fun yet also the most challenging) but this piece is definitely pushing me artistically in other ways.

I probably won't be blogging until I get this project finished-- I hope it turns out as wonderfully as it appears in my head. If it does, 'twill be kinda epic. If not, that's typical! Hang tight and I'll blog again soonish. :)

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