31 December 2012

6th Day of Christmas -- the little schremlin's "tengwar Hobbit notebook"

Today I'm delighted to share about the little schremlin, a darling little shop with items like polymer clay jewelry "inspired by science fiction, nature, and food!"

Here's a bio of Sarah, who runs the shop:

 i am a big fan of sci-fi, fantasy, the planet, and animals. not a fan of capitalization, cloudy days, or current 'music'. my shop currently has a lot of food jewelry which i will continue to make, but i'm also adding more science fiction and fantasy jewelry, notebooks, pencils, and book marks. stop by, look around, and check back for new stuff in the new year!

Basically, another wonderfully quirky shop to geek out about! There are many unique items...

like this hummingbird necklace!

hummingbird and flower necklace
and Luna Lovegood's Dirigible Plum (radish) earrings!

dirigible plum earrings
and Star Trek: The Next Generation in miniature polymer clay! TNG was my first introduction to Star Trek. We watched hours of it back when we were trying to sell our house and had weeks when Dad was at his new job and not at home; it was Mom's favorite way to spend a long evening. It was her first intro to Star Treck, too. TNG has a special place in our hearts. Mostly because of JEAN LUC PICARD and DATA! Yah! Anyways, back to little schremlin's lovely creation:

TNG crew: ST

Sarah of the little schremlin makes more than polymer jewelry, check out this lovely tengwar notebook!

personalized tengwar notebook

What's "tengwar," you may ask? (If you don't have to ask you already have +1,000 awesome points).

Back in the ancient days when my grandma was a child, J.R.R. Tolkien was writing The Lord of the Rings. He also happened to be a linguist by trade (and hobby). He created two entire Elvish languages (Quenya and Sindarin). Tengwar is the alphabet that he designed for these lyrical languages. It's a really beautiful script. :)

This mini notebook is hand cut + bound, and made of natural, high quality materials. The cover is made using Mr. Ellie Pooh’s Elephant Dung card stock (more on that here), and the notebook is filled with white paper and bound with baker’s twine.

The super cool parts are: 1) I will ink your name on in Tengwar on the cover, and 2) i made a paper pencil to go with it that reads "in a hole in the ground there lived a hobbit". 

the little schremlin is giving away one of these really unique handmade notebooks!
AND she's offering a coupon code just for my blog readers! You guys sure are lucky ducklings.
coupon code: shealynn ... 10% off any item, including sale items. valid through january.
 Use the rafflecopter widget below to enter by Jan 12, 2012!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

P.S. I hope all you wonderful blog readers are having a great Christmas and New Year's break! I'm enjoying having no school. Very much. We just said goodbye to some 40 family members (we had a BLAST) and I know this post is coming out late. But hey, it's before midnight, so it's technically still the 6th Day of Christmas!

P.P.S. Also, she has a blog! Forgot to link to it before. :)

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