18 August 2013

Beyond 'Talking Poltergeists' and 'The Nine Pattern'

Twyla Eller snapped a photo of 'Michael' and me during my visit to Centrahoma in August 1995.

My longtime readers may remember that it was eighteen years ago, August 1995, when I went to rural Oklahoma to interview a family experiencing what had been reported to be a 'talking poltergeist' haunting.  The predominant manifesting entity was known as 'Michael' in a case encompassing some UFOlogy aspects.

This reflective article begins with considering a somewhat humorous instance of flying saucers and 'The Nine Pattern', keeping in mind previous blog articles when I reflected about aspects of human creativity and mentioned circumstances of the movie "2001: A Space Odyssey" and of the popular song "Hotel California".

During the 1950s when Frank Scully, Donald E. Keyhoe, Truman Bethurum, Daniel Fry, Meade Layne, Orfeo Angelucci, Bryant and Helen Reeve, and others published books about flying saucers, the makers of many American movies considered the question of life on other worlds as entertainment, including:

"The Day the Earth Stood Still" (1951

"The Thing" (1951)

"Invaders From Mars" (1953)

"The War of the World" (1953)

"Forbidden Planet" (1956)

"Invasion of the Body Snatchers" (1956)

And then there was "Plan 9 from Outer Space" (1959) with Bela Lugosi.  The low-budget sci-fi movie was originally going to be entitled "Grave Robbers from Outer Space" and deals with a plan involving the resurrection of dead Earthlings by space people.

Directed and written by Edward D. Wood Jr., "Plan 9 from Outer Space" is sometimes promoted as one of the worst movies ever made yet this entertainment showed a wry sensibility devoid of any pretense of ambition toward achieving any semblance of dramatic pathos.

Ways to 'resurrect the dead'—or at least temporarily converse with humans who've made the transition to the ascended realm—may be found in the annals of transcendental communications.  Consider the work of Direct Voice mediums such as Leslie Flint and physical mediums such as Helen Duncan, both subjects of previous blog articles.  There are also the fields of Instrumental Transcommunication and the processes of 'channeling,' encompassing such aspects as trance mediumship, automatic writing and Ouija Board messages.  The transcendental communicators have often commented about the need to explain metaphysical truths in a metaphorical way due to the limited understanding of people on Earth.

As I mentioned in the article reviewing
Yada Speaks (1979), Yada di Shi-ite (among a group of transcendental teachers known as 'The Inner Circle') spoke through the entranced Mark Probert to make a statement where masses of people were compared to "the living dead."  His meaning was that they were not awake to spiritual knowledge and thus when they "leave the physical structure in what is called death, [they] enter only what is called the low-level astral plane" rather than "the highest realms of being."

It is easy to understand the popularity of vampires, zombies and other monsters such as Frankenstein that provide examples of 'the living dead' for contemporary people seeking amusement.  For some individuals, movies and novels provide a brief distraction from the problems and uncertainties of everyday life.  However, considering individuals who have some knowledge of continuing life in the ascended state through reading esoteric metaphysical sources and reflecting about their own experiences — if they are like me they would not find it worthwhile to allocate time to such foolish diversions.  After all, there is so much to learn and only a limited amount of time to accomplish good deeds during our ephemeral Earth lives.

Those who have read my case study book
Testament (1997) know that my spiritual awakening was extremely unusual.  I had read about a case involving "America's Talking Poltergeist" in a Fortean Times magazine article.  The ensuing events resulted with my 'resurrection' into a more spiritually conscious life.  I also became aware of synchronicity of certain words in paranormal case studies, including variations of the name 'Michael' and of the word 'bell.'

Another field for reflection in considering the perpetuity of existence would be cases suggesting individual physical reincarnation where physical resemblance and visions or memories of a previous life are a factor.  Two such cases have been profiled in other blog articles.  In some cases such as my own, an individual will learn about a pattern of life events from another epoch that shows parallels with the current lifetime.  On one occasion, I found an odd relic in an antique store in the vicinity of my home when I was living in the Echo Park district of Los Angeles.

The round silver 'pendant' displayed the countenance in profile of what appeared a rather grandiose ancient Egyptian who distinctly resembled me.  I learned that there was a period when Italy created replicas of Egyptian artifacts so the object described by some people as a medallion and by others as a coin seems to be one of these.

The antique store owner, Minnette, had traveled internationally to purchase antiques for her modest shop and I could only wonder about the origin of some of these items.  I recalled that among the press kits I had written as a Paramount publicist was one for "Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade."  I found an assortment of intriguing items at other local, comparatively inexpensive antique stores and also purchased remnants of a collection assembled at the Los Angeles Philosophical Research Society founded by Manley Hall.  Here are some of my finds.

My shopping mission to find lost antiquities and art treasures in local L.A. antique stores resulted from a theory that perhaps one way how Michael could prove His existence was by leading me to find lost art treasures through transmitted conscious thoughts.

Although I estimated the purchases could be evidence for skeptical or materialistically-oriented people, occasionally it would become dismaying that I was spending money in this manner when so many people throughout the world were starving to death.  I would sometimes have second thoughts about my decisions and choices.

One way of looking upon my life as chronicled in my books is that an evolution is shown from a corporate Hollywood publicist to a more spiritually aware person.  Earlier in my life, after high school my moviegoing pastime became related to career goals to some extent.  The movies I had admired—by such directors as Bergman, Fellini, Bunuel, Fassbinder and Goddard—were very different from commercial mainstream movies and I eventually realized the corrupting influence of the profit-driven corporate mentality.  The publishing industry also now seems too highly preoccupied with profit.

As a child, I saw the science fiction movies listed at the beginning of this article along with a multitude of all genres of films that were broadcast on TV or projected at the many local theatres in Pasadena, California.  The TV shows included "Superman," "The Outer Limits," "The Twilight Zone," "Lost In Space," "Star Trek," "The Munsters," "The Addams Family" (and just about everything else).  In fact, when I worked in the entertainment industry as a talent agent and then as a movie publicist I met an enormous quantity of TV and movie stars so the illusions of celebrity and glamour were eradicated in my younger years.  I began by being Mickey Rooney's 'assistant' in his talent agent's office, which resulted with me eventually becoming a franchised agent myself.  My job as publicist (staff writer), senior publicist and then a consultant to Paramount Pictures resulted after I helped my twin brother Mike (who then was Director of National Publicity) on some freelance assignments writing press kit production information for films that became big hits for the studio.

My goals upon accepting each of my entertainment industry jobs had been to develop connections for my original screenplays, including "Wonder of the World" based on my research into the life of Julia Pastrana; and an adaptation of Robert Silverberg's science fiction novel To Live Again.  Among the Paramount movies I helped publicize were the "The Addams Family," "Braveheart," "Fatal Attraction," "Forrest Gump," "Ghost," "The Godfather, Part III," "Scrooged," "Star Trek" movies, "U2 Rattle and Hum," and reissues of "1900" and "The Ten Commandments."  

My brother Mike still works in public relations and continues to watch TV and movies although he recently mentioned to me that it has been obvious for many years that there are fewer and fewer worthwhile movies being made.  Since Mike is a member of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, he receives through the mail DVDs for convenient viewing.  He and his partner earlier this year reached a settlement on their lawsuit against the Hollywood Foreign Press Association.  One of my previous articles considered being an identical twin: "Twin Telepathy by Guy Lyon Playfair".

Back in the 1980s and first half of the '90s, I couldn't understand how my screenplays had never been produced, considering the questionable interest level of most of what was being made; however, I would not be the same person that I am today if I had become a successful screenwriter.  Having been a cinema major at USC, I have devoted much time to contemplating the art form of film and one of my insights is that the moviegoing experience is mostly an activity involving hype.  The idea of a particular storyline is first promoted and interest is engendered as one's imagination is aroused.  The activity of eventually seeing the actual movie can never be as fulfilling as one's expectations.  As a publicist, I realized there were times when it seemed that more creativity went into publicizing a movie than could be found in the actual movies being promoted.  In 2013, moviegoers aren't needed by humanity; what is needed are spiritually aware benefactors.

After my 1995 interviews in Oklahoma, I returned home to Los Angeles and found the uncanny manifestations not only continuing but intensifying.  Due to the scope of the phenomena, I could only conclude that I was living my life in the Presence of an interacting Omnipresent Superconsciousness.  Previously, I had believed that circumstances relating to 'God' were beyond comprehension.  The expressions 'Christ Consciousness,' 'Oneness' and 'Holy Ghost' became recognizable as other ways of expressing (as I articulated in 2007) a "Spiritual Force that may be recognized through circumstances often described as coincidences and synchronicity, intuition and telepathy, prophetic dreams and visions, mediumship and trance channeling, healing, as well as events associated with such expressions as 'hauntings,' 'talking poltergeists' and 'electronic voice phenomena.'  This predicament might be articulated as all living things having a shared Subconscious Mind and 'Thought Conductor.'"

This photo was taken at the opening of a new Mickey Rooney franchise in 1980 with Ruth Webb just as I started working at her talent agency in the Hollywood Hills.  Below, in 1983 Ruth and I were photographed before attending the Academy Awards ceremony at the Dorothy Chandler Pavilion in Los Angeles.  Mickey was being honored with an honorary award.  Mickey's famous movie roles include Puck in "A Midsummer Night's Dream," Andy Hardy, and Ding 'Dingy' Bell in "It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World." 

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