16 March 2014

Case Profile: Edgar Cayce

Edgar Cayce (1877-1945) became known as an American mystic and "psychic diagnostician" healer following hypnotic sessions where he would go into a trance and his body would be used as a channel.  The communicating Intelligence would speak in plurality, usually beginning a 'reading' with a statement such as "We have the body . . ." and finishing upon saying "We are through for the present." 

I first learned about Cayce through reading Jess Stearn's biographies Edgar Cayce — The Sleeping Prophet (1967) and A Prophet in His Own Country — The Story of the Young Edgar Cayce (1974).  The first biography to be written about Cayce is There Is a River: The Story of Edgar Cayce (1943) by Thomas Sugrue, whose book heightened public understanding about Cayce during the final years of his life.  Sidney Kirkpatrick's Edgar Cayce: An American Prophet was published in 2000.

Since 2005, I've occasionally studied portions of the extant 14,306 Cayce channeled reading transcripts, which are available for purchase on a CD from the Association for Research and Enlightenment.  Other books about Cayce include The Discovery of Edgar Cayce (1964) by Wesley H. Ketchum, M.D., Venture Inward (1964) by Hugh Lynn Cayce, My Life with Edgar Cayce (1970) by David E. Kahn as told to Will Oursler, and My Years with Edgar Cayce: The Personal Story of Gladys Davis Turner (1972) by Mary Ellen Carter.

An organization founded by Cayce in 1931, the Association for Research and Enlightenment at present identifies some categories for subjects in the readings:

Dreams and Dream Interpretation

ESP and Psychic Phenomena

Health-Related Information


Philosophy and Reincarnation

Spiritual Growth, Meditation, and Prayer

In Venture Inward, Cayce's eldest son Hugh Lynn Cayce quoted from newspaper and magazine articles chronicling his father's life, including the facts pertaining to Edgar Cayce's discovery of his psychic ability.  He had lost his voice in April 1900 and for nearly ten months was unable to speak above a whisper.

It was this throat paralysis which led Edgar Cayce to try hypnosis.  After putting himself into a sleeplike state, Edgar gave suggestions for relieving his own throat paralysis.  A friend, Al Layne, who was simultaneously studying osteopathy and hypnosis, tried asking the sleeping man about some of his most difficult cases.  Edgar talked intelligently about them also.  A strange partnership developed.  When his voice failed, Edgar asked Layne to give him suggestions while he slept, which restored his voice; and when Layne needed help on a case, he sought advice from Edgar.

Newspapers headlines summarized the unusual aspects of the case.

In a Trance
Bowling Green Man is Able
To Diagnose Human Ills.
Has No Recollection of It
When He Awakes, and Does Not Pre-
tend to Understand His Wonderful Power.
(Bowling Green June 22, 1903)

X-ray Not in It With
This Bowling Green Man

Edgar Cayce Startles Medical
Men with His Trances

He Diagnoses Diseases in Persons Far
Distant and Tells What Treatment
to Give Them.
(Nashville March 29, 1904)

Further headlines appeared after Dr. Wesley H. Ketchum contributed a paper read in Boston at the annual meeting of the American Association of Clinical Research in 1910.  A Boston newspaper reported:

According to Dr. Ketchum the "illiterate," whose name is not divulged, while in a state of auto-hypnosis drops into medical phraseology with the familiarity of a skilled medical man.

Dr. Ketchum says he has taken several patients to the young man, who diagnosed their cases correctly.  He says he took to him the daughter of a prominent Cincinnati man whose case has been pronounced by several physicians as hopeless.  The "illiterate" went into a trance, prescribed a course of treatment, and in three months, according to Dr. Ketchum, she was entirely well.

Cayce's psychic ability continued to attract the attention of journalists throughout his life.  The following headline was published in Birmingham in 1922 when he was there to give readings.
"Peculiar Gift Has Been Mine
Since Youth," Says Edgar Cayce

Mysticism, Psychism, or What You Will, Envelops
Man Whose Power in Healing Has Created Tremendous
Interest Among All Conditions of Men
Cayce never completed an autobiography during his lifetime yet there was an unfinished 1932 memoir and other occasional writings, including church lectures.  Due to the newspaper and magazine reports, he became recognizable on a widespread basis with many famous and influential people known to have consulted him.

A. Robert Smith compiled and edited a book about Cayce's 'lost memoirs' in 1997.  One incident that has not been documented was mentioned by Cayce in 1932. 

"I was called to Washington to give information for one high in authority.  This, I am sure, must have been at least interesting, as I was called a year or so later for the same purpose."
The trip during the presidency of Woodrow Wilson was regarded as a matter of confidentiality by Cayce.  Cayce's writings include remembrances of childhood anecdotes that are included in Smith's book. 

Around the age of nine, Cayce would be visited by his late grandfather and play with children in the barn although there were no children residing in the area.  An account was related of his first "vision" in 1890.

Kneeling by my bed that night, I prayed again that God would show me that He loved me, that He would give me the ability to do something for my fellow man which would show to them His love, even as the actions of His little creatures in the woods showed me their trust in one who loved them.

I was not yet asleep when the vision first began, but I felt as if I were being lifted up. A glorious light as of the rising morning sun seemed to fill the whole room, and a figure appeared at the foot of my bed.  I was sure it was my mother, and I called to her, but she didn’t answer.  For the moment I was frightened, climbed out of bed and went to my mother’s room.  No, she hadn’t called. Almost immediately after I returned to my couch, the figure came again.  Then it seemed all gloriously bright—an angel, or what, I knew not; but gently, patiently, it said: "Thy prayers are heard. You will have your wish.  Remain faithful. Be true to yourself. Help the sick, the afflicted."

Cayce left a description of what happened on the day following this incident, referring to himself in the third person by his childhood nickname 'eddy.'

In school next day eddy missed his lessons as usual-and had to return to write the word cabin 500 times on blackboard. and when he arrived at home that evening his Father was waiting for him- eddy studied his lessons in the evening but seemed not to be able to concentrate, at about 11 that even[ing] he had the first experience of hearing the voice with-in-and it recalled the voice of the visitor of the evening beforebut it said "Sleep and we may help you" eddy asked his father to let him sleep five minutes, he slept and at the end of the time eddy knew every word in that particular speller.

Cayce left school after the sixth grade.  In 1894 one afternoon he was working on a farm for his uncle when after dinner there was "another celestial visitor."

Thinking it was someone from the farm, I answered before looking around.  But I had a strange feeling of pleasantness, a lightness not of an earthly nature, and when I looked, I beheld what appeared to be the same vision I had seen in the cove in the wood.  This time I was told: "Leave your plow, go to your mother, she needs you near her.  A way will be provided. Go now."

After that night, he no longer worked at the farm.  Cayce found employment at a bookstore and later in other stores.  He also worked as a book wholesaler before becoming an insurance salesman offering a group rate for members of fraternal lodges.  In this occupation he experienced the voice ailment where he could speak only in a whisper.  He also worked as a photographer before becoming established in his occupation as "psychic diagnostician."

In My Life with Edgar Cayce, David Kahn recalled that the book that most interested him was the Bible, which he read "once each year throughout his life, from cover to cover."  Kahn wrote: "He became a teacher in Sunday school, and preached in the Campbellite Christian Church until he went to Virginia Beach, where he became a member of the Presbyterian Church." 
Instrumental to his accomplishments were his wife Gertrude and his secretary Gladys Davis.  Jess Stearn wrote about them in his 1967 biography: "Gertrude was the partner who kept him on the track in moments of wavering, Gladys Davis the outlet for the petty frustrations that plagued his day . . . She went to work for him at eighteen, lived in the house, and took down almost every reading from September 1923 until his death in January 1945."

This is a 1940 photograph of Edgar and Gertrude Cayce with Gladys Davis.

Hugh Lynn Cayce wrote about his father’s psychic readings in the book Venture Inward.  There were an estimated 16,000 readings given by Cayce between 1901 and 1944.  Gladys Davis transcribed and filed the readings with the correspondence pertaining to them.  Hugh wrote that the early readings were lost.  Fifty-seven more readings have been found since the time of his book’s publication.

Thousands of request letters, reports, and other documents are filed with these readings. Of this number 8,976 deal with problems of the mind and the physical body. There are also approximately 2,500 readings dealing with vocational, psychological, and human-relations problems.  These have been called "life readings."  In addition there are 2,662 miscellaneous readings.

Hugh noted, "All of this material seemed to come through or out of his unconscious mind."
A businessman interested in metaphysics, Arthur Lammers became a benefactor for Cayce and proposed organizing a psychic research society dedicated to Cayce's work.  Readings brought information about a variety of spiritual topics, such as the soul, evolution and spiritual laws.  When Lammers had financial difficulty and could no longer finance Cayce's readings, Gladys Davis Turner recalled their predicament in Dayton, Ohio as chronicled in My Years with Edgar Cayce.

By January, 1924, they were stranded, with no income except for occasional readings.  Photo Products business failed; Linden Shroyer, who was out of a job, conducted the readings.  They continued to keep the hotel room for their office, but there were no appointments at times, and it became a cold, hard winter.  Edgar, Linden, and Gladys were at the office the day they were so broke there was nothing left for the next meal.  Gladys could remember hard times at home, but never had she faced going hungry.  Her heart sank when she heard Edgar say, "I don't know what we can do.  I don't know what I'll tell Gertrude."

A few moments later, there was a knock at the door.  When Linden opened it, there stood a man who said, "I was passing through town and don't have long to stay.  I'd like very much to have a reading."  With that he pulled out $25 in bills and handed them to Edgar, who nodded in disbelief.  "I'll give you a reading right away."

"I'll pick it up Saturday," said the stranger and went away.

Gladys found this incident to be "one of many indications that Edgar was in the hands of Providence."

Doris Agee was a researcher who knew Cayce when she was a child living in Virginia Beach.  In the third chapter of her book Edgar Cayce on ESP (1969) "Unusual Clairvoyance," Agee commented about the October 9, 1933 reading 5756-9 (when information was provided about "the concept of personality of discarnate entities or souls"): "Most interesting, though, is the fact that it was delivered by Cayce in a distinctly British voice, unlike any accent he had ever used before or would use again in a reading!"  The series of readings assigned to number 5756 address—as worded in the question beginning 5756-3 of March 16, 1927—"communication with those that have passed into the spirit plane." 

Agee reported in Chapter Six: "It has been estimated that during his lifetime Edgar Cayce spoke in some two dozen different languages while giving readings, although he had conscious knowledge only of English."  Agee cited examples found in channeled reading transcripts 4591-1 of January 27, 1918 and 373-1 of July 11, 1933. Agee wrote:

Cayce was living in Selma, Alabama in 1917 when a woman in Palermo, Sicily, heard of him and wrote to request proper diagnosis and treatment for an abdominal illness.  Her letter was in Italian, so Cayce sent it off to a friend in Tuscaloosa for translation.

The reading, when it was given in January 27, 1918, was entirely in Italian.  An Italian fruit dealer, hastily summoned to Cayce’s studio from his stand nearby, was able to take it down in longhand and dictate the translation to the stenographer afterwards.

And here’s another case.  On July 11, 1933, Edgar Cayce began to give a life reading for Hans Mueller of New York, who had been born 53 years earlier in Frankfort, Germany.

The customary reading suggestion was made.  Cayce repeated it to himself and then began his usual custom of going back over the dates from the present until he reached the subject’s date of birth.  Then he said, "Yes, we have the entity and those relations with the universe and universal forces, that are latent and manifested in the personality of the present entity, known as Hans Mueller."

Now, however, he became silent.  After a long pause, he began to utter a series of German words.  Cayce, as we’ve mentioned, had no knowledge of the German language; nor did his wife, who was conducting the reading; nor did his secretary, Gladys Davis (Turner), who could only take down the words phonetically.

In 3812-4 of January 5, 1931, where buried treasures are sought with half of each treasure to be set aside in a charitable fund, Thomas House, Jr. asked his father, Thomas B. House, to give advice (in spirit) concerning the undertaking.  The response as noted was:
(A) Thomas, be not loud-mouthed; neither be overanxious.  Take things easy, my boy, knowing there is that in self through which all forces may MAGNIFY themselves in thee.  HEED that given, son.  We are through.
5756-10 from October 24, 1933 answered a question about psychic phenomena and Spiritualism/Spiritism. At the conclusion of the reading, the comment was recorded: ". . . The forces gathered here may be used in gaining this concept. As ye seek, ask first if all these are present: Lamech, Confucius, Tamah, Halaliel, Hebe, Ra, Ra-Ta, John."  Later, on the same day as recorded in the transcript of reading 5756-11, Gertrude Cayce asked these named entities, "How did the influence known as Spirit move upon the various matters that came into existence?  And how did the influence manifest itself upon the beings that separated into the varied kingdoms that inhabit such as the earth? You will please also give the next question."
3. The individuals named were known as individuals and personalities in the earth's sphere, and had (and have) an influence upon the thoughts of man; hence they (the influence they represent) are capable of guiding the information in such a manner as may be comprehendable to those that would seek to know the truth; that may be presented, and that may be demonstrable (that's a very good word!) in individual lives.  Hence we each may be assured, by the presence of the beloved disciple, that our own Christian concept will have its place throughout the discussion.
In 5756-12 of May 18, 1934, Mrs. Cayce again addressed the eight previously named 'forces'; however, the session abruptly ended with the following responses recorded.
2. EC: (After suggestion had been repeated three times, he said "Stop!" at end of first question.  GC had her hand on his eyes at this time and jumped at this.)

3. All the influence and force are not combined in one in the present.  Ye must tarry longer.

4. Not in the present, but we would give that which surrounds the source, place, force, that is seen here.  For, the walls are jasper, the ceilings are beryl, the doors are beryl, the floors are pure gold, the light is the Lamb.  The shape is not square, not perpendicular - walls.  Much is here that may be given to those that seek to know the mysteries of those influences that go to make up that which impels man in his activity in the earth.

5. Mental man, spirit man, is the sum of that he does in the light of the Lamb.  That -

6. We are through.  We must turn back. We MUST!  We have a duty to perform for those - [faded into silence].
5756-13 of July 9, 1934 is a transcript of what was said following a reading and after Gertrude Cayce gave the suggestion for waking Edgar.  There was heard through the entranced Cayce: "There are some here that would speak with those that are present, if they desire to so communicate with them."  Gertrude said, "We desire to have at this time that which would be given."  This was the response

3. EC: [Long pause] Don't all speak at once. [Pause] Yes.  I knew you would be waiting, though.  Yes?  Haven't found him before?  All together then now, huh?  Uncle Porter, too?  He was able to ease it right away, huh?  WHO?  Dr. House?  No.  Oh, no.  No, she is alright.  Yes, LOTS better.  Isn't giving any trouble now.  Haven't seen her?  Why?  Where have you been?  Oh.  She is in another change?  How long will they stay there?  Oh, they don't count time like that.  Oh, you do have 'em. Well, those must be pretty now, if they are all growing like that way.  Yes?  Yes, I'll tell her about 'em.  Tell Gertrude you are all together now, huh?  Uncle Porter, Dr. House, your mother?  And Grandma.  Oh.  Grandpa still building.  Oh, he made the house; yeah.  Tell Tommy what?  YES!  Lynn?  Yes, he's at home.  Oh, you knew that!  Huh?  Ain't any difference?  Well, how about the weather?  Oh, the weather don't affect you now.  Don't change.  Oh, you have what you want to - depends on where you go.  Sure, when you are subject to that anyway.  Little baby too!  How big is it?  Oh, he is GROWN now, huh?  Yes.  Coming back!  When?  Oh.  Uhhuh.  Alright.  Why?  Oh yes, they hear you - I'm sure they do.  I hear you!  For Gertrude?  Yes, she is here - she hears you.  Oh, yes!

4. (Q) I don't hear.  May I have the message?
(A) Sure, she hears you; don't you hear her talking?  No, I don't know what she says.

5. (Q) I don't hear.  Will you repeat the message for me?
(A) Mama and Dr. House and Uncle Porter and the baby - we are all here.  Grandpa has built the home here, and it's NICE!  And we are all waiting until you come, and we will all be here ready - we are getting along FINE, doing WELL, yes!

No.  No more troubles now, for spring borders all along the way; for we have reached together where we see the light and know the pathway to the Savior is along the narrow way that leads to HIS throne.  We are on that plane where you have heard it spoken of that the body, the mind, are one with those things we have builded.  Yes, I still play baseball, and Charlie has recently joined my club and I am still Captain to many of 'em.  Well, we will be waiting for you!

6. (Q) Who was this speaking?
(A) Who was this SPEAKING? HUGH!  [GC's brother, Hugh Evans.]

7. (Q) Is that all?
Gladys Davis Turner recalled this incident, as chronicled by Mary Ellen Carter in My Years with Edgar Cayce.

When Gertrude sais "Is that all"?  Edgar went on: "That Gladys?"

Gladys stiffened.  So far, all the messages had been for the Cayces.  She had not expected to be singled out.  "Tell Tiny," Edgar's voice continued, "not to be so severe with 'Cile, else she will have a greater problem on her hands than has been in the last few weeks.  Burt can handle it much better."

"Who is this speaking?" Gertrude asked.

"Thomas Davis!"

It's Papa, Gladys thought, and her heart flew to little 'Cile who was at that time living with Tiny.  Papa had picked up the friction between them and the correct solution!  Oh, she must tell [her brother] Burt . . .

When she talked over the conversation with Edgar later, he looked at her with surprise.  "I certainly didn't know about any trouble between your sisters, Miss Gladys."  Burt did step in and assumed responsibility for 'Cile, taking over from Tiny at a time when she was swamped with her own responsibilities.

This reading is also mentioned by Hugh Lynn Cayce in Venture Inward.  A portion of the following was among the unusual reading excerpts quoted by Hugh Lynn Cayce, who explained that the following was given at the end of a reading interpreting a dream.
[From text of channeled reading 3976-3 given on January 24, 1925]

1. EC: Have some terribly hard times in China to-day.  In the Manchurian region, a flood and fire both.  Many peoples are passing into the Borderland, their entities taking their position as has been manifest through their environment in the earth plane at present time.  There are those conditions arising from this great boredom in the consciousness of many that will bring the revolution in the minds of many peoples, and begin that understanding of the purpose of the Gift of God to the World in the One made manifest in the flesh, and able to bring the consciousness made manifest in the world to the peoples.  Hence many will be able through this to lay aside the physical and again manifest in a physical before men.
In the book Hugh Lynn associated reading 538-28 of May 6, 1929 with the man who’d been the Cayce family physician in Selma, Alabama as there were some comments to Gertrude Cayce that ended with the following.
7. But Sister, know this - whenever you, yourself, are in the position of the questionnaire, or the one seeking to gain for another such information, call ME - I will answer.  This is Gay.  We are through.
In the report of the reading, Gladys Davis noted "We understood that above message [538-28] was from Dr. Samuel G. Gay, M.D., who had been the Cayce family doctor in Selma, Alabama, and who had nicknamed GC 'Sister.'"  Another reading, 341-30 of December 21, 1933, concluded: "Yes, this is Gay, and I will speak with thee again.  We are through."

Throughout the readings transcripts, contemplation of moral and spiritual matters are encouraged through commentary that occasionally encompasses figurative language.  As mentioned in a previous blog article, there are sections of the transcripts where Michael, 'Lord of the Way,' was heard.  Keeping in mind that visitors from the ascended realm have been extensively documented as communicating metaphorically because of limited spiritual understanding of Earth people, these passages seem to offer instances of hyperbole. 

294 is the number assigned to readings concerning Edgar Cayce himself.  In 294-208 from March 14, 1944, the question is given to the entranced Cayce to describe body conditions of Cayce himself.  As revealed in the following excerpt, there was a noticeable change in temperament before the conclusion of the discourse.





21. But don’t be PIGS!

22. Do keep the body in that manner of activity as to eliminate the poisons.

23. And then keep the body-mind, the body-physical, clean in the sight of thy God.

24. We are through. 
The voice heard during the Lord of the Way interludes was described as "thunderous" in the Gladys Davis biography: "Each time there was no one in the room who was not moved . . . Gladys felt powerful vibrations and knew that she was in the presence of something momentous."  Preceding these statements in the transcript for reading 294-208 were the more typical, somber language that reflected the majority of the transcripts that I'd read.
4. In the present the unbalanced condition in the physical of the alkalinity and acidity has caused and does cause, congested areas in the functioning of the body.  These as to their sources have in the main arisen from anger (physical) produced by the activities of environs about the body; thus causing the throwing into the lymph circulation those poisons which reacted upon the general physical body-relationships with the mental and spiritual activities of the body.

5. For the glands secrete according to impulse from the emotional system. This has been, then, the source of the disturbances in the body.

6. These cause, then, congestion in soft tissue of head, face, throat, bronchi and through the lymph of the alimentary canal.

7. Physically there is needed in the present the keeping of a balance in the alkalinity of the body.

8. In the mental and spiritual aspects of the body there needs to be kept consistency of the mental and spiritual activities with the physical aspects of the entity’s relationships to the efforts thereof, if there would be kept the better balance in the body.

9. Keep, then, such an activity physically as to rejuvenate, revivify, the respiratory system; as might be indicated with definite periods each morning for a walk in the air, consistently - not spasmodically; a form of exercise as to cause a better activity through the body - and then just keeping in that way of being consistent.

10. Don't preach, don't act in one direction and then say or do those things in another direction.

11. Be patient with those who are weak.

12. Be kind to those who are even ugly.

13. Be gentle with those activities wherein there is the necessity that ye live consistently, that ye be consistent with that ye would represent among thy fellow men.

14. For know, the Lord is in His holy temple.  If thou hast, as His child, desecrated thy temple - in word, in act, in deed - know that ye alone may make those corrections, and that thy body is the temple of the living God.  Act as though it were, and not as if it were a pigpen or a place of garbage for the activities of others.

15. Then keep thy body, thy mind, wholly in an active service for thy Lord.

Edgar Cayce readings together with records of other notable channeling cases reveal that the communicators are involved with what might be described as a 'Control' or intermediary all-knowing guiding Force.  As mentioned in a previous blog article, the 1872 Flashes of Light from the Spirit-Land, Through the Mediumship of Mrs. J. H. Conant (a collection of transcripts of channeled communication through Conant) included a quotation of "controlling spirit" Theodore Parker, who spoke through the medium in 1869: ". . . In the first place, it should be understood that these séances are not controlled at all times by the same spirit, but for each occasion an intelligence is selected best adapted to that occasion."

A guardian angel in the Edgar Cayce reading transcripts is understood to be a person of the ascended realm dedicated to accompany a human being on Earth throughout her or his life.  In 311-6 from September 19, 1931, when the subject of a reading asks "Who is giving this information?," the response through Edgar Cayce is: "That same that stood in the position for the entity as a guide, and an aide, and that one who may be termed the guardian of this entity's activities - Demetrius."  The questioner eventually asked, "What is Demetrius at present?"
(A) The body’s guardian angel. As he stood and reasoned with Paul, again as he stood as the AIDE to Paul IN the spirit world, THIS ENTITY in attune WITH that AS WAS given by THIS entity as the messenger in Egypt - for Demetrius THERE, AGAIN, the brother and the aide in the flesh.
In 2897-4 from August 14, 1931, a reading subject asked, "Can you contact Azul (phonetic spelling) for me?"  This is what followed.
4. (A) Demetrius - Michael; Azul - no.

5. (Q) You cannot? 
(A) Cannot.

6. (Q) Why? 
(A) There are barriers between this body and Azul, as produced by that between Demetrius and between Michael.

7. (Q) Can you contact Azul for anyone else?
(A) Not under these conditions; for I, Michael, speak as the Lord of the Way.  Bow thine heads, O ye peoples, that would seek to know the mysteries of that life as makes for those FALTERING steps in men's lives when not applied in the manner as has been laid down.  O ye stiff-necked and adulterous generation!  Who WILL approach the Throne that ye may know that there is NONE that surpasses the Son of Man in His approach to HUMAN experience in the material world!
The following is from 1646-1 from July 23, 1938.
39. (Q) Is the guardian angel a healing force for physical betterment?
(A) The guardian angel - that is the companion of each soul as it enters into a material experience - is ever an influence for the keeping of that attunement between the creative energies or forces of the soul-entity AND health, life, light and immortality.  Thus, to be sure, it is a portion of that influence for HEALING forces.
2246-1 from June 11, 1941 mentioned "the Christ-Consciousness, the Holy Spirit AND thy guardian angel bear witness in the spirit."

2746-1 of May 8, 1942 is an example of a reading transcripts where there was a response to an inquiry about the relation of an individual with the universe and universal forces.  The individual represented by number 2746 was a naval officer.  The following excerpts are from the first two 2746 transcripts. 2746-2 was held on November 11, 1943.
36. For, with what measure ye mete it will be measured to thee again.  As ye do unto the least of thy brethren, ye do unto thy Maker.

39. (Q) What development do I seek in this appearance?
(A) To find thyself and thy relationships to thy Maker, through the application of thy ideals to thy fellow man.

40. How can I develop a clearer spiritual understanding? 

(A) Learn to know what is thy ideal - to each individual.  For, the spirit answers to spirit within, and that becomes wisdom AND knowledge.  Knowledge without wisdom, as the entity experienced in Atlantis, may become dangerous.  But LOVE and its fulfillment is the beginning of wisdom.

41. (Q) How can I get a better understanding of those with whom I associate?
(A) Judge as ye would have them judge thee.  Condemn none, as ye would not be condemned.

42. (Q) How can I better prepare myself for the work I have chosen and for leadership?
(A) By prayer and meditation.  It IS innate and natural, yet the basis of service must be as of the ideal; not merely idealistic - for that indicates unattainable, but "Be ye PERFECT, even as I am perfect," said He.  This then is in purpose, in intent, in hope, in application. This is the manner to attain to leadership.

Ask no one to do that ye would not do thyself.  Ask no one to do that the LORD thy Master did not do.

16. (Q) Is it indicated as to the time when I can expect my next change in duty, and where?
(A) This as we find would come rather in the regular channels, that any specific period set in the present.  These activities are running in their regular order in the present.  The change would be about six months from now. But at the completion of the present unpleasantness (called by some; disturbance, called by others; horrors, called by others), go on dry land and stay there.

17. (Q) At completion of my yard period, where is it indicated that my field of operations will be?
(A) That depends upon the choices made.

18. (Q) How can I find interest in the subjects I am required to study?
(A) Make the practical application of any subject - this is the only manner in which interest may be acquired.  Unless the studies are used, they become abuses - in whatever direction they may be.  If one even attempts to study spiritual truths and makes no application of same, they become millstones about the neck.  If one studies navigation and navigates none, it will mean little.  He may have knowledge, but knowledge in such becomes as that of knowing good and evil.

25. (Q) What work should I follow when the war is ended?
A) As indicated,
that type or class of work in which the entity was engaged in the Egyptian experience.  The entity has learned much of the needs of peoples of many lands.  There will be the needs for the understanding in many lands of what the American SPIRITUAL ideals are!  You can carry such an understanding to them in ways that few people may!  As to whether ye yourself work in the soil, or attend to those activities about a yard, or whether in the home and the preparation of those things for others to attain in various lands, it matters not - but let the spirit of truth direct!

26. We are through with this reading.
The transcript for 1152-11 of August 13, 1941 includes:
30. (Q) Should California or Virginia Beach be considered at all, or where is the right place that God has already provided for me to live?
(A) As indicated, these choices should be made rather in self.  Virginia Beach or the area is much safer as a definite place.  But the work of the entity should embrace most all of the areas from the east to the west coast, in its persuading - not as a preacher, nor as one bringing a message of doom, but as a loving warning to all groups, clubs, woman’s clubs, writer’s clubs, art groups, those of every form of club, that there needs be - in their activities - definite work towards the knowledge of the power of the Son of God’s activity in the affairs of men.

45. (Q) Is Virginia Beach to be safe?
(A) It is the center - and the only seaport and center - of the White Brotherhood.
This White Brotherhood that was mentioned is addressed in other Cayce channeled reading texts as well as other sources chronicling transcendental communication, including the cases of H. P. Blavatsky and Guy and Edna Ballard.  In 440-8 of December 21, 1933, a seeker asked if he had "reached a point in his development where he contacts or may contact the White Brotherhood?"  The response was given: "The brother of brothers, the Christ!"

A. Robert Smith collaborated with Edgar Cayce's son for a book published in 1988: Hugh Lynn Cayce: About My Father's Business.  Among the circumstances chronicled is the succession of books that have been published about Edgar Cayce. 

After the success of his yoga book, [Jess] Stearn began a new book with the working title, The Psychic Age, but he couldn't get it to gel.  His publisher's sale representative in California suggested that a whole book about Cayce would be more interesting. Stearn agreed, but pointed out that Sugrue had already done such a book.  His publisher thought otherwise, because Jess would do it differently, so he abandoned The Psychic Age in favor of a Cayce book.

He went on to Virginia Beach to gather material, this time staying the winter, living in an empty oceanfront hotel, listening to stories told about by Hugh Lynn and Gladys, interviewing people who had had readings, and researching the readings.

Stearn recalls that everyone was helpful.  "I was in the old library reading one day when Hugh Lynn showed me a reading that said, 'Be helpful to Stern [SIC] when he comes down from New York because he can help the organization financially.'  Later he showed me another reading that said, 'Have Kahn tell Stern about the work.'  I looked at it and felt water in my stomach because Kahn was the one who first told me about the whole thing.  That sort of electrified me."

The first book of many published with the authorization of the Association for Research and Enlightenment was Edgar Cayce on Reincarnation (1967) by Noel Langley.

Hugh Lynn Cayce wrote in the chapter "A Boundless Unconscious" in Venture Inward:
As my father saw it from the unconscious state, the earth is only a tiny point in a vast pattern of what man calls matter.  Individual souls in spirit form, through the application of will in the expression of selfish desires, pushed into matter and brought confusion into the earth.  Through the guidance of the Christ-Soul the earth has been made a ladder up which souls may return to a consciousness of at-onement with the Creator.  Through a series of incarnations in matter in human form the soul can learn to cleanse itself of the selfish desires blocking its more perfect understanding and to apply spiritual law in relation to matter.  Urges created in the material plane must be met and overcome, or used, in the material plane.

Rebirth in the earth plane occurs as a result of individual need.  It may follow a definite cycle or vary according to the development of the soul in this and intermediary planes.  The number of incarnations is not limited.

Sex changes in various incarnations according to development and expression in previous periods.  During one lifetime souls are associated with others with whom they have been connected in past lives, or with souls whose development is similar.  A man builds his own station in life.

As I understand it, forgiveness of sins in the religious sense is related to the laws of cause and effect.

The information in a great many different Edgar Cayce readings describes a world of thought forms, thought patterns, which are built up by individual and mass thought, planning and purposes held at the mind level.  This thought world is a world of matter, but matter in an energy pattern which can be molded by mind.

Described in one reading as "those experiences in the earth's plane and the urges seen from the sojourns," commentary about an individual's previous lives found in the life readings are comparable to circumstances chronicled in books about information deriving from hypnotic trance therapy sessions involving past life regression.  The transcript for 524-2 of June 14, 1934 includes:

15. (Q) What is the lesson that may be drawn from my entrance into the present plane?

(A) That purpose for which the soul entered in, under those circumstances and conditions in the earth's experience in the present, that the soul might meet in this experience that which will make for the more sureness in Him.  For, the earth is His and the fullness thereof.  For, as given, God and the Chirst Spirit is Life itself; and the motivating force of the soul is either for that companionship, that association, that development which will make such a soul-body as a fit companion for that Creative Influence manifested in the earth in Him, or it is for separating self from Him.

KNOW, then, that in this experience thou mayest come to know him as thine daily companion in whatsoever thou doest . . .
The complete Edgar Cayce readings transcripts are archived at the Edgar Cayce Library (www.atlasobscura.com photo).

The following excerpts from the Edgar Cayce channeled reading transcripts present some more noteworthy passages.
[From text of channeled reading 13-2 given on March 24, 1932]

19. (Q) I have a longing to enjoy a deep religious experience with God, but owing to low physical vitality I have trouble in keeping my faith sustained.  What would you recommend?
(A) In the application of the physical forces as are manifested in a material world, individuals often lose sight of the fact that all force as is manifested in a material world emanates from that source that BROUGHT the world INTO being.  Because there arises much that apparently is within the ken or scope of individual accomplishments, the credit is given to man's forces - or the lack of man's ability, or accredited in man's own making, rather than that man, or those men, or those conditions, are rather but the channels of a manifestation of that One Force as brought them into being.

[From text of channeled reading 257-134 given on July 16, 1934]

13. . . . But all must come to the knowledge that "I AM my brother’s keeper."  And until the world, or those in authority, those in power from the angle or standpoint of that which is the exchange medium between individual groups in their affairs, socially, commercially and spiritually, recognize that this is true, and that each group is dependent one upon another, little progress of a lasting nature will be made.

[From text of channeled reading 262-28 given on September 18, 1932]

18. (Q) What is the relationship between Michael the lord of the way, and Christ the way?
(A) Michael is an archangel that stands before the throne of the Father.  The Christ is the Son, the way TO the Father, and one that came into the earth as man, the Son of man, that man might have the access to the Father; hence the way.  Michael is the lord or the guard of the change that comes in every soul that seeks the way, even as in those periods when his manifestations came in the earth.


19. We are through.

[From text of channeled reading 262-46 given on May 28, 1933]

12. (Q) Please give a definition for, "God so loved the world as to give His only begotten son."
(A) A beautiful lesson has just been given, and definition. This may suit those seeking this the better.

God, the Father, the first cause, seeking - in the manifestations of self - brought the world, as we (as individuals) observe it about us, into being - THROUGH love; giving to man, His creation, His creatures, that ability to become one with Him.  That son WE have called the Son of man, the Christ Spirit, the love made manifest in bringing the creature into material being in a plane we have called earth.  That son was shown, then, the way, through the love of the Father, and He made manifest that love in giving His earthly, material life for a cause, an ensample, a mediation, a contact with the Father, a mediator for man. Hence in love, through love, God IS love, in the Christ Consciousness, the Christ Spirit; the Son of man made same manifest in all the experiences through the earth.  Hence, as given by the beloved disciple, "God so loved the world as to give His only begotten son," that we, THROUGH Him, might have life - God - more abundant.  He, though He were the Son, learned obedience through the things which He suffered.  He that climbs up any other way than accepting those things that are to be met day by day, even as He, seeks through some other channel.  The servant may never be greater than the master.  He has given that we may be equal and one with Him, yet through Him, His manifestations, in Him, we live in the earth, we move and have our being.

[From text of channeled reading 294-142 given on April 23, 1932]

3. (A) . . . the heart and the liver are of the physical body the motivating forces, or impulses, that carry the stream of life itself; or as the brain is that motivating center of impulse or mind.
[From text of channeled reading 900-159 given on November 10, 1925 for a stockbroker]

13. (Q) I saw the funny section of the Sunday newspaper.  On the top section of this was information about Sugar Bonds.

We read from the funny page a passage that seemed quoted on this page, from some magazine - "Literary Digest" it seemed, although I'm not sure.  The quotation was from some essay, something as follows: "A tingling feeling came all over me" - etc.  At which Edgar Cayce in the psychic state spoke up, interrupting in solemn manner as follows: "What's the matter with you - not feeling good?"  At this I roared with laughter and thought: "There is humor in this psychic work too - fellow ought to laugh sometimes."
(A) This, as is seen gives to the entity that full condition that pertains to that as is seen on funny page, the sugar quotations as were given, see?  That as is seen as quotation from essay in funny paper, that as is seen, funny paper, Digest, all are of a oneness and each necessary in its own individual place or niche, and as is recognizable by the entity, necessary in every way that that necessary laughter, gladness, be the message of each entity in every manner - not the long faced fellow that gets way, see?  One that can give the best through the pleasing countenance.

[From text of channeled reading 991-1 given on August 16, 1935]

59. (Q) Why do I have a leaning more towards Christianity than Judaism?
(A) Hast thou not tried both?  Hast thou not found that the ESSENCE, the truth, the REAL truth is ONE? Mercy and justice; peace and harmony.  For without Moses and his leader Joshua (that was bodily Jesus) there IS no Christ.  CHRIST is not a man!  JESUS was the man; Christ the messenger; Christ in all ages, Jesus in one, Joshua in another, Melchizedek in another; THESE be those that led Judaism!  These be they that came as that child of promise, as to the children of promise; and the promise is in thee, that ye lead as He has given thee, "Feed my sheep."

[From text of channeled reading 993-4 given on August 14, 1935]

9. (Q) How can we increase our income, as we feel it is necessary at this time.
(A) In these changes that are contemplated, as we find, this should make for an increase; as will those expansions in the associations of those activities in which the body and bodies are interested, that HAVE been contemplated.  For these may take ON the associations in the government activities that will make for a great advancement in the income.

[From text of channeled reading 1967-1 given on July 25, 1939]

17. And, above all, PRAY!  Those who are about the body, use, rely upon the spiritual forces.  For the prayer of the righteous shall save the sick.

18. Know that all strength, all healing of every nature is the changing of the vibrations from within, - the attuning of the divine within the living tissue of a body to Creative Energies.  This alone is healing.  Whether it is accomplished by the use of drugs, the knife or what not, it is the attuning of the atomic structure of the living cellular force to its spiritual heritage.

19. Then, in the prayer of those, - live day by day in the same manner as ye pray - if ye would bring assistance and help for this body.

[From text of channeled reading 2072-10 given on July 22, 1942]

12. (Q) Was he any famous or well-known entity in a past incarnation?
(A) What entity is NOT famous?  What entity is not well known in the end.  As to being worldly famous - no more than in the present; as a teacher, a helper to those alone life's seeking way.

[From text of channeled reading 2081-1 given on January 17, 1940]

12. It is indeed true, then, that each soul lives and moves and has its being in the Creative Forces, - God.  And it is for that purpose that each soul enters a material manifestation, that it may put the will, the glory, the purpose of the Father-God first and foremost, as exemplified in the life of Jesus of Nazareth.

13. Each soul is given the opportunity to manifest in the material plane, and He - Jesus, the Christ - has shown how that God's promises may manifest in the lives of individuals as they deal with their fellow men day by day.

14. For, if ye would be forgiven - even as He, then ye must forgive those who have trespassed or may trespass against thee.  Though ye may be accused according to man's understanding (or his lack of it), thine own conscience, thine own spirit beareth witness with His Spirit as to whether ye are complying with His purpose, His law, day by day.

15. Hence, in thine own weakness ye may find the strength of purpose in Him. Know, as it was pronounced of old, it is not as to who will descend from heaven to bring thee a message, or an assurance; for Lo, it is within thine own heart, thine own mind, thine own conscience!

[From text of channeled reading 2386-1 given on October 24, 1940]

33. Again that counsel, that admonition, - know that the answer is ever within self.  For, He - the ruler - He, the love - He, the God of the universal forces - will not leave thy questions unanswered, if ye seek to know same in and through Him; and the answer will find materialization in mind and THEN in materiality in self.

34. Study then to show thyself approved unto that ideal ye choose; knowing there is the necessity of combining, coordinating, cooperating with the universal forces and consciousness within.

. Never condemn self nor others.  Forgive as ye would be forgiven.

36. Love as ye would be loved by others.

[From text of channeled reading 2441-4 given on April 13, 1942]

9. In the application of those tenets, those principles, in dealing with others, they may be manifested on the fruit of the spirit, - patience, longsuffering, gentleness, kindness, brotherly love.  These are manifestations of the spirit of that Christ.  In self they may grow, as is the ability in self to come to that knowledge, that awakening of His promises abiding ever in thee.  And such administrations of love may bring healing, in body, in mind, to others.

This is the mission, this is the purpose that ye may establish in Him; not of thyself but in Him.  For as He abideth in thee, thus may there be aroused to activity in the mind, in the heart, in the purpose of others that which is ever creative, living, the spirit of eternal love and joy and hope.

[From text of channeled reading 2794-3 given on November 19, 1943]

7. This, then, is the purpose of the entity in the earth: To be a channel of blessing to someone today, now; to be a living example of that He gave, "Come unto me, all that are weak and heavy laden - take my Cross upon you and learn of me."

8. These are thy purposes in the earth.  These ye will manifest beautifully, or make a miserable failure again as ye did in Atlantis, as many another soul in this particular era is doing.

9. Which will it be?

[From text of channeled reading 3744-2]

7. Why do so many people ridicule the idea of good being obtained through Psychic Readings?
(A) Lack of understanding of law governing so-called Psychic force, or powers.

The lack of understanding is lack of consciousness being brought to the individual of potential powers that are manifest in and through psychic or occult forces.  Many are caused by the lack of the proper usage of the knowledge or understanding obtained though such force, for the incorrect use of such knowledge may and would bring destructive elements.

The lack then of discernment between that which is of physical, physical - material, material - and that of soul and spirit, which is in reality the life giving force in any object.  The only real life being that which in the material or physical plane is called psychic.  The ridicule then being only that of mis-application or mis-understanding or mis-use of the condition that is to be met, and that with which it is to be met.

Ridicule of such forces rather than being condemned, those are to be pitied, for they must eventually reach that condition where the soul awakens to the elements that are necessary for the developing, for without the psychic force in the world the physical would be in that condition of "hit or miss," or that as a ship without a rudder or pilot, for that element that is the building force in each and every condition is the spirit or soul of that condition which is the psychic or occult force.  No healing is perfected without some psychic force exerted.  For, as we would have, whether of operative or of medicinal forces, or of directing of organic forces to produce within themselves, that necessary to compete with conditions found within the body in distress or disease.  The force represented, that counteracts, is nothing more or less than the active force exerted in psychic force, as has been outlined in which is psychic force.  All of the elements that go to make up the expressions reached to the mental forces of an individual, are actions of the psychic forces from another individual, and is the collaboration of truth as found in the individual or entity expressing, or manifesting itself, one with the other.  Hence, the force in the violation of law of curative forces, for mental or physical conditions existing within the man.

[From text of channeled reading 5756-7 given on April 10, 1929]

ALL IS ONE!  We are through for the present.
Edgar Cayce may be the best-known trance channeler among those who have been topics of articles at this blog yet in this day and age it seems a relatively small proportion of the public is knowledgeable about him.  Looking at the world today, it is easy to understand the reasons for people overlooking available sources of information for metaphysical contemplation or study.  Beyond the demands of a career, people are conditioned to seek entertainment—movies, TV shows, novels—rather than to allocate time to metaphysical research with the daunting question of how and where to begin.  This blog provides an answer to that question.

As the conditions were right, during his lifetime Edgar Cayce manifested some then unfamiliar potentialities of the spiritual Force omnipresent in all our lives.


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