11 September 2014

On My Workdesk Wednesday #4

This is WOYWW #275 (and the fourth time I've participated) and if you want to see the workdesks of other artists and crafters, check out the linky here!

For the past couple of weeks, my college dorm desk has been my workdesk-- and boy does it have a lot going on today. Yes, this is the normal state of my desk. God bless my roommate for being so fantastic.

Since I am up to my ears in projects at the moment, I'll hold off on blogging about college. Suffice it to say that I am blessed to have fantastic friends, that I have some surprisingly good classes, and that I am involved in perhaps one too many activities.

I am going to take a page out of some of the other WOYWW bloggers' books and do a quick rundown of all the clutter on my desk. But first, an interruption by the most appropriate quote I can think of at the moment...

A clean desk is the sign of an empty mind.
(I've heard this quote assigned to Albert Einstein, but apparently no one knows who really came up with it.)

  • 5 subject notebook, opened to my Literature course Hero and Quest. I am delaying on an essay in that class by writing this blog post instead. As we all know, writing blog posts about the contents of one's desk is a higher form of literature than writing a concise paper on the difference between knowledge and wisdom as presented in Diotima.
  • Math. I'm taking Baby Calculus this semester (Big Kid Calc is the killer 5 credit hour class) and I also have homework due in that class.
  • Tristan and Isuelt and the corner of The Forest People. More class readings.
  • My sketchbook which holds sketches for Color Theory and two design courses. I've been spending a lot of time in Adobe Creative Suite lately.
  • A paint palette, which is drying so that I can clean it and use it tomorrow.
  • Half-braided copper wire for a bridal circlet I am working on.
  • Pliers and chainmaille supplies for some consignment work I am doing.
  • The mouse for my laptop. I forgot to bring my mouse to my internship today, and I also forgot to bring my Wacom tablet. It's hard to do design work with a trackpad! But everyone was pleased with the work I did, so I've still got a bit of a high from that.
  • Last night's tea.
  • A birthday card.
  • Pictures of my lovely family.
  • Packing tape which never made it back out into my box of mailing supplies. This weekend I mailed out SEVEN orders, and two of them were international sales!
  • A to-do list on a post it note.

Some more sneak peeks into the art and jewelry work I've been up to:

From my Instagram-- a very early morning (before the cafeteria opened!) eating breakfast and doing design work before heading to a very early morning class.

Another Instagram shot-- this was taken at approximately one in the morning. Color theory homework. I promise that I actually do sleep sometimes. :)
More from Instagram-- a custom etched necklace that went out in the mail not too long ago.

These are a few more of the jewelry pieces I made recently-- all custom work. :) Yes I am just digging through my camera card to find some pictures to share! Most of the pictures I've taken recently have been of friends and events here on campus!

These are handstamped metal quote pieces that later had leather and silk ribbons threaded through to make bracelets.

And for good measure, here's a shot of my Color Theory sketchbook. I am really enjoying this class despite it being one of the most difficult art classes I've ever taken! There is so much analytic thought that can go into art-- even more than I ever imagined!

That's all for today, folks. I look forward to taking a peek at other artists' workdesks throughout this week!

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  • bgbgb