08 December 2014

Guidelines for Spiritual Healing

This is the original symbol of the Association for Research and Enlightenment.
While writing a previous article, I found an article entitled "The Hill of God" offering "Guidelines for Spiritual Healing" with excerpts of Edgar Cayce channeled reading transcripts selected by W. H. Church from among the archived 14,306 transcripts.  The article appeared in the November 1972 issue of The A.R.E. Journal.  Topics in this issue also include psychic research and archaeology, the I Ching, the 'Ipsab' dental remedy, reincarnation, and dream interpretation.  The Association of Research and Enlightenment was formed in 1931 by Edgar Cayce (1877-1945) and supporters of his psychic work. 
In the article "Case Profile: Edgar Cayce", I mentioned:
. . . the 1872 Flashes of Light from the Spirit-Land, Through the Mediumship of Mrs. J. H. Conant (a collection of transcripts of channeled communication through Conant) included a quotation of "controlling spirit" Theodore Parker, who spoke through the medium in 1869: ". . . In the first place, it should be understood that these séances are not controlled at all times by the same spirit, but for each occasion an intelligence is selected best adapted to that occasion."

Other commentary from the transcript of this April 29, 1869 discourse is included in the article "Trance Channeling in the 19th Century"

The case profile article about Edgar Cayce shows that a succession of diverse entities were able to be recognized through the communication spoken through him during interims when he was in a hypnotic trance.  Readers of other extensively chronicled cases of transcendental communication will be better prepared to place these circumstances in perspective.  Some of the cases that have been the topics for articles at this blog are chronicled as having involved a succession of manifesting individuals: (for example) the 'Bell Witch' and 'Centrahoma' talking poltergeist cases; the early stage of phenomena observed in the case of Matthew Manning that included automatic writing and drawing; the Direct Voice audio recordings made in the presence of medium Leslie Flint; trance channel healing cases such as that of the contemporary Brazilian healer 'John of God'; the case of Guy and Edna Ballard who supervised the transcription of discourses dictated by numerous 'ascended masters'; the spiritual diaries of John Dee; and the many cases presented in biographical books about clairvoyant and clairaudient mediums and channelers, including Rosemary Brown and Mark Probert.
In one recording of Leslie Flint's guide 'Mickey' that includes comments about "Truth" (recordings page link) Mickey can be heard reminding: ". . . various people coming from various spheres can only give you an insight into the knowledge that they have appertaining to their particular advancement or development according to their own condition."
This year while writing the series of articles focusing on the case of the channeled entity known as 'Ramtha,' I noticed extensive parallels between this case and the transcripts of the Edgar Cayce channeled readings.  One example is Ramtha's penchant for using the word 'entity.'  When evaluating statements in transcripts of transcendental communication, the date when the information was shared is an important detail to consider.

In the article compiled by W. H. Church about the topic of spiritual healing in the Edgar Cayce channeled reading transcripts, the first passage selected by Church is:
Be not weary of trial.  Be not weary in discouraging moments.  But look up, lift up thy voice, thy eyes, unto the hill of God.     281-50

Ramtha's 'most important message' is corroborated in this excerpt from the Edgar Cayce readings:

For thy body is indeed the temple of the living God.     3174-1

One excerpt places in perspective the diversity of potential healing possibilities.

Q-21. Could I become a healer? If so, what method should I use?

A-21. That as seemeth to thee that channel through which an individual, or entity, may get hold of that which is being given out by self.  There are, as seen, many various channels through which healing may come.  That as of the individual contact; that as of the faith; that as of the laying on of hands; that as will create in the mind (for it is the builder in a human being) that consciousness that makes for the closer contact with the Universal, or the Creative Forces, in its experience.  That which is nearest akin to that concept built.  Use that thou hast, then, in hand.     281-6

The principles of Oneness and Christ Consciousness are conveyed in some of the passages, such as:

Q-5. Is it right to try to heal others when one has failed to accomplish healing in one's own life?

A-5. Healing others is healing self.     281-18

Q-18. Should the Christ Consciousness be described as the awareness within each soul, imprinted in pattern on the mind and waiting to be awakened by the will, of the soul's oneness with God?

A-18. Correct.  That's the idea exactly!     5749-14

There are explanations of how techniques of spiritual healing may be effective.
. . . any manner in which healing comes - whether by the laying on of hands, prayer, by a look, by the application of any mechanical influence or any of those forces in materia medica - must be of such a nature as to produce that necessary within those forces about the atomic centers of a given body for it to bring resuscitating or healing.     281-24

The strict dogma noticeable in some of the passages (such as "all illness comes from sin" 3174-1) makes comprehensible a rationale for Ramtha's utilization of "verbiage contradiction" and "I will manifest all your fears" philosophizing during recorded discourses.  The testing of a student's discernment conveys awareness of the contradictions that arise from the analysis of diverse perspectives to be found among documented cases of transcendental communication.  One of my conclusions about the JZ Knight/Ramtha case is that the ascended masters and other channeling cases when considered altogether provide evidence of the omnipresent 'universal Christ Spirit'/spiritual 'Oneness'/Superconsciousness.

An excerpt in the Church compilation article makes the statement: ". . . attitudes oft influence the physical conditions of the body" (4021-1); however, commentary about the harmful influence of hate, jealousy and anger in this abbreviated context lacks consideration of the relativity involved in how an individual experiences these emotions and of other reasons for physical maladies. 

Then [regarding] the attitudes of the body: Know that there is within self all healing that may be accomplished for the body.  For, all healing must come from the Divine.  For who healeth thy diseases?  The source of the Universal supply.    

. . . the applications are merely to stimulate the atoms of the body.     4021-1

. . . it is necessary to eliminate these [those influences which are called habits, or inclinations, or intents] from the purposes and aims and desires of individuals.     281-44
An excerpt concerning the meaning of 'Israel' identifies the word as signifying "the seeker after truth."  The passage continues:

Who may this be?  Those who put and hold trust in the fact that they, as individuals, are children of the universal consciousness or God! . . . the body is transient, the mind is amenable or the builder, the soul is eternal.     5377-1

There are excerpts about the body gradually renewing itself constantly (1548-3) followed by advice for self-purification and supplication to serving others (1089-2).  There is a suggestion that the easiest path that presents itself to an individual may not be expedient for one's spiritual progress (and health) with the correct understanding of the premise of reaching Christ Consciousness: "All must pass under the rod as of that cleansing necessary for the inflowing of the Christ Consciousness . . ." (281-5)
The article concludes with channeled reading excerpts instructing about "laws of the physical, of the mental, of the spiritual" influencing the balance kept in the body (3246-2) with the final excerpt reminding about the complexity of one's relationship with 'God.'  This last excerpt consisting of a short phrase in a sentence associating 'God' with law and love is simple yet vague.  The transcript from which the phrase is taken (900-20) begins with a question asking for the continuation from a previous reading of an "explanation of spiritual and soul forces, and what relation this plane has to earth."  The answer on this occasion presented below.  This channeled reading was given by Edgar Cayce in New York City on January 15, 1925. 
2. EC: Yes, we have the conditions here, as would be given from this plane.

3.  As the soul and spirit entity taken its form in the spiritual plane, as the physical body takes form in the material plane, [it is] subject in the spiritual plane to those immutable laws of the spiritual plane.  The spiritual entity of the individual composed, then, of the spirit, the superconsciousness, the soul, the subconscious body, as the body prepared for the entity in the spiritual plane, taking then the position in the Universal Force, or space, that the entity has prepared for itself, and goes through its development in that plane, until ready again to manifest in the flesh plane, and sow that degree of development toward that perfection that would make the entity in its entirety perfect, or one with the Creator.  This is the cycle, or development, or condition, of the entity in the earth plane, and in the spiritual plane, whether developed to that position to occupy that it occupies, with its relative conditions left in the environment, and giving, partaking, or assisted by such conditions in its completion of development.  As this we would find the ever giving forces, as long as not given to becoming in that sphere that would bring the entity into the perfect conjunction with the Universal Force, the entity depending, whether in spiritual plane, or physical plane, upon its relation with the sphere to which it is the closer attracted.  Hence we have those conditions as expressed in the earth's plane; those individuals of a spiritual nature, those individuals of the material nature; the nature not changing in its condition, save by the environment of development.

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