30 October 2010

The Shoppe and a Giveaway!

***Please scroll to the bottom for info on the giveaway!***

So, dear friends, I have finally opened a Shoppe. As many of you have been telling me to do for quite awhile. :)

Shealynn's Faerie Shoppe is dedicated towards making fun, unique, and quality items. I specialize in chainmaille, fantasy, and religious jewelry.

But I certainly don't limit myself to that! You'll find an assortment of very random things on my Shoppe, just like you have on my blog. :)

By the way, I absolutely love custom orders. Have you seen something on my blog that you really want? If I've made it before, I can make it again. Have an idea in your head and want to see it come to fruition? Let me know! I love to experiment and make things, but I can't justify spending the money on supplies for every whim of mine-- I need an excuse. :)

 Here are some pictures from my first "batch" of jewelries. 
(Not all have been uploaded to the Shoppe yet, and some are for giveaways).


What does this mean for the blog?

Don't worry. I won't spam you with a new post every time that I list a new item. Once a month I'll include a collage of the various things I have for sale on my Shoppe (see the picture at the beginning of this post).

In the past, I made a new post or two for every item I made. Now that I have a shop and have a "reason" for making a million jewelries... I won't do that.

Every time that I come up with a new design or a great spin on a previous one, I'll make a new post. But if I'm simply making more of the same design, I'll edit the post about that design and make a "gallery" of that design. I'll be sure to let you know when I update posts.

I'm not going to be stingy about how I do what I do. Keep an eye out for new tutorials, tips, and tricks.

And, as always, I'll keep you updated on non-Shoppe projects and hopefully give you lots of inspiration.

(Of course, the start of the Shoppe heralded a new look here at the blog. I hope you enjoy it and have fun with all the new features!)

And now... what you've all been waiting for...

The Giveaway!
In honor of the start of my shop, I am giving away this lovely pair of earrings:

TO ENTER, please leave a comment on my blog post, telling me what you like best about my blog or Shoppe, along with any comments or suggestions. 1 entry, mandatory.

For additional entries:
  • Follow the blog. 1 entry.
  • Fan Shealynn's Faerie Shoppe on Facebook. 1 entry.
  • Post about my Shoppe, blog, and/or this giveaway on your own blog. 2 entries.
Please be sure to leave a seperate comment for each entry, or they will not be counted.

The giveaway deadline is November 10th.

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