02 April 2011

How to Make Herbal Slippers { Guest Post }

Today, a very special person has agreed to write a guest post! I hope you are all as excited as I am. I've been asking her to write a guest post for a while now, but she only just agreed!

I don't believe any of you have met her (or heard of her) before, so I'll let her introduce herself. But I'd just like to say, this is probably the best thing that has ever happened for my blog! She is one of my biggest inspirations.

Happy reading! :)


Well, hello! Shealynn has told me you are all her fairy people, so I feel sure I am in good company. Today I shall be showing you something few people know and fewer can master. I shall try to provide clear instructions, but it may prove difficult for some to follow. It's probably not something most of you have tried. If any of you have any questions or need clarification, leave a comment and I'll try my best to reply. Do keep your grammar tidy, though, or I absolutely refuse to reply. Good punctuation is essential as well. Never forget, punctuation is a matter of life or death. There is a world of difference between "Let's eat, Grandma" and "Let's eat Grandma!" and you must never forget this.

Shaelynn has told me that she normally does posts on jewelry, sometimes with tutorials. As much as I enjoy the art of creating beautiful jewelry, I have something a little different in mind today.

I shall start with giving you the basic directions for brewing your own homemade herbal teas.

First of all, all ingrediants must be gathered and prepared exactly according to directions.

You will need the following:

Lemon balm
Hibiscus flowers
Lemon peel
Rose petals

Other recommended ingrediants are listed on this (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Middle-earth_plants) page, please consult it as needed.

Remember what I said about punctuation.

Bring your water to a boil.

After that... wow, can I have possibly forgotten? Well, I seem to have. Never fear, I know someone who will remind me!

Figwit, what comes next?

....oh yes. Sorry about that. Lock the doors and close the windows. Don't forget. Frodo lives-- but who is THAT?!

Oh, yes! Life is never complete without a healthy debate about the Balrog's Slippers.

 Perfect, am I right?

Ahoy, anyhow. Well, that's that. It shouldn't be too hard for you all t' follow. If you're still confused, the followin' step by step illustration should clear thin's up.

Your final result should look something like this:

Now, before you leave... Don't forget to check out this wonderful essay written by YOUR VERY OWN SHEALYNN. This will also help to clear up questions.


Lantalamiste is Nenetta/Shealynn's very young great-great-great aunt. She is happily married to the Ringwraith Cor (not to be confused with his evil twin brother), and lives happily in Angmar. She spends her days playing with Mistdragons, blowing up bad guy hovels with her twin Bridget, laughing manically with her triplet Deyla, and other sorts of domestic pastimes. You can find her blogging every once in a blue moon, over at: http://randomprofoundthoughts.blogspot.com/


I was going to keep going and add more randomness and stuff, but I just couldn't think of anything to write. I'm sorry! :( I feel bad about letting you down!

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