03 April 2011

Randomnosity (and new I&F!)

First off.... in case you were wondering about yesterday's post, just look at the date. April Fool's. Of course I didn't trick anyone... buy my friend Lanta is just soooo amazingly goofy. :) I just had to feature her. And I did seriously write that essay on Lembas and Twinkies for school. Got an A on it, too.

Also, did you notice my header on April Fool's Day? It's an animated gif. The text changes. :)

The only problem? In getting my ordinary header back up, I somehow managed to un-center it. And it won't go back where it belongs.

April's Ink and Fairydust is released!

This month's issue was wonderful! I did alot of work on it-- I did several backgrounds (Shieldmaiden, L.M. Montgomery, and more), drew the Shea and Bergen comic, and as always some of my photography is in there. Also I finally finished updating the website.

But don't listen to what I did, the real beauty of this issue is the wonderful work by our authors!

I do wish that the Graphics Team didn't have to write the blips for "Odds and Ends," though-- I'm getting really redundant in my paragraphs, aren't I?

Oh, how could I forget?! The front cover illustration is a collaboration between my friend Elena and I!

T'was a last minute project... I did my part in 45 minutes. Just a simple pen and ink drawing in Victorian style:

Elena did the beautiful watercolor-effect digital coloring!

Are you wondering how she did it? { Check out her guest post, here at the Faerie Blog, where she shares an amazing tutorial! }

Want to have a bit of fun? It's time for a guessing game.

I want you to guess what I have been up to! Leave a comment. Let's see how good you are at this... :)

There are now 100 unique items listed in my Artfire Shoppe! Please check it out { HERE }.

100 items takes alot of work. Each item is handmade (and quality takes time and experience!), and then I have to photograph, price, list, and describe each item... I'm just very excited to have reached this goal! And there are more coming!!

Now what would be really nice is for some more sales. My reason for wanting more sales right now is actually quite selfish-- I'm running low on jewelry, art, and craft supplies and want moooore. LOL!

This week I took 6 tests. I have 2 more to go... I'm kind of worried that my Alegbra II textbook is trying to strangle my brain. I can do the work just fine but the concepts aren't clicking completely. I feel like a parrot doing math work-- I just copy what the book says to do. And my tests are notoriously bad at making you think out of the box (or book, as the case may be).

If you haven't done so already, please do my blog Questionnaire! It should only take about 5 minutes. I'm trying to figure out what direction to take this blog, and what sorts of content you readers prefer!

One thing I am trying to figure out is selling on Etsy. I have a small shop there, and was planning on expanding. However, I am displeased with some of the choices and changes that this website is making. I won't go into details here but I really don't want to be spending $5-10 a month listing on a platform I am unhappy with. The problem is that Etsy is still the only household name in the handmade business. Maybe I'll just put custom orders up there.

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