30 September 2011

Mary Poppins

Just some proof that I do occasinally fail at artwork.

Even artwork that I spend a couple hours on.

I think I still like the colorful, drippy watercolors... but the subject placement is really awkward.

And I still need to learn how make my hand do colorful, drippy watercolors the way that my mind pictures them. :) I only unpacked the watercolors a couple months ago (and over half of the tubes were unopened and unused), so I think this just needs more work and practice.

27 September 2011

Sketchbook 7

I geeked out a little in this video.

This video is a little longer, a little hyper-er, and a little bigger than the others.

Yes, that means that I figured out how to get my video to download to the computer full size. I'm still having issues, though-- the film whirred while I was filming, and the film is right next to the mic on my video cam... for some reason it didn't upload widescreen onto youtube... argh. :P

See more sketchbook tours on my youtube channel.

So... which drawing was your favorite? Do you like seeing the way I've progressed with my art? It sounds cheesy, the way I just phrased that...

22 September 2011

Ink and Fairydust

The September/October issue of Ink and Fairydust is out!
The theme is Film and Theater. Read it {here}!

Guess what?!

I am now the Graphics Editor for I&F!!!

I am extremely excited to present this issue to you, dear blog readers. It is the first issue that I have been in charge of the graphics design (and I did all the graphics by myself, with the exception of one article. Phew.).

Elizabeth, our previous editor, has been battling health issues and pursuing higher education-- along with hoards of creative projects. It's no wonder that she felt she no longer had the time to continue to direct high-quality issues of I&F.

This June she emailed her awesome minions the I&F staff to let us know of her decision. We spent the following weeks scrambling like maniacs, attempting to organize ourselves. The rushed summer issue was published during this running-around-like-a-chicken-with-its-head-cut-off time.

By August, we'd re-attached our heads and got ourselves properly organized. I think we did a good job. ;) The new staff lineup is absolutely amazing, and I am working with some of the most creative and hard-working teens ever! I was so honored (and a wee bit overwhelmed) to be named Graphics Editor.

Neri, our editor (who, by the way, attends college and works a job and still manages to be ontop of things!) spent some time talking to me about the direction we should take I&F visually. We've revamped the logo, redone all the graphics.... and more!

And this is why I haven't updated the blog in a week. Ever spare moment has been spent on I&F. And as a highschool junior preparing for exam week... spare moments really have to be prioritized. Hopefully, though, this issue of Ink and Fairydust will more than make up for my blog absence!

And so, I hope that you enjoy the latest issue of Ink and Fairydust!

(For those of you who don't know already, I&F is a FREE online e-mag. It has a Christian worldview and focuses on the arts and literature and creativity in general!)

I&F is completely free, and a couple dozen teens and young adults volunteer their time (lots of time) and talents (really awesome talents) to bring it to you. However, teens and young adults don't have a lot of money. We rely solely on word-of-mouth advertising, so please share the magazine with your friends and family and random facebook acquaintances!

17 September 2011

The Colors of Fall

A couple of weeks ago, I was very inspired to make some new jewelry designs and try out new techniques.

However, it was one of those uninspired inspirational days; when your fingers want to create and your mind wants to be challenged, but they both get overwhelmed by the sheer amount of new things to be done. The result? I really, really wanted to play with my jewelry supplies, but I really, really had no idea where to start.

So I looked for some specific inspiration.

Did you know that there is this website that decides what colors are going to be popular each season? Yup. There is. The above is Pantone's color forecast for Fall 2011.

(If you look at their website, they even give flowery descriptions of each color!)

You can be sure that these are the colors you will be seeing everywhere, from clothing stores to notebooks to maybe even candy wrappers. Because the whole design world apparently uses the colors that Pantone picks out.

(I'm quite sad because few of these colors look good on me, but I guess that's okay because I'm one of those weirdos who only buys basic clothing and who makes her own accessories).

While on the whole, I think that the idea of someone proclaiming "Everyone will use and like these colors because we say they are popular!" is rather silly... I was intrigued by the colors they chose. They aren't your typical Autumn colors. No reds or oranges or deep dark browns. Quite a few of them are colors I don't ordinarily use, and some of the colors I really don't like (think phlox), but they look beautiful together.

*edit: I just learned that Pantone highlights colors that are being favored by designers, not the other way around. Should have done my research!

And that made these Pantone Fall 2011 Colors the perfect, challenging inspiration for new jewelry designs. I have relatively few supplies in these colors, which meant that I had to get really creative...

I actually only finished a small amount of the jewelry I wanted to... but I shouldn't keep delaying this blog post until autumn is past and next summer is well on the way. So here goes, these are the designs that I have made so far.

Click each image for more and bigger pictures. All of these jewelries are available in my Shoppe.

Autumn is one of my favorite seasons. I can't wait for it to come. :) Doing schoolwork on the porch in the crisp breeze... raking leaves... drinking hot tea... a rainbow of colors in my backyard... *sighs happily*

Bamboo definately makes me think of summer more than fall. So here are some remnants of summer...

Sunflower Copper Cuff

This one also counts for "honeysuckle" and "phlox"!
Chainmaille keychain

Candy Chainmaille set-- not just emberglow pink but also orange, bamboo yellow, and green!

Honeysuckle. I thought those flowers were white and yellow. At least, the ones by our house are! But this is a gorgeous pink, no matter what you call it.
Pixie Hairclip

Of all the colors Pantone picked out, Phlox is the only one I can't pronounce, and the only one that I had huge difficulties finding beads for.

Funky chainmaille
evening star

Fairy hair clip in midnight purple-- not phlox! :)

 I like cedar. It's a pretty green. :) And this color was (obviously) extremely inspirational...
Copper Celtic Cuff

Good for sensitive ears! Made with niobium ear wires!

sea green wrap bracelet
Flower Star
Forest hair clip
floating bracelet
Enchanted forest
nature inspired evenstar
These two aren't strictly cedar... to me, they are more of a pale green. These were obviously inspired by Arwen's coronation gown in the last scene of The Return of the King.
Cedar/light green Evenstar necklace
Arwen's Coronation wirewrapped earrings
Fairytale charm bracelet

While copper isn't exactly nougat, it's the best I could do!
Celtic cuff
french cafe
 The two following Elvish jewels are inspired by Arwen in The Lord of the Rings. You remember the scene with the Elves leaving for the shores of Middle Earth? When Arwen decides to give up her immorality for Aragorn? Yup, these are inspired by the beautiful colors in that scene.
(Okay, they are also inspired by "orchid hush")

Ethereal Evenstar

Pale Sapphire Enchanted Forest Earrings

Celtic swirl bracelet
Lady of the Lake
austraian teardrop

Go check out the Shoppe-- there are around 15 other items I made at the same time, but which don't fit into this Fall/Pantone blog post. :)

16 September 2011

New Shoppe look

Artfire recently changed the way their studios work.

I re-did my graphics to fit into the new look, and I also spent forever and a day sorting my jewelry and making buttons so that it is easier to browse.
I'm still not sure whether I like the new look or not (although there is not much I can control about it except for the graphics I build into it).

So, what do you think? Go check out the new look {HERE}.

14 September 2011

Thank You

for all the birthday wishes
17 kind of creeped up on me

for all the encouraging comments
they mean a lot

for being patient with me
as i work on school, i&f, and more

for being awesome!

i'm lazy/busy so this counts as the weekly destroyed book

13 September 2011

Blog Disclosure

Occasionally, while browsing the great and magical blogosphere, I come across a blog that has a disclosure policy page. I'd tossed around the idea of making a disclosure/disclaimer policy myself (mostly because it would feed my ego and make me feel like a "real blogger" because I see these disclaimers on big-time blogs). However, when I discovered that the FTC requires bloggers to have a disclosure... hmm, I thought it'd be a good idea to stay clear of any big scary dragons who might want to eat me, breathe fire on me, or crush me with a pinky claw. So, here goes.

Full Disclosure:

Shealynn's Faerie Shoppe is a blog run by me, Shaylynn. It serves as a place for me to share my creative projects, ie, artwork, crafts, and rambling musings.

As of this writing (September 12, 2011), I have recieved no compensation for blogging. The only money I have made so far (and almost literally in my entire life, unless you count babysitting!) is from my Artfire Shoppe, which I often mention on this blog.

However, I am totally not against the idea of receiving some compensation for the crazy number of hours that I spend blogging.

I also like to support other artists, crafters, bloggers, friends, and the occasional fairytale creature. And I don't want to wind up getting in trouble over something I've blogged about.

This is where the disclosure comes in...
  • All opinions expressed by me on this blog are purely my own personal views. I believe in being my normal, goofy self and my work will never be influenced by any form of compensation. My sense of honor and integrity is very strong, and I will always be honest in  recommendations and reviews. I am very picky about anyone/anything that I write about.
  • In the future, I might (okay, probably will) choose to have ads on this blog to justify the amount of time that I spend preparing quality content for readers. In that case, I will accept cash advertising, sponsorship, paid insertions and other forms of compensation. Mostly likely that will consist of sponsors who will purchase buttons on my sidebar (and not automated ads from the likes of GoogleAds). I will reserve the right to refuse sponsorship to anyone/anything that will not interest my readers or that goes against my personal beliefs.
  • If I ever receive a free item or service and choose to do a review on it, or if I do a paid post, the post will be clearly distinquished as a "compensated or sponsored post." Any money earned from such a post is for my time required to make the content. (And if this ever happens, I'll start feeling like a "big girl blogger").
  • I am not an expert. I'm just a teenager who likes doing crafty things. Use common sense when using any of my tutorials. I am not responsible for any injuries that might occur.
  • Unless otherwise stated, all graphics, text, etc, on this blog belong to me. You may use an image or two to highlight my work if and only if you link back. In the case that the content is not soley mine (as when I highlight other bloggers or artists), I will always include the appropriate links. I try not to link to bad sites, but always remember that there are monsters out there in the big wide internet world.
  • Feel free to disagree or call me crazy in the comments section... but I reserve the right to delete comments for any reason (profanity, spam, extreme rudeness...)
  • I am a human and humans make mistakes. If I ever forget to link back or use English grammar improperly, it is entirely accidental and will be fixed as soon as I am aware of such a mistake. (Well, expect in the case of grammar. Cause sometimes its funny-ish, the rules of grammar to break.)
  • Any resemblance to sanity or rational thinking on this blog is purely intentional. However, it's occurance is somewhat unpredictable.
If you have any questions about my blog, feel free to email me at ShealynnsFaerieShoppe{at}gmail{dot}com

12 September 2011


Author's note, 2014: Sorry guys, I haven't had the time to keep up with this page and it is likely outdated.

Featured at:
If you feature something I have made and would like to appear on this list, please leave a comment and let me know. I don't always know when people feature my work. Thanks.

Rivershore Books
My Craftie Life
Lines Across My Face
Running with Glitter
Suzy's Artsy Craftsy Sitcom (feature 1feature 2)
Decor Hacks
Julie Ann Art
Jewelry Display Ideas
Craft Blog
onny in a Dress
Someday Crafts
Kreative Korner
Marvelous Mess

Here is the master list for all the blog linkies I join.

Scroll down for a list of features! and scroll even farther down for links to guest blogging I've done!

I'll try and keep this updated with every link I can.... *wonders if that is possible*

(These are all of the blog parties I link to, or have ever linked to in the past or want to link to in the future. So, yes, there are a ton. And I'm linking them by the name of their blog, since many parties have similar names.)


Sew Chatty
Sumo's Sweet Stuff    (crafts and shops)
Colours Decor
Lowercase Letters    (miscellany)
Skip to my Lou
Keeping it Simple
Girl Creative


Vintage Wanna Bee
Hope Studios    (tutorials)
Show me What'cha Got
Tip Junkie

House of Grace   (repurposed)
Ladybug Blessings
Sew Cute   (sewing)
Top Ten   (miscellany)
A Bowl Full of Lemons


Tea Rose
Someday Crafts
Night Owl Crafting
Passionately Artistic
Blue Cricket Design
Wallet Friendly

Sew Much Ado
My Backyard Eden
Sugar and Spice   (girl-related)
Yesterday on Tuesday


Suzy's Sitcom   (crafts and shops)
Fireflies and Jellybeans
A Creative Princess
Somewhat Simple
Frogs and Snails   (boy-related)


Shabby Nest
Inspire Me
Fingerprints on the Fridge
Chic on a Shoestring
Simply Designing


Lovely Crafty Home
Be Different, Act Normal
Tatertots and Jello


The Sundae Scoop
Under the Bed and Dreaming
Craft Schooling


Sew Many Ways
Etsy Madness


Other parties/blog hops/challenges I've participated in:

Suzy Sitcom Blog Hop
Aquariann Autumn Blog Hop

Guest Blogged at:

Polish The Stars (Floating Bookshelf)

Blog Awards:

from Aquariann
and Pink Scarf
and Victoria

from Aquariann
and Pink Scarf

  • bgbgb