13 September 2011

Blog Disclosure

Occasionally, while browsing the great and magical blogosphere, I come across a blog that has a disclosure policy page. I'd tossed around the idea of making a disclosure/disclaimer policy myself (mostly because it would feed my ego and make me feel like a "real blogger" because I see these disclaimers on big-time blogs). However, when I discovered that the FTC requires bloggers to have a disclosure... hmm, I thought it'd be a good idea to stay clear of any big scary dragons who might want to eat me, breathe fire on me, or crush me with a pinky claw. So, here goes.

Full Disclosure:

Shealynn's Faerie Shoppe is a blog run by me, Shaylynn. It serves as a place for me to share my creative projects, ie, artwork, crafts, and rambling musings.

As of this writing (September 12, 2011), I have recieved no compensation for blogging. The only money I have made so far (and almost literally in my entire life, unless you count babysitting!) is from my Artfire Shoppe, which I often mention on this blog.

However, I am totally not against the idea of receiving some compensation for the crazy number of hours that I spend blogging.

I also like to support other artists, crafters, bloggers, friends, and the occasional fairytale creature. And I don't want to wind up getting in trouble over something I've blogged about.

This is where the disclosure comes in...
  • All opinions expressed by me on this blog are purely my own personal views. I believe in being my normal, goofy self and my work will never be influenced by any form of compensation. My sense of honor and integrity is very strong, and I will always be honest in  recommendations and reviews. I am very picky about anyone/anything that I write about.
  • In the future, I might (okay, probably will) choose to have ads on this blog to justify the amount of time that I spend preparing quality content for readers. In that case, I will accept cash advertising, sponsorship, paid insertions and other forms of compensation. Mostly likely that will consist of sponsors who will purchase buttons on my sidebar (and not automated ads from the likes of GoogleAds). I will reserve the right to refuse sponsorship to anyone/anything that will not interest my readers or that goes against my personal beliefs.
  • If I ever receive a free item or service and choose to do a review on it, or if I do a paid post, the post will be clearly distinquished as a "compensated or sponsored post." Any money earned from such a post is for my time required to make the content. (And if this ever happens, I'll start feeling like a "big girl blogger").
  • I am not an expert. I'm just a teenager who likes doing crafty things. Use common sense when using any of my tutorials. I am not responsible for any injuries that might occur.
  • Unless otherwise stated, all graphics, text, etc, on this blog belong to me. You may use an image or two to highlight my work if and only if you link back. In the case that the content is not soley mine (as when I highlight other bloggers or artists), I will always include the appropriate links. I try not to link to bad sites, but always remember that there are monsters out there in the big wide internet world.
  • Feel free to disagree or call me crazy in the comments section... but I reserve the right to delete comments for any reason (profanity, spam, extreme rudeness...)
  • I am a human and humans make mistakes. If I ever forget to link back or use English grammar improperly, it is entirely accidental and will be fixed as soon as I am aware of such a mistake. (Well, expect in the case of grammar. Cause sometimes its funny-ish, the rules of grammar to break.)
  • Any resemblance to sanity or rational thinking on this blog is purely intentional. However, it's occurance is somewhat unpredictable.
If you have any questions about my blog, feel free to email me at ShealynnsFaerieShoppe{at}gmail{dot}com

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