22 September 2011

Ink and Fairydust

The September/October issue of Ink and Fairydust is out!
The theme is Film and Theater. Read it {here}!

Guess what?!

I am now the Graphics Editor for I&F!!!

I am extremely excited to present this issue to you, dear blog readers. It is the first issue that I have been in charge of the graphics design (and I did all the graphics by myself, with the exception of one article. Phew.).

Elizabeth, our previous editor, has been battling health issues and pursuing higher education-- along with hoards of creative projects. It's no wonder that she felt she no longer had the time to continue to direct high-quality issues of I&F.

This June she emailed her awesome minions the I&F staff to let us know of her decision. We spent the following weeks scrambling like maniacs, attempting to organize ourselves. The rushed summer issue was published during this running-around-like-a-chicken-with-its-head-cut-off time.

By August, we'd re-attached our heads and got ourselves properly organized. I think we did a good job. ;) The new staff lineup is absolutely amazing, and I am working with some of the most creative and hard-working teens ever! I was so honored (and a wee bit overwhelmed) to be named Graphics Editor.

Neri, our editor (who, by the way, attends college and works a job and still manages to be ontop of things!) spent some time talking to me about the direction we should take I&F visually. We've revamped the logo, redone all the graphics.... and more!

And this is why I haven't updated the blog in a week. Ever spare moment has been spent on I&F. And as a highschool junior preparing for exam week... spare moments really have to be prioritized. Hopefully, though, this issue of Ink and Fairydust will more than make up for my blog absence!

And so, I hope that you enjoy the latest issue of Ink and Fairydust!

(For those of you who don't know already, I&F is a FREE online e-mag. It has a Christian worldview and focuses on the arts and literature and creativity in general!)

I&F is completely free, and a couple dozen teens and young adults volunteer their time (lots of time) and talents (really awesome talents) to bring it to you. However, teens and young adults don't have a lot of money. We rely solely on word-of-mouth advertising, so please share the magazine with your friends and family and random facebook acquaintances!

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