31 October 2011

Day -1 (or is that Day 0?) Drawing Challenge Begins Tomorrow

The 30 Day Drawing Challenge begins tomorrow!

Are you interested in being as crazy as me? Head over to the original post and add your blog/flickr/etc. to the linky list! The more, the merrier! And if you only want to join in for a day or two... you can always just link up to that specific day's linky on that specific day's post.

This is also a heads up to everyone who follows my blog via a reader: this challenge will probably clog up your feeds, because I'll be posting every single day during November.

Now, you shouldn't be scared about the amount of time needed for this challenge...
unlike NaNoWriMo (which this art challenge is based off of), you won't be expected to spend 2 or 3 hours drawing each day (kudos if you do!). In fact, I probably won't be spend any longer than a half an hour.

At first, I had grand plans of doing a full-size, finished piece of art each day. But who has ever heard of a grand plan actually working? I came to my senses and realized that school, Ink and Fairydust, a project I'm keeping secret for now, and life in general will not allow me to spend a lot of time.

So I bought a super-tiny sketchbook.

And all my drawings will fit into this super-tiny sketchbook.

I thought the super-tiny sketchbook was boring, so I decorated it with stamps.

Feel free to use this image on your blog/flickr/etc, just link back to me.
Those of you who are joining in, here is a blog button for you!

30 Day Drawing Challenge at Shealynn's Faerie Shoppe

As the challenge begins, you'll find all relevant posts {HERE}

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  • bgbgb