01 November 2011

Day 1: Draw Yourself

Day 1 Challenge: Draw yourself.

So... that's me! Kind of. It's rather difficult to draw yourself.

30 Day Drawing Challenge at Shealynn's Faerie Shoppe

Want to join in? Here's the linky! Just enter the URL specific to your blog post/flickr/etc. Each day's linky will be left open until November 30th (actually, I think I set the finishing date to November 31st... and it didn't give me an error messsage!).

This gives you some time in case you are running behind, don't have your drawing uploaded yet, or if you want to combine several days' challenges into one blog post. (Sorry, dear blog followers, but I'm going to have to be spammy and post every day, since I'm the one hosting the challenge! It's only for a month, though!)

At the end of each week, I'll look through everyones' drawings and maybe feature some!

One more note: I am going to combine some regular blog updates in the same posts as the drawing challenges, to avoid being spammy.

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  • bgbgb