09 December 2011

The Grand Finale

I've decided to stop apologizing about not posting very often. Real life is more important than what happens on the computer, and that's that.

(For the record, though... I am not this behind on the 30 Day Drawing Challenge. I was only a little over a day behind. Our scanner is only hooked up to one computer, though, and it happens to be the laptop that Dad had brought to work for the past several days).

Day 23: Something You Need

I stole Lydia's lovely idea-- of course, Our Savior is someone I need!

Gouache paint, based off of an icon on a prayer card. 4X6 as usual.

Day 24: A Couple

I thought about being all smartypants and drawing something like a couple socks or a couple dragon claws or something... but then I decided that this idea floating around in my head was just too cute.
Gouache paint.
Day 25: Scenery

Due to a very unfortunate spill, the backside of the Couple painting got smeared with paint. Now, I did the entire 30 Day Drawing Challenge in one little notebook, and was running low on pages. I had to do the Scenery drawing on this smeared peice of paper...

...so I ran with it and smeared more paint on randomly and then drew random cartoony scenery stuffs in sharpie. I call it the Magic of Random Paint Spills-- An Abstract Study of the Biochemistry of Gryphons. It's a masterpeice and will someday hang in a museum.

Day 26: Something You Don't Like

I don't dislike Rubik's Cubes. It's just the fact that my little brother can solve the entire thing in two minutes flat, while I... well, I can't even solve one side of it! ;)

Day 27: Someone You Love

When you can't decide who to draw because you love so many people... it's always safe to draw the cutest littlest dude around. Meet my brother, King of the Laundry Basket (we didn't have a mountain handy). Complete with the paper crown handmade by our eight year old sister.

Day 28: Anything You'd Like

Feeling a little nostalgic for Autumn. We just had our first sprinkle of snow and first frost to last beyond the sun's waking.

Day 29: A Place You Want To Go

A ticket to Middle Earth? You shouldn't have. Aww, thanks. YOUR'E THE BEST PERSON IN THE WORLD!

(Here's another unforunate spill at work. My india ink made a nice big blot right on the bottom left corner. I did my best to fix it with some guoache paint and stained the entire map brown. Now I'm not sure if it looks all cool and aged, or all messed up and stained!)

Day 30: A Congrats Banner

I meant it when I said I was running out of paper! This is drawn on the back cover of my sketchbook. Sharpie and a wee bit of white watercolor.

30 Day Drawing Challenge at Shealynn's Faerie Shoppe

Here's the linky... sorry it's so late... go ahead and use a seperate link for each of your drawings, or a single one, or whatever. :)

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