28 November 2011

An Orange Tablet Pirate Ship

(P.S. Don't forget to check out the Shoppe-- tommorrow is the last day of free shipping/special prices!)
Day 20: Something Orange

Because sometimes, your life isn't complete until you've drawn a super-cute orange owl with glasses.

Photoshop is fun, by the way.

Day 21: Something You Want

Going materialistic here and drawing a thing, even though there are many things that I want... like heaven and world peace and more time and being totally caught up on essays and other good stuff.

So, I want a Wacom tablet for digital artwork. I'm actually going to get one of these very soon-- I've finally made enough money, between the Shoppe and some freelance work, to purchase one.

Day 22: Something You Miss

Fine Linen Drama. The theater group I was in in my old town. The people were absolutely amazing (in fact, I met many of my friends there) and the shows were spectacular. The drawing is of the set for Pirates of Penzance, the second and last play that I had a part in. I love my new town and new friends, but I dearly miss those Saturdays full of rehersals and friends.
Guess who needs to work on her inkwash technique?

P.S. It is very fun to make up blog post names by using parts of each drawing... :D
30 Day Drawing Challenge at Shealynn's Faerie Shoppe

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