09 May 2012


We got a new video camera that I had to try out. This one is digital!!! No more broken tapes and humming noises!

I'm rubbish in front of a camera. Please pretend that I actually bothered to fix the half-bun that fell out while I was exercising, and that I put on makeup. Please also pretend that I don't have blue acrylic paint all over my arm. (Does anyone know a good way to remove acrylics? It's been two days and soap isn't helping. It's strange.)

I'm not sure why, but if I open the video with Google Chrome, the colors are severely distorted. Let me know if the video is behaving oddly for you.

I think I've convinced myself to never again wind up in front of a camera; I probably just wasted five minutes of your life. *ears turn red* On the other hand, you got sneak peeks for some new jewelry!

I'm disappearing from the blog for about a week in order to work on Ink and Fairydust and final exams. Wish me luck!

P.S. That cute brooch on my cloche (cloches are way cooler than fezzes, tell me you get the reference!) is from Mary's shop, Snowflakes and Clockwork.

Post-post-script: THANK YOU all so very much for the lovely comments you've been leaving me. I rarely say thanks-- so thank you, thank you, danke schoen! Each little note makes my day lovelier and you all have given me so much support and encouragement!

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