04 May 2014

How JZ Knight Became the Channeler of Ramtha

JZ Knight was a suburban housewife living in Tacoma, Washington with her dentist husband, Jeremy Wilder, and two sons, Brandy and Chris.  The year was 1977.  One Sunday afternoon she was involved in making small pyramids and dehydrating food with her husband.  Just after jokingly placing one of the pyramids on her head and laughing, she noticed the glimmer of a bright light at the other end of her kitchen.  Then . . .

I blinked, and to my utter shock and amazement, there stood a giant man at the other end of my kitchen . . . just standing there, aglow.

This . . . thing . . . was made all of light, like golden glitter dropped through a ray of sunlight.  His shoulders came to the top of the door, and it was as if the ceiling had disappeared to make room for his head.  It was beautiful.  His robe seemed to be of purple light, a dazzling display of color and crystal against this strangeness of immense human form.  An illuminating white overlay formed the broad mantle of his shoulders.  I could not make out if jewels and gold flashed upon his heavenly robe or if they were lights.  These were the brightest lights and colors I had ever seen, and yet they were not harsh.  His face . . . it was the most beautiful face I had ever seen . . . eyes that shone like ebony stones with copper flashes . . . skin, if that is what is was, the coloring of olive, bronze, illuminated, and a fine chiseled nose and a broad jawline and a smile that would rival any Hollywood star's.  My eyes went glassy, like those of a sleepwalker.  I could hear voices about me, but they were far away, like in a dream.  The power to reason had fled my mind, and I felt pulled into the splendor of that unearthly magic.  A Blue light blazed and filled the room with an aura of innocence and holy peace that emanated from this stately form.  A moment later—I don't know, maybe it was an hour later—I formed an utterance of words that must have come from a feeble innocence within my being.  "You are beautiful. Who are you?"

A smile so divine parted his lips to reveal glistening, immaculate teeth.

"I am Ramtha, the Enlightened One.  I have come to help you over the ditch."  The words were delivered in a most melodious manner.

My mind had been whirling up to that point, but the word "ditch"—ditch? what ditch?—caught my attention.  I broke the gaze.  I came out of the dreamstate and became of the earth again.  Ditch?  I quickly bent to see if the kitchen floor had fallen away.  What other ditch could he mean?  The floor was still under my chair, and the miracle cap had fallen off my head.  Stupid, stupid, stupid.  Where had my good sense gone?  What kind of crazy dream was I having, anyway?  I started laughing nervously again, putting both hands to my head as if to clasp it together.  Wake up, dummy, it's time to fix breakfast.  Then I looked back in the direction of the "dream" and the "dream" was laughing, too.   Suddenly this wasn't so funny anymore.

"Beloved woman, the greatest of things are achieved with a light heart," he continued.  "It is the ditch of limitation and fear I will help you over.  For you will, indeed, beloved woman, become a light onto the world.  Know that you are greatly loved, for the Father in heaven knows of you and loves you, greatly, indeed."

Too stunned to feel frightened, I was without words, my mind unable to comprehend his message.  I was mute as Ramtha continued to speak.

"Beloved woman, I desire you to know that you and your beloved family are in danger within this house.  I desire you to be out of this place within five days in your counting and in number.  Your children will dream a dream of that which is to come.  Heed the dreams.  Children are of the innocence to see many profound things, they are the prophets of a new age.  I have prepared a great white structure for you as your new hovel.  Indeed, there is a noble runner, entity, that will help you to find it.  You will know who he is.  Indeed, beloved woman, there are many changes coming.  Prepare yourself.  Know that you are greatly loved.  I am Ramtha, the Enlightened One."  The lights went out. . . . The "dream" had gone.
This passage is from JZ Knight's autobiography A State of Mind, My Story (1987).  While there were interims when JZ could see and hear Ramtha, her husband could not; however, due to his familiarity with her he had no trouble accepting the astonishing events related to him.  She eventually became the frequent channeler for Ramtha, explaining that she goes 'out-of-body' during the interludes when Ramtha speaks through her.

The account of the first appearances of the entity known as 'Ramtha' as presented in the book is based on JZ's recall of the life-changing incidents.  The morning after Ramtha's introduction, Chris and Brandy both recounted dreams about violent home intruders.  JZ purchased a new house the same day and they were out of their previous house by Friday night.  On Saturday morning, they found their old home had been ransacked and Ramtha's warning had proven correct.

Ramtha is quoted by JZ as having said:

"Beloved woman, I will not tell you all but I shall tell you this: I was and am the Great Ram.  I lived a life that was thirty-five thousand years ago according to the Julian calendar as you know and understand your time.  I was a great warrior and, indeed, as it was known then, I conquered two-thirds of the known world.  I became enlightened as to the unknown God of my ancient peoples and, indeed, in the sixty-third year of my march, I ascended . . ."

Pivotal in the philosophy of ‘The Ram’ is that both he and every human being are "of the I Am, and that be the I Am of God the Father, as you term it, indeed!"

Here is another example of Ramtha's early discourses as recalled by JZ Knight in her autobiography.

"Beloved woman, indeed, to love all people is, indeed, to love God.  For God, the life force, the source, be all people.  That be what is termed the love of Christ, unconditional love.  Indeed, it be an arduous thing, for all people express differently and, indeed, what be different in one threatens the difference in another, thus there be war.  Beloved woman, though all be different, there lies the commonness between them all, and that be that they be of God.  The master first learns to accept the God that he is.  For, indeed, when love he completely that which he is, he loves completely God.  That love be termed 'unconditional love.'   Then the master sees and loves in others that commonness called God.  It is the love of self and God that allows the master to love everyone regardless of their differences."

Aware that these fantastic events seem outlandish to people upon first learning about them, JZ obviously found that offering a detailed account of her life would help people to understand her bizarre predicament.

While growing up, she confronted her Sunday school teacher Sister Effy Bell after noticing some apparent contradictions in the Bible.  JZ decided to find a different spiritual path than following the strict religious dogma of her local church.  She wrote:

. . . I never left God, nor did I forget the simple teachings of Jesus Christ.  His message was that God and the Kingdom of Heaven were within all of us, and that to love all would be to love God.  Jesus was and is a living light within my life this very day.  I endeavor to judge no one for what they believe or don't believe.  Like Jesus, I have chosen rather to love all.
In JZ's autobiography, she described how she "became the interpreter, involuntarily" for Ramtha speaking with her husband Jeremy.  On one occasion, Ramtha conversed with Jeremy of "that which is termed gold" — money.

"Ramtha, why are you suggesting ways for me to become more successful?" asked Jeremy.  "It doesn’t seem to be in keeping with what a spiritual entity would do."

"Master, why think you that abundance be not spiritual?  Everything be God.  To be fruitful in that which is one’s work is to manifest the joy of abundance on your plane."

"I always thought that really spiritual people were poor.  They didn’t need wealth."

"Master, that be a creative truth created by those to induce poverty upon others in the name of spirituality, to take their wealth away from them!  Those entities that created that truth are the richest of all.  They be that which is termed religions.  If you say to them that, for them to be spiritual, they must then tear down their cathedrals, melt down all their gold, and give up their treasures back to those they took in from, think you they would follow their own truth?"

The first time Ramtha would speak through JZ without her being conscious was during a consultation with the pastor of a Spiritualist Church as Jeremy watched.  Then, in November 1978, JZ agreed to make a public appearance at the Rama Center, a spiritual center in Oregon.  Ramtha was quoted: "Indeed, beloved woman, you will bloom completely into that which is termed a channel . . . You will abdicate the entirety of that which be your body . . . liken unto one passing from this plane.  Indeed, in the twinkling of an eye you will be changed and, indeed, you will follow a great light until you become that light.  Within a moment in your time you shall return unto your body and, indeed, time will have ebbed by . . ."

The following passage is JZ's description of what happened at the Rama Center.  A woman named Mary Redhead  introduced JZ and her husband to the group.  She was nervous about living up to their expectations.
"Ramtha, please get me out of here," I whispered.

"Indeed, beloved woman, go in peace," came the answer.

In the wisp of a moment I felt like a great hand had come and jerked me from my body.  I faintly remember seeing the room from the ceiling . . . everything and everyone seemed frozen.  I looked down and saw the top of my own head.  My beautiful hair was casting a light, something like a bright golden white light seen through a slight mist.  Then the misted light filled the room, dancing and flashing like brilliant stones fired by lightning.  I somehow felt and knew that I was part, yet all, of that light.  A flash came—I don't know where from—but I was going somewhere.  I was racing or flowing down a tunnel, but I couldn't see the sides.  I just remember that there appeared to be a wind taking me toward a brilliant light at the other end of the tunnel.  I focused on the growing brilliance of that whiter-than-white, brighter-than-bright illuminating light.  I heard a voice: "Go toward the light."  I knew that the voice was the light.  The closer I came, the more brilliant the light was.  It's lightning flashes began to bathe me in a warm peaceful glow that I cannot possibly explain.  I just know that I had no fear, no regrets, and no limitations.  I was rapturously free.  I had no thoughts or fears about my husband, my children, the house mortgage, the bulldog, my cellulite, my kitchen, the kids' grades in school, my past, my present, my future, or the people in the room I had left behind.  No sorrow, no pain . . . just oneness with the great light.  Within it, I knew and understood all things completely in a fashion that transcended the logical and petty mind.  I knew that what I had left behind was a dream of the altered state of God: man.  I was not detached from the whole but was the whole.  I did not want to leave the light.  Then a flash came and I felt heavy once more, with eyelids, arms, legs that tingled as if they were asleep, and a head that pounded.  I slowly opened my eyes.  Things were blurred at first.  I barely remember my husband holding my hands and head and saying something to me.  Images were moving, and voices that were faint were becoming audible.  People were crowded around me, faces in my face, hands on my unfeeling feet, and there was an air of excitement everywhere.  I focused my eyes on a woman.  It was that sweet woman, Mary Redhead.  I started and tried to jump up, but I wasn't ready.  I had not completely become me again.  My mind began to race with questions about what, if anything, had happened.  I remembered asking the Ram for help and remembered the jolt . . . but nothing else.  I looked around with what must have been an expression of anxiety on my face, because Mary, my husband, and others started saying, "It's all right, everything's all right.  It's a miracle."
Jeremy informed her that Ramtha had come in and "shocked everyone with his power, wit, and love."

Some of the phenomena described by JZ in the book is similar to what has been described by clairvoyant and clairaudient mediums, such as what resulted after she started going to bookstores, looking for books to explain what was happening to her.

When I started reading those books, little colored lights would appear.  Their activity would become frantic when there was something on a particular page that was important.  At first I thought it was my eyes.  But after a doctor's examination and an explanation from Ramtha, I learned that these were "runners," or light beings, and (I know this sounds crazy) they were there to show me that I wasn't crazy.  Anyway, they seemed to go with me wherever I went and sort of "light the way."

How JZ Knight became the channeler of Ramtha is also the topic of an article that appeared in the Fireside Series of books derived from Ramtha's discourses, including Parallel Lifetimes: Fluctuations in the Quantum Field (2004).  She explained: "Ramtha has been a part of my life ever since I was born, but I didn't know who he was and I didn't know what he was, only that there was a wonderful force that walked with me, and when I was in trouble — and I had a lot of pain in my life growing up — that I always had extraordinary experiences with this being who would talk to me."

JZ described the difficulties of being taught by Ramtha how to "get out of my body."  After a practice session she would realize that her kids were home from school although it seemed to her like she had just put away the breakfast dishes.

JZ has been channeling Ramtha since late 1979.  She described the two robes that she has always seen him wearing:

Even though they are the same robe, they are really beautiful so you never get tired of seeing them.  The inner robe is snow white and goes all the way down to where I presume his feet are, and then he has an overrobe that is beautiful purple.  You should understand that I have really looked at the material on these robes and it is not really material; it is sort of like light. 

More information about Ramtha and JZ Knight is available at the "Frequently asked questions" and "Mini-Teachings" pages at ramtha.com.

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