11 May 2014

Ramtha: An Introduction to Unlimitedness

This is cover art from editions of the book A Beginner's Guide to Creating Reality.
An individual's understanding of life and 'God' must be based on one's own experiences.  Among the annals of unexplained phenomena, the transcendental communication offered by visitors from the ascended realm helps one to see beyond illusionary superstitions and dogmas to better comprehend the nature of one's true home in the Mind and Being of 'God.'  The entity known as 'Ramtha' is representative of cases involving so-called 'ascended masters' who offer perspectives concerning this momentous reality.

After going into a hypnotic trance, Edgar Cayce spoke about diverse aspects of life that included the ancient civilizations Atlantis and Lemuria or Mu.  The personality who speaks for interims through JZ Knight is Ramtha, who has said that he lived 35,000 years ago on the continent of Lemuria and was part of the pilgrimage that went into that which is termed Atlantis. 

Scientific testing revealed physiological changes of JZ Knight when channeling Ramtha.  This data was reported at a press conference in 1997 where proof was presented of Ramtha's existence independent of JZ Knight.  The testing showed autonomic nervous system responses and changes in JZ's appearance when Ramtha was manifesting.

Another well-known contemporary channeler is John of God, the topic of several articles last year at this blog including "An Introduction to John of God".  Other articles are about another Brazilian trance channeler healer, Rubens de Faria Jr. 
My introduction to Ramtha channeled by JZ Knight was the short book published in 1996 The Mystery of Love (available to be read without charge in a PDF edition).  After reading The Mystery of Love, one will have some understanding about what is meant by Ramtha identifying himself as 'the enlightened one.' 
Two chronologies of unexplained phenomena encompassing transcendental communication of ascended masters involved Helena Petrovna Blavatsky and Guy and Edna Ballard.  HPB's theosophical 'Masters' commented about their complex predicament in a series of materialized (or 'precipitated') letters that are now known as 'The Mahatma Letters'.  The Ballards published a collection of books called The Saint Germain Series including volumes of The "I AM" Discourses.  

Those who are familiar with other accounts of transcendental communication will not be surprised to learn that Ramtha alternates speaking in the first person as "I" and in the third person as "we" during public orations.   Ramtha's perspectives of life are extensively documented in many books, including Voyage to the New World (1985) by Ramtha with Douglas James Mahr; and the Ramtha books A Beginner's Guide to Creating Reality (1998), The White Book (1999), A Master's Reflection on the History of Humanity Part I Human Civilization Origins and Evolution (2001) and Part II Rediscovering the Pearl of Ancient Wisdom (2002), along with many shorter books.

Previous blog articles have chronicled what I refer to as 'the Michael pattern' (in addition to 'the Bell pattern') in cases often categorized as involving the 'paranormal.'  In JZ's case, a teenage romance with high school football star Mike Phipps resulted with her contemplating love: "Mike made me question if love was really just a state of mind . . . or something more."

Controversies about JZ Knight and Ramtha over the years have involved her financial wealth derived from channeling and her investments in Arabian horses.  JZ acknowledged that she was surprised when Ramtha first told her to charge admission for her channeling services.  In JZ's autobiography, Ramtha was quoted: ". . . the knowledge of God will provide the grandest profit of all . . . tell them that God be your employer."

A short biographical article at jzknight.com reports: "Some of the main humanitarian charities JZ Knight has sponsored through the JZ Knight Humanities Foundation she created have been the empowerment of women, world peace, and education scholarships for children.  Since 1988, JZ Knight has contributed more than $1,200,000 to 200 graduating High School seniors so they could pursue their educational goals.  She has helped local church’s charities aiding communities in Africa."

Voyage to the New World includes transcripts of portions of 'Ramtha Dialogue Tapes' recorded between 1981 and 1983.  Ramtha's commentary about the brain can be compared to channeled perspectives of the brain offered by trance channelers Edgar Cayce and Eileen Garrett in earlier decades.  A 'master' (Ramtha's word to describe the people who come to see him) said to him "when you speak of emotion and feeling I sense it as one thing."  Ramtha answered:
It is indeed, Lass.  A thought hath no reality in the Soul of man until it is embraced and felt, experienced unto his Soul, and recorded as wisdom.  A thought enters, Entity, through the auric field.  It comes through that which is termed the receiver, the brain.  The brain is divided in sections that qualify to various vibratory enlightenment forms called thought.

That which is termed the pituitary is the Seventh Seal, it is holy and divine.  It possesses within Itself that which is termed a hormone structure that, through desire, opens itself and lets the hormones flow through the brain and to the mouth of the pineal which is the Sixth Seal, the door to the Seventh.  In the flowing of these hormones, it activates another part of that which is termed the Divine Receiver, the brain, to elocate itself to accept a higher thought-frequency called unlimitedness.  The higher thought emerges upon the brain and, in the specified area, through the door of that which is termed the Divine Seventh, fills the entire brain cavity with a different electrical frequency circuit.

The frequency is then sent through that which is termed the central nervous system.  It holds forth that which is termed its mouth to receive that which is termed the electrical [projectile] that is sent through the entire system to every cellular structure within the entire body to create from thought to feeling.  The entire body responds to the feeling of this electrical impulse . . . the entire body.

The Soul, [which] sits by that which is termed the Fourth [Seal], is called the Soul of Reckoning.  The entire feeling is thus recorded within the Soul; the Soul records memory as feelings.  That is how memory is stored.
Another portion of the book presents Ramtha's commentary concerning returning in the present form.
There are many entities that have passed from this plane, that have done many grand things, that have gone many places.  I am the only one that ever came back.  For, you see, I have been a man, I have lived in desperate situations, I have been all that you have been.  The justifiableness of me returning in this form was that all you have been I have mastered and thus ascended unto my kingdom.

I choose to come back in this fashion, in this embodiment as a woman, not to demonstrate that a man and a woman can live together peacefully—they can—but [to demonstrate] that God is both man and woman, equally and evenly.  [I choose to come back in this fashion] to not leave you any images that you could dolt around your neck or put up on your wall or carve into stone, because you have always been notorious for worshiping others.

If there was no image to remember with me—other than that I have loved you and I have tolerated you, and you I—what you would remember of our union is how you feel and that, alas, is the most important thing of all.  When you leave I, 'tis not that you remember me but that you remember you and the God that I have, over and over, through great repetition, expressed to you and demonstrated to you is there—rich in flesh and color and blood and vibrance and blue and brown and all colors—It is there.

But of this form, that the purpose and the reason that I was here is to tell you how important that you are.  Because the only way that one enters into the Kingdom of Heaven, 'tis not through the worship of another but the worship of the All.  And the only way you can ever comprehend the All is from your point of view.  And your point of view is called God and that is where you find Him.  How do you think, my beloved people, that you ever become?  By following someone else, by worshiping something you never saw and never understood?  You become by worshiping you.
"Ramtha on Channeling" and "Seven Levels of Consciousness"—among other lecture excerpts of recent years—may be viewed at Ramtha.com and You Tube. 

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