09 June 2014

Ramtha Intensive: Soulmates

A publisher note explains that Ramtha held more than 300 public audiences between 1978 and 1987.  Two 1987 Ramtha Intensive books present transcripts of seminars supplemented with related materials from other lectures: Soulmates and Change: The Days to Come.  The primary Intensive lectures featured in these books were presented in 1986.

In Voyage to the New World, Ramtha occasionally informed students that he was going to manifest their fears.  He can be found to have accomplished this in a perhaps unexpectedly literal way within the transcripts of his commentary found in the two Intensive books.  An implicit lesson is that masters must always discriminate about what is taught and never accept an opinion solely on the basis of a teacher's renown.  Some of the remarks in the Intensives blatantly contradict statements made by Ramtha at other times.  Ramtha said during the "Soulmates" intensive: "Words can never captivate emotion; they struggle to express it." 

The "Soulmates" Intensive occurred the weekend of January 10-12, 1986 in a hotel ballroom in Seattle, Washington with approximately 250 people attending.  The first printing of Ramtha Intensive: Soulmates was in July 1987 with some revisions in the transcript of a revised edition published in September the same year.  My source for this article is the revised edition. 

After his customary toast with a glass of water while announcing, "'Tis the beginning of the dissolution of limited thought . . .," Ramtha's introduction offered a clue of the unexpected challenges to come: "I am the outrageous Ramtha!"  He informed his audience that these teachings were "endeavoring, through wondrous ways, to break down the barriers of your belief systems so that you allow a movement of power to awaken within you."

Ramtha informed the audience: "Oh, I have changed my speech because I found that few understood 'Indeed, so-be-it, as-it-were-indeed, as-it-is-now-seen' . . . I learned to speak your lingo, and I'm rather good at it."  He explained that he kept telling the same thing to those who returned to his lectures: "Because they weren't getting the simple message.  They were hearing it, but they weren't becoming it."

He continued: "So I continued to manifest for them.  I sent them here and there, and I made wondrous things happen in their lives.  Yet all they wanted was more — not more of what they could do, but of what I could do for them!"

He said wryly —

Why do I teach about God, a subject that no one really cares about?  (Jokingly imitates audience)  "Let's get on with hopping in the sack with my soulmate!"  (audience laughs.)  You see, your thoughts and your fantasies are all known.  You may dress up and look prim and proper, but I see how you think.

People in the ascended state have access to information through the omnipresent Christ Consciousness.  Presumably the process is similar to how clairvoyant and clairaudient mediums function with extrasensory perception on our Earth plane.  It is a traditional religious belief that God the Father knows all; however, a master need not worry that every minute aspect of one's life will be accessible to others.  When I attended a Ramtha lecture in Hollywood in 2006 and saw Ramtha visually scan the audience for several minutes, I had not previously read about this aspect of his interaction with people.  Person by person, Ramtha was evidently presented with psychic information.  Ramtha seemed to pause when he stared in my direction or did it just seem that way?

During his "Soulmates" Intensive two decades earlier, Ramtha stated: "Well, in the spiritual science of soulmates, there is great knowledge awaiting those who are ready to go on, who are ready to wake up from the dream they have been dreaming."  He proceeded to describe an array of philosophical perspectives of soulmate potentialities. 

Ramtha usually spoke in the first person yet occasionally there was a perspective change to the third person.  It is only necessary to give a few examples of how Ramtha manifested human fears about the influence of unseen powers in our lives.

There are those who have lost fortunes, just to bring them to an understanding.  There are those who have gained everything, just to prove that they could do it.  It doesn't matter!  I will do whatever is necessary.  And my runners are such a motley lot that when the command is given they go and do their bidding.

. . . because you are hung up with so many illusions.  So I will send the runners, and we will do what is called a housecleaning.  When you are not honorable I will send back your dishonor one hundredfold!

Well, I have seen you gang up on others, I have seen you create a truth, called gossip.  I have seen you, through that truth, take away the beauty and the joy of another.  I am sending back your condemnations, one hundredfold, so that you experience what you have placed upon another.

Having made statements about people being judgmental, he in turn without any explanation was noticeably offering examples of how an 'ascended master' would sound when manifesting judgmental behavior in accordance with human fears about metaphysical possibilities.

Ramtha recited "a very short synopsis of the eternal mystery of how it all began" to remind the audience of the forgotten evolution of humanity.

When the Is contemplated itself and gave birth to Movement, birth to Light, that was when all of the gods were born.  Each of you became a light particulum, whole, a god.  And the gods, immediately endowed with souls, created from their thought processes.

Your soul is like a computer.  It holds and stores thought.  Without your soul you would know no thing, you could express no thing, you could create no thing, you would be no thing, except Is.  The soul records every thought you've ever had.

Gods created the first livable planet in your solar system.  It was called Melina, and it was the first planet birthed from your sun.  It was created from light giving birth to mass, a natural process.  There the gods played, creating light forms.  (At this point, you, the gods, are each still one god, undivided.  So, you are without gender, as it were.)  When, through their competitive spirit, the gods destroyed Melina (remnants of it now circle Saturn), many of them went to the far reaches of your universe, where they still are this day in your time.  Others went to the planet that is in line with your Earth but on the other side of the sun, a planet which your scientists will discover before the end of this century.  So there is another planet out there that you didn't know you had.

I was left wondering whether or not scientists could be honest about such a discovery at the present time when secrecy seems to be an institutionalized aspect of bureaucracies.  A ridiculous excuse for cover-ups is not wanting to upset the 'status quo,' considering the sad economic and environmental conditions of world societies.

Ramtha proposed that human understanding can be obscured by spiritual dogma.  He defined a dogma as "a created truth without the substance of reality." 

Ramtha encouraged a consideration of "union of self' to redefine how one might consider the expression 'soulmate.'

Each of you has another "you."  The other is not higher or lower; it is simply the other.  In an unlimited form it is called "I Am."  Did you know that "I Am" is the All-in-All, without walls, boundaries and appendages?  Did you know that "I Am" is the declaration of the unity of self, forever and ever and ever?  That describes you — and the other "you" that you are.

A central teaching of Guy Warren Ballard and his wife Edna's "I AM" activity introduced in the 1930s is that the 'I AM Presence' is a law of life signifying "God in Action."  A series of books chronicling the case encompasses twenty volumes that offer an extensive collection of channeled discourses by beings who referred to themselves as 'ascended masters.'

During his "Soulmates" lectures, Ramtha commented about the potentialities of fanaticism with his or any teachings.

Fanatics soon become even more limited in their truth.  And so angry and frustrated and unhappy are they, that they soon set themselves above the rest of the world.   They would even go to the depths of slaying the rest of the world to prove their point, their truth!  Woe unto you if you take what I say out of context and become fanatical with it, for I will send to you that limited truth one thousandfold, until you say, "Enough!  What were the other things he said?"  Bargain?

All I have ever said, and all the words I have ever formulated and issued forth, have all been for one great understanding: You are God.

The reader might consider Ramtha a fanatic himself in relation to his often emphasized statement "You are God" as it is obvious that from an individual perspective each person is only one unit or iota among the Source's innumerable egos; yet both of these awarenesses are essential to making beneficial decisions in the course of one's daily life. 

Ramtha warned about fanatical aspects of the quest for soulmates, sometimes incorporating metaphorical expressions.

If you throw away what you have gained up to this present time to go and find a soulmate, you are headed for the pits of fire, I assure you, because you are not going forward; you are reacting backwards.

Ramtha once again offered his perspectives of God and morality.

Did you know that if the Father, which is the All-in-All, had judged you for the least-little-cruddy thing you had done, you wouldn't exist in the next moment, and neither would life.

When you get rid of right and wrong, you get rid of every dogma that was ever created, and you find God in the process.

You're not going to learn to stop judging by someone telling you to do so. You are going to learn by becoming what you judge in another.  So be it!

You know, in heaven there's a very elitist staff.  Only the goodie goodies go to heaven.  But, masters, never desire heaven; desire knowledge.  Knowledge creates that consciousness.

Ramtha was equally severe with women and men on the topic of soulmates.
All of you women want your soulmates, eh?  You want the perfect lover, someone who can see you fat and ugly and still love you, someone to take care of you, to be there, to provide for you, to give you freedom.  Well, I have something to tell you.  There is no man on this plane at this hour who has reached godhood or knighthood to be that brave, that noble, that powerful and that unconditionally loving.   They're in the same boat that you are, because they're looking for someone, just like you are — except you're not filling their bill any more than they are filling yours.

You don't know there is more to life than simply bedding down with another entity.

Now, I love you, but you are still wanting someone outside of you to fill up something you don't own inside.

What are you going to do when you become impotent?

You are also filled with holes because you don't love what you are.
Othe second day of the Intensive, Saturday, Ramtha's continued to occasionally manifest a judgmental mentality.  Some similar commentary is documented intermittently within the Ballards' sixth book of the Saint Germain Series, Ascended Master Discourses, Volume VI (1937), an anthology of 1937 discourse transcripts.  The Foreword by Godfré Ray King (Guy Warren Ballard's pen name) reminded that the discourses were "dictated in Words of Living Light" to him before thousands of "I AM" Students.

The transcript of the "Soulmates" Intensive notes a symbolic moment.

(Tugs several times at a rose in the floral arrangement and finally yanks it free)   I don't give up!  (Audience laughs and applauds.)
Ramtha manifested human fears about life's uncertainties, God, potential upheavals of society and nature, and human sexuality.

Everything that you are in this dream, you are because you wanted to be that way.  Did you know that?  Whether you are rich or poor, king or beggar, whether you are married, unmarried, seeking, secure, insecure, frustrated, you made it that way.

Know you that there is no such thing as a victim?  Harsh teaching.  But when good and bad are done away with, when life is seen as a continuum, an ongoing process, then there is no such thing as a victim; there is only life.

I said unto this audience, "Go and prepare for yourselves a two-year supply of food.  Two years."  I said unto them that the shadows of Superconsciousness and the graveness of social consciousness were coming — and they took it out of context and became fanatics!  They immediately took it as a dogma rather than the natural thing to do, and they thought that anyone who didn't do likewise was foolhardy.  They wanted to see an end come to social consciousness, but they had chosen parts of the teaching to see only one way for it to happen.  And yet there are many ways.

The diseases that I spoke about long ago are now here.  No one knew what I was talking about when I said they would happen.  But they are Nature getting rid of those who do not add to the patterns of evolution.

Simply know that you are going into a winter, and be prepared for it.  But also know that spring will soon follow.

You are afraid to change.  So what I am going to do is, I'm going to manifest for you every boredom in your life until you are in manic depression.

Now, I will also manifest all of your fears.  I will manifest them because they are dark things.  Now "darkness" does not equate evil; dark means that they are hidden from the light.

The transcript records that "The audience sits in stunned silence" following the declarations "Now, you women!  You love/hate your men.  You, master it!  Men, you love/hate your women.  Master it!"

Here is some of Ramtha's other advice from the Soulmates Intensive —
Can you say "no" and walk away, and not care what others think?  Know you the weed?  How many of you can pass up a joint?  You say, "It's not very strong.  It's the thing to do."  But did you know that you are killing your brain?"

you know that it takes a polarity to have war?  There is no war if one accuses you of being wrong and you allow them their accusation, because there is no re-action.  Walk away and allow.  That is being a master.

The "new age" is already here.  It is the age of consumption of knowledge — not the pursuit of, but the allowing of.  And in that age there is no room for limited beliefs.
At one point, Ramtha said: "Do you hear me?  Do you feel me?  I'll test you!  So be it!"
On the third day of the Intensive, Sunday, Ramtha addressed the prophesied "second coming of Christ" and Ramtha's perspective is consistent with commentary found in the transcripts of the channeled readings of Edgar Cayce, the topic of the previous articles "The Second Coming" and "Explaining The Second Coming".

Well, it is a true prophecy.  But it is not the return of Yeshua ben Joseph.  The return of christ is when the christ is realized in all peoples.  It is the power within you waking up.

The second coming of christ is certain upon this plane.  Few know it, because most are still entrapped in their dogmas and their little boxes of social consciousness.
Here are some of Ramtha's concluding comments —
To be here with you I have come from a grand space that is right where you are but which is "beyond beyond."  The space I come from is called love.  Not even death nor dimensions can separate you from it.  It is the great immortal fabric that weaves life.

You have watched and listened and learned from this little body that belongs to one of your own kind.  It had been wonderful this way because it has allowed you, with your mind of idealistic form, to look upon me without fear and hear the message.  If it had been any other way most of you would not have listened, because you are terrified of that which is beyond the seen.

To come to you this way is a miracle of sorts, a wonderment . . . .

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