18 June 2014

The Other Ascended Masters

Guy Warren Ballard (1878-1939) and his wife Edna (1886-1971) were photographed in San Francisco in 1938.

Guy Warren Ballard married Edna Anna Wheeler in 1916.  He was employed by Ford Motor Company and she was an accomplished harpist.  They met in 1912 soon after Ballard moved to Chicago.  Upon seeing a gleaming gold harp on display at a music store, he felt impelled to learn more about the instrument.  What happened next is reported in The History of the "I Am" Activity and Saint Germain Foundation: In the Ascended Masters' Words and the Recollections of Those Who Were There (2003).  He was sent to Miss Wheeler's studio on the second floor and a "profound recognition occurred between the two young people."

There are thousands of transcripts of discourses dictated from 'ascended masters' to Guy and Edna Ballard.  Volume III of the 20-volume Saint Germain Series The "I Am" Discourses (1936) is the first book presenting the transcripts.  The 33 discourses in the book were described in the Foreword as having been "dictated over a Visible Light and Sound Ray in our home during 1932 by the Ascended Master Saint Germain and those other Ascended Masters directly concerned with This Activity."  The History reported:

Mrs. Ballard copied down each Discourse in longhand, later completing it in typed form.  The earliest known Discourse was given on June 13, 1932 ("On Visualization"), and was published in The Voice of the "I AM" for April 1936.  These early Discourses, directed to the family and their current Students, were not published until 1985, as Volume 4, Ascended Master Instruction.

On October 3, 1932 at 1:00 p.m., Beloved Saint Germain began the series of thirty-three Discourses on the Word "I AM," published as Volume 3 in 1936, the third of the foundational Books of the "I AM" Teaching.

Here is a transcript excerpt from the April 1936 magazine presenting Saint Germain's June 13, 1932 discourse.

There are thousands in America who recognize a Supreme Presence, which enables a certain amount of energy to flow through and sustain It.  NOW the Conscious Understanding and effort of the "Mighty I AM Presence" has come forth and will sustain It still more powerfully.

In the thought, desire and vision are the Self-sustaining Power, if you can but be conscious of it in your use of them.  In all activity that you start into motion, be always conscious that it is Self-sustained.  Then you give it the Full Action and Power that belong to it.
The first two books in the Saint Germain Series are Unveiled Mysteries (1934) and The Magic Presence (1935) by Godfré Ray King (pen name for Guy Ballard).  An Editor's Note for the first book signed by 'Lotus Ray King' (pen name for Edna Ballard) explained:

. . . the material in this book is written in a plain, direct manner with no attempt to conform to artificial literary standards, or outer world authority.

The material in the first two books is simply a record of the author's experiences in the order in which the events occurred, stated as clearly as possible and in words that convey to the reader the feeling of the experiences.

The Foreword by Godfré Ray King further defined the book's scope.

With the exception of Saint Germain, the real names of the Ascended Masters, exact locations, records, and treasure herein described are withheld intentionally—at his command—for reasons that are obvious, because only by the Service of Love and invitation from the Ascended Masters is the right earned to be with them in visible, tangible, living, breathing bodies.

I can record only a part of the events that took place and the instruction I received.

The saying that, "Truth is stranger than fiction," applies to this book.  It is for the reader to accept or reject as he chooses, but the Ascended Masters, whose help I have received, have said to me often:—"The more humanity can accept our 'Presence,' the wider it opens the door for Us to pour greater and greater help to it . . ."

To those who read this work, I wish to say, that these experiences are as real and true as mankind’s existence on this earth today, and that they all occurred during August, September, and October of 1930, upon Mount Shasta, California, U.S.A.

At the beginning of Unveiled Mysteries, King wrote about spending his leisure time investigating a rumor of a local brotherhood of divine men during a government business trip to a town at the foot of Mount Shasta.  During a hike, the author/narrator visited a mountain spring when a young man—"no ordinary person"—filled the hiker’s cup with a creamy liquid.  The drink was reported to have an astonishing taste.

"That which you drank," he explained, "comes directly from the Universal Supply, pure and vivifying as Life Itself, in fact it is Life—Omnipresent Life—for it exists everywhere about us.  It is subject to our conscious control and direction, willingly obedient, when we Love enough, because all the Universe obeys the behest of Love."
The stranger spoke about many spiritual truths before his countenance altered to "become the living, breathing, tangible 'Presence' of the Master, Saint Germain, smiling at my astonishment and enjoying my surprise."
He stood there before me—a Magnificent Godlike figure—in a white jeweled robe, a Light and Love sparkling in his eyes that revealed and proved the Dominion and Majesty that are his.
Germain explained: "We—in the Ascended State—can control the atomic structure of our world as a potter controls his clay.  Every electron and atom in the universe is obedient to our desire and command, because of the God-Power by which we control it and of which we have earned the right to be the Directors."
Ballard writing as Godfré Ray King delineated Saint Germain reviewing with the narrator previous lives in other Earth lands.  Saint Germain is quoted: "An Ascended Master may if he choose, revivify or reclothe the individual's record of former activities wherever that person happens to be for the pattern upon which the Master coalesces the atomic structure is always in the aura of that individual.  When the Master reclothes the record of a locality he must do it in the same specific place . . ."

The narrator experienced going forth from the body as the ascended master increased the rate of vibration of the atomic structure in both the mind and body.  

The Godfré Ray King Foreword of The "I AM" Discourses explained:

Only fragments of the real understanding of the "I AM Presence" have been given to the outer world until now.  The Ascended Master, Saint Germain, says: "It is the most important Understanding mankind can ever have; and there is no Freedom nor Perfection for the individual, except through this conscious application."  He considers It of such paramount importance that He dictated more than thirty-three discourses in which he explains what happens in the outer Life of the individual when one says, "I AM."  He also says: "Nothing will bless the individual to so great a degree as the conscious Understanding of this 'Creative Word.'"

The initial series of discourses came forth twice a week through December 29, 1932 when Saint Germain was quoted:

It is so important that the students have the benefit of the manuscripts, that We must discontinue the Instruction until they are completed; for according to their ability to accept that which is illustrated in the manuscripts, will the "Great Judge" determine what shall next be given.

"I AM" is the Intelligent Active Principle within us, the Heart of our Beings, the Heart of the planet and the Heart of the system.
The next dictated discourse—when Saint Germain during the Invocation said, "Now I will step aside and let our Beloved Brother speak his heart"—was from Jesus on December 24, 1933.

Following the transition of Guy Ballard from his Earth life on December 29, 1939, the cosmic beings resumed their dictations on January 2, 1944 during his widow's public "I AM" class.

Edna Ballard was quoted from a September 12, 1965 interview with students:

Some people have made the statement that I just say what I feel.  Well, I do nothing of the kind: I both see and hear at the Inner Level, and I have since I was about thirteen years old . . .

The Ascended Masters select the Student!  We do not select the Masters!  And when They selected me, They prepared me for it.  And I have always had to give certain obedience to the Cosmic Law before It would permit the Great Privilege which was mine to come forth, through which the Ascended Master could tell us the truth.

There is no mediumship because my Free Will is in control at all times, and I am fully conscious.  At no time is there any trance state. . . .

A footnote added: "Mrs. Ballard, sometimes pausing for several moments between phrases, other times speaking rapidly, usually stood with her eyes wide open, looking directly at the audience."

In comparison, Guy Ballard was quoted in the October 1936 issue of The Voice of the "I AM" as having said on August 30 the same year in San Francisco:

As Saint Germain flashes his Words to you, before me in Letters of Living Light, I shall repeat Them to you.  I keep my eyes closed, that I may hold a more Powerful Concentration on the Words as They come so rapidly.  So far, I have always been able to convey Them clearly and definitely; and if He speaks words concerning yourselves, will you kindly keep yourselves as receptive as possible, that He may record That Assistance in your consciousness, at least the Radiation, and do for you the Greatest Possible Service.
Stenographer Betty Mundy took down the discourses channeled through Edna as had also been done for Guy.  She is acknowledged in the Author's Appreciation for the first edition of The "I AM" Discourses completed in Long Beach, California on July 20, 1935.  She took down in shorthand the ascended masters' dictation as voiced by the Ballards for more than thirty years. 

The early discourses published in the third and fourth volumes of the Saint Germain Series are dated from July 4, 1932 to January 1, 1935.  The following excerpts provide some examples of the ascended masters' statements found in these two books.

The Seven Centers are the Points of Anchorage of the Individualization of God in the physical form.  The pineal gland is the Point of Anchorage and Radiation of the Great Central Sun.

When we come to a certain point of achievement in the prevailing activity, we sometimes make contact with Wisdom gained in previous, forgotten experiences; and if there is a necessity, we call that Wisdom forth and use it.  In most instances it is done unknown to the outer consciousness.

Within the Divine Record of every individual there is registered all constructive experience.
Whenever you see a negative expression by the press, command all the press to be God's Messengers of Right and Truth — for ere long, it will not be a shield or puppet in the hands of politicians.
Again, I feel I must say how really fortunate the Student is today in having the Assistance of the Mighty Cosmic Christ.  It seems to Me that when the Student really learns this, he will exert everything within his power to harmonize himself within himself, because he knows he has the Assistance of this Mighty Cosmic Presence.

There will yet be a Chamber of Records that will be unsealed, when the New Age has been entered into sufficiently and the Christ Power has gained sufficient Dominion.  This Chamber will reveal another period of civilization's progress, far greater than the one known at present.

The machine to read the Akashic Records will not come forth until humanity is sufficiently evolved to hold to the Christ Presence with no danger of slipping back.

The Truth is that the Great Central Sun is a Presence, a Form, and a Place within the Center of Creation, radiating in all directions.  I assure you It is a very Tangible Place, a Mighty and Tremendous Reality.

The substance that came into form was at one time far denser than now.  The animal element that came through the lower activity, or the conscious lowering to creating for pleasure, caused the creation of the animal form in the atomic structure of the outer world.  In other words, the bodies of animals are the objectification of the thoughts and feelings held in the outer consciousness of human beings when they created simply for the gratification of appetite and pleasure sensation.

The people of today have too much reticence in sharing their experience of the many wondrous things they have received; because of human opinions, in most instances they have held these locked within their own Hearts, lest they should be ridiculed.  When one is consciously with God, moving in His Mighty Presence, why should that one fear what any man might say?

Before fifteen years have passed, you will find the World smaller than ever.  Television and the right aerial transportation will make the World like a great audience chamber.

The reason that flesh food does not belong in the human body is because there is a certain animal quality in the natural structure of the flesh and this automatically acts from its own trained environment of activity.
The average individual uses about five percent of his or her brain.  When you begin to call forth your Eternal Divine Memory, then the vastness of Infinity is in your grasp.  If you want Conscious Association with the Ascended Masters, this human has to obey.  You have to clean house and not give it its own way under any circumstance.  You have to flay it alive until it does only the Will of the "Mighty I AM Presence."

The Power of God's Life which beats their hearts is absolute proof that they have the Intelligence and Power of God within them . . .

The question within the mind of all thinking individuals is that certain herbs or remedial agencies have a certain natural chemical action corresponding to the element within the body.  I say to you: What gives or makes the chemical affinity?  The Power of your "I AM" which enables you to think!

Surrounding each individual is a thought-world, created by him or her.  Within this thought-world is the seed, the "Divine Presence," the "I AM," which is the only acting Presence there is in the Universe, and which directs all energy.  This energy can be intensified beyond any limit through the conscious activity of the individual.

It is not your province to judge another, for you do not know the forces playing upon another nor the conditions.

Throughout all ages, there have been business associations, in which there were one or possibly two with the deliberate intent to do wrong; and through this association, a number of individuals absolutely innocent of any wrong intent, have been imprisoned.  I now tell you, as an Unfailing Law that cannot be changed, that the individual or individuals who cause innocent persons to be incarcerated—thus depriving them of their Freedom of action as God intended—will bring that exact experience which they have desired for another into their own experience—even unto the third and fourth embodiment following.

If one feels critical, inquisitive, or out of harmony toward a person, place, condition, or thing, it is a sure signal that the outer self is acting and the right attitude is to correct it immediately.  Everyone, especially students, must realize, that they have only one thing to do and that is to feel, see, and be Perfection in their own worlds.

It is very easy at times for the student to think that his acts or thoughts are under cover and not known; but to the Ascended Host, there is no act or thought that can be hidden from them; because everything you think or feel is registered in the etheric world about you, as plain as the nose on your face.

In the Oriental activity, there was a secret society, in fact it began in China, maintained gloriously in the Light, until the one then in charge at the head of the order, thought in one of the war ravages that his daughter whom he loved so deeply, was killed by an Englishman—which however was not the case; but it brought about the breaking up of the order and the pictures of "Fu Manchu," of which I think there have been four produced, are the picturing of this to the outer world, showing how the "Light" may be distorted by something starting the feeling of revenge.
Remember, the "I AM Presence" knows all things for all eternity, in all ways past, present and future without limit.

Any kind of knowledge or power is absolutely worthless unless used. Those who will apply and enter into the use of the "I AM Presence" with deep feeling, will see and feel within their own Beings, as they again come in contact with other channels of understanding, how transcendent the knowledge of the "I AM Presence" is, in comparison with all other ideas of Truth.
There are intriguing parallels and some variations found upon studying the philosophical commentary recorded in the case of the Ballards and comparing it with the earlier case involving H. P. Blavatsky and the transcendental communication of 'masters of wisdom'; and with the contemporary case of JZ Knight channeling ascended master Ramtha; as well as the ongoing case of Brazilian trance channel healer 'John of God' (all topics of previous blog articles).  The metaphysical insights possible for readers of the books providing firsthand testimonials about these cases will find further corroboration as one becomes knowledgeable about still other cases involving what people today refer to as 'paranormal phenomena.'  Previous blog series of articles have included such topics as Edgar Cayce, UFOlogy and contactees, Mark Probert, Rosemary Brown, Leslie Flint, Spiritualism, and 'talking poltergeist' cases.

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