28 April 2015

Unit roots in English and Pictures

After my unit roots redux post, a few people have asked for a nontechnical explanation of what this is all about.

Suppose there is an unexpected movement in any of the data we look at -- inflation, unemployment, GDP, prices, etc.  Now, how does this "shock" affect our best estimate of where this variable will be in the future? The graph shows three possibilities.

First, green or "stationary."  There may be some short lived dynamics, the little hump shape I drew here. Then, given enough time, the variable will return to where we thought it was going all along. For unemployment, suppose your best guess of unemployment in 2050 was 5%. Then you see an upward unexpected 1% spike in today's unemployment. Ouch, that means that we're going back to a recession. But perhaps this news does not change your view of 2050 unemployment at all.

Second, blue or "pure random walk." That's more plausible (though no longer thought to be true) of stock prices. If the price goes up unexpectedly, your expectation of where the (log) price will be in the future goes up one-for-one, for all time.

Third, black, "unit root." This option recognizes the possibility that a shock may give rise to transitory dynamics, and may come back towards, but not all the way towards your previous estimate. As you can see the "unit root" is the same as a combination of a stationary component and a bit of a random walk. Perhaps seeing unemployment rise 1%, you think most of it will work itself out, but that even in the long run labor markets will be sticky and we'll never quite get back.

The "unit root" is most plausible and verified in the data for log GDP. Recessions and expansions have a lot of transitory component that will come back. But there are permanent movements too. Unemployment, being a ratio, strikes me as one that eventually must come back. But it can take a longer time than we usually think, which is interesting.

This is very simplified. A few of the issues:

For GDP the question is whether it will come back to a linear trend extrapolated from past data, not back to a level as I have shown.

Most of the issue is how standard statistical procedures work in these circumstances.

As you can see from the graph, the pure question whether the series will come back in an infinite time period is not really knowable. It could be that the series will come back eventually, but take a very long time. It could be stationary plus a second very slow moving stationary component. This is a statistical problem but not really an economic problem. The appearance of unit roots are economically interesting as they show a lot of "low frequency" movement, series that are coming back slowly -- even if they do come back eventually. The economics of "slumps" and (we hope, someday) "booms" is hot on the agenda, and this is one indication of the fact.

This is all much more interesting if you look at multiple series together. For the canonical example, if you just look at stock prices, they are very very close to a random walk. A price rise or decline are permanent. However, if you see stock prices rise relative to dividends, that's almost entirely stationary. GDP and consumption have a similar relationship. As in the latest recession, if GDP declines with a big consumption decline, that looks pretty darn permanent. GDP declining and people still consuming is much more likely to go away.

I hope this helps.

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  • bgbgb