21 June 2015


'Paul' is the spiritual healer who regularly inhabits the body of trance medium Ray Brown.  One of the intricacies of this case is that unlike Paul, when other 'guides' speak through Ray's body for brief interims his eyes remain closed.  Paul has explained that as these guides and helpers see through their own eyes they don't need to use Raymond's eyes.  
The autobiography A Mere Grain of Sand (2004) by Ray & Gillian Brown with Paul Dickson is one of the sources offering instruction from Paul about the spiritual evolution processes of karma and reincarnation.

The most important thing you must realize is that you are responsible for every word, deed and action on the Earth plane.

You cannot avoid the Laws of Karma.  There are those who are of the opinion that karmic debts are cleared down here.  Forget that idea, all karmic debts are cleared in Spirit.

It is very unkind to tell people who have disabilities or suffered accidents that the blame is theirs for something that they did in a past life.

What karmic debt did Jesus have to clear when he died so unmercifully on the Cross?

You will be reminded of all your good and bad deeds, no matter how small.  You will feel all the pain and suffering caused by your actions on Earth.  There is no one waiting to deal out punishment to you.  You judge yourself.  The need to repent and put right all those sins, which will engulf your very being.  Once you have cleared all your karmic debts, you can go forward in Spirit or reincarnate onto the Earth plane.

I have gone through all the levels of progression to Level Nine, and have helped many people overcome these beliefs that come from your Eastern religions.  The only choice you have is: "Yes, I wish to reincarnate or no I wish to progress in Spirit."  There is a greater power than you or I that decides when and where you will be placed.

It is noteworthy that Paul's perspective of karma contrasts with that of one of the 'spirit entities' who communicates through Kevin Ryerson as mentioned in a previous blog article.  Logically, it is obvious that both Paul and 'Tom MacPherson' are offering their understanding based on their own perceptions based upon what they have learned on Earth and in the afterlife.  A previous article addressing this predicament is  "Trance Channeling in the 19th Century".
"Spirit Surgeon" (2003) is an 85-minute documentary DVD compiled and produced by Michael Courtney-Hunt presenting interviews and showing 'spiritual surgery' healings of patients.  Paul is seen moving trapped nerves and he mentions that at times spiritual instruments are used.  Elly, a chartered physiotherapist affirms that she has observed firsthand that Paul knows what he is doing from the medical point of view.  Sue, a registered nurse, comments that she has seen "some great things happen — things that I know couldn't have happened in the medical world that I work in . . . to see someone come in, in agony and to walk out straight is quite remarkable."

When Gillian Brown speaks to a demonstration audience, she mentions that Paul has trained some three thousand doctors in the spirit world.  When Paul is seen taking control of Ray's body, Paul's first words are: "Good evening, God bless you.  My name is Paul and I come in the name of the Lord."  While performing successful operations, Paul keeps the audience in a cheerful mood with jokes such as: "I bet you that's the first time you shook a dead man's hand."  About the jokes, Paul said: "It amuses us in Spirit to talk like that sometimes . . . [imitating a potential reaction to him] 'It's one of those strange men who comes from Nine.'"

Paul advises one patient: "Where the cancer is sitting is a very awkward position.  There's an awful lot gone past that I don't know about so I've actually — we've actually got to pick up right in the middle of your treatment and everything so we need to find out where it is, what it's doing, etc., and build up a new casebook spiritually so that we can go along with whatever you're doing with the physical doctors and tie in alongside them to try and bring about the successful treatment.  So the healing will — tonight will be set.  The doctors will come and visit you tonight.  We'll get the healing set the way I want it."

In "Spirit Surgeon" Paul is seen commenting about what happened to him on the road to Damascus.
When I was on this Earth plane my name was Saul and my Roman name was Paul.  And I am known as Paul of the Corinthians.  I was the persecutor of the Jewish people including Jesus's followers until I was converted on the road to Damascus.

I was, myself, on a horseback and the fever took over me.  I can remember the horse throwing me.  And it was then that the first vision came to me of Jesus and I immediately thought it was the fever and I dismissed it.  

And it was then the second time that it happened was a couple of days later.  I was still heavy with fever.  And I fell off my horse again.  Only this time the vision of Jesus came to me again and asked me why I was persecuting himself and his disciples.

The most devastating thing to me was that when the bright light that I saw—which was not in the sky—left me, I was blind.  And I went on to Damascus where I was cured of that and baptized.

I've met Jesus many times.  Jesus is on Level Ten and he is still there.

I would say he was the first medium to work upon this Earth plane.  Whether or not you should see him in such a high esteem is up to the individual people.  I think yes he should be held in a high place but then again it's like — because I don't see myself as being in a high place I look at it differently.  And because I'm with Jesus a lot and I know his views.  What you must realize is we were all men upon this Earth plane.

That was when the first spiritual act took place between the physical and the spiritual — was when the disciples saw Jesus again.  They did not see him in the flesh but they thought they saw him in the flesh.  Like I saw Jesus but it was not in the flesh.  And I think that any of the modern-today people who have seen materializations, etc. would understand that it is possible for you to see Spirit.  It is possible for you to touch Spirit.  So that was the first time I think that a materialization took place and everything else has been twisted out of proportion like it always is upon this Earth.

Another production of Michael Courtney-Hunt, "Life After Death: Your Spiritual Body" (2011) is a commercial DVD more than two hours in length that was filmed at Bosworth Hall in Leicester as Paul lectured.
Paul identified himself as being classed as "a spiritual neurosurgeon."

As with all human recordings of people on Earth as well as transcendental communicators from other spheres of existence, Electronic Voice Phenomena (EVP) offers greater understanding to the attentive listener.  There are instances of "no" being used to counteract too literal of an interpretation being made of some of Paul's statements.

Paul commented about having chose Ray as his medium: "I don't know why but I did.  And I think I made the wisest choice because it's taken many many years and many many trials and tribulations to get to where we are today."

Paul explained that there are "three classes in trance" with Raymond Brown being a "total takeover": "In other words he leaves his body and to all intents and purposes at this time he is no longer earthly.  He is Spirit.  Because we take him away . . ."  The other stages are: (1) overshadow ('semi-trance') and (2) deep trance: "A lot of mediums work in overshadow.  They don't go into trance but they get all the messages like clairvoyants . . . we took him from this stage into the next stage . . . deep trance.  In other words, you go through the aura.  You take over."

Paul presented his philosophy of the levels of existence beyond the Earth plane, at one point commenting: "On all levels, from level one to nine there are four levels of existence in each level.  So you have to go through four levels of progression . . . You have three levels of existence and then a transitional level where you are cleansed and you move on.  And that takes as long as it takes.  [On] Each level there is no time limit . . . No one judges you in Spirit.  There is no better judge than yourselves.  Only you know what you've done wrong and right on this Earth plane . . ."

"On all the levels . . . you are still working on your perfection as you see it on that level . . . making yourself more pure.  It's always work work work on yourself because at all stages you have to look within yourself to make yourself more perfect."

. . . after level four and you start to attune yourself, relatives, loved ones become just another spiritual being in love and light.  You don't have the ties of the Earth plane anymore so you're gradually going back to what you were in the beginning.  Pure Source.  And you can only become pure by progressing through the levels.

Paul acknowledged that he can only tell the audience about the workings of the Levels up to the point of Level Nine: "Jesus for instance — he's on Level Ten, which is the final clearance level before becoming part of the Source.  So even Jesus Christ hasn't actually gone to the Source."

Paul said about the purpose of life: "And the reason that you're here is to get the identity to take back to the Source to feed the Source with love and beauty and strength, knowledge, everything that makes power.  That is why you're here."

As many communicators from the ascended realm have done throughout the annals of 'unexplained phenomena,' Paul warned about the necessity for us taking care of the environment of Earth and he advised: ". . . It makes sense that everybody has to start trying to change the governments, changing the people to make the Earth plane a better place."

Another DVD documentary available for purchase is "Spiritual Teachings Weekend with Paul in Eastbourne" (2005).

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