28 June 2015

Raymond's Other Guides

A segment of the documentary DVD "Spiritual Teachings Weekend with Paul in Eastbourne" (2005) is entitled "Demonstration of Trance with other guides."  This sequence is 22 minutes.  Paul, the spiritual healer who regularly works through trance medium Ray Brown is seen informing an audience in the Stone Cross Village Hall about the next part of the presentation:

I have to get Raymond out of the way so that he will be quiet enough to allow the other people through.  So I will disappear in a moment and whoever gets through, gets through.  So just bear with me a little bit because he hates this part.  It is deeper overshadow, not quite deep trance so it is a different situation than you've got with me.  So he's not too happy with the situation.  He goes along with it.  I'm going to see who comes along.  And as always with this type of thing with the people we've got is when they've decided they've had enough they go away.  That's it.  You get them all so it could be three, it could be four, it could be five.  It could be someone new . . .

When Ray's wife Gillian asked about their eyes being closed, Paul replied: "That's the difference between working with me and working with guides like Running Waters and Geronimo.  Because they don't use the body a lot, they come through, they see through their own eyes.  They don't need his eyes, you see.  So it's a different situation altogether."

Soon after Paul said, "Let's see what happens . . .," the first guide commenced speaking through Ray, whose eyes remained closed while his expression underwent a noticeable change.  The five 'guides' and 'helpers' to manifest in succession on this occasion are perceptible as having highly individualistic personalities and speech.

Hello, everybody.  My name is Tommy and I've been told that usually I'm a nuisance.  But I am.

What he said is sometimes difficult to precisely discern due to the dialect yet he stated that he was a chimney sweep who was murdered in London.  Tommy wisecracked about Raymond's body and audience members being fat.  He mentioned: "I'll tell the other lot not to be expecting too much down here today."  At one point he referred to himself as being a 'go-for': "I go for this and go for that."  After five minutes, another guide took control.

The next communicator spoke with an American dialect and introduced himself as John, a pilot in World War II who was in the bomber squadron and shot down over Germany.  John explained: "And I trained [in Spirit] to be a doctor and I work on Paul's team.  And I come from Blackwater, USA."

'Dr. John' is mentioned in the Browns' 2004 autobiography A Mere Grain of Sand.

Ray has done rescue work as well.  He helped Dr. John, an American pilot.  He came through reading the altimeter on his plane and flew the plane while the rest of the crew bailed out.  He finally bailed out, but the Germans shot him in the legs on the way down and bayoneted him as he landed.

He kept saying: "I cannot feel my legs.  I cannot feel my legs."  Paul looked after him.  He was cleansed, which means that his physical vibrations were taken away, so that he could progress to the light and pass on.

Seated next to her husband, Gillian Brown reacted with surprise when the next voice to be heard was unmistakably feminine.

Good afternoon.  God bless you all.  My name is Barbara.

Gillian spoke out: "Ooh Barbara Lane."  (Barbara Lane is known to serve as Paul's assistant among his healing team in Spirit.)  Later Raymond commented about her manifestation: "Weren't we lucky?  That's the first time ever . . . She doesn't like to come in through a male body.  She says it's not natural."

Barbara said to Gillian, "It would be very nice if I was in your body."  When Gillian reminded Barbara about an operation scheduled for the next day, Barbara responded: "That has already been arranged.  I shall be here tomorrow afternoon.  I just thought I would drop in and say hello.  God bless you all."

As Ray's posture became more erect, a deep voice spoke through his lips.

God bless you all.  My name Geronimo.  White men.  [He mimics spitting.] 

The following commentary with dry humor perhaps would seem trite and unrefined when restricted to a transcript.  Geronimo (1829-1909) spoke in simple sentences and joked about Indian life.  He declared that he looks after Raymond when he is in Spirit.  The following are two of Geronimo's somber pronouncements.

Still plenty to do in States.  America.  Where I come from.  That's the white man I talk about.  Not you. 

White men not learn anything but one day we will get something right.  When white men in America stop doing things that hurt.

Geronimo sang in his native language for nearly a minute with gesticulations before he spoke a final "God bless" and made a few quick concluding remarks.

The final guide to take control of Paul's body then introduced himself:

Good day to you.  Waters Running my name, Chiricahua Apache — Raymond's helper, doorkeeper, guide.  I look after Raymond when he is Spirit.  I died many years gone of terrible plague and throat condition.  When I come to this Earth plane, sometimes my voice change and go.  That is because I pick up the Earth vibration.  I'm sorry if that happens today.  I just want you to know that the spirit world loves you all.  We try to communicate with all of you.  We are very proud of the healers that work with Paul.  We are very honored to come here.  May the winds blow easy on your teepees.  May the rain fall . . . [lowly and often?].  And may the gods that look after you be always there for you.  [Here some words were spoken in his native language.]  Waters Running my name. 

In the final minutes of this segment, Ray is seen coming out of trance.  Ray mentioned that he saw two of the guides who spoke through his body — Tommy wore a big flat cap and Barbara had red hair and glasses.  Ray's eyes were a source of discomfort for him and he repeatedly rubbed them.  He observed, "Sometimes when they [the guides] go out, it makes my eyes bulge . . . it's like being poked in the eye from the inside."  

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