12 July 2015

2015: Ray Brown and 'Paul' vs. 'Assumed Imperative'

This painting of 'Paul' by Diana Webbe is featured in a June 11 article published in newspapers of northern and central England.  The depiction shows the guide that is a spiritual healer continuing to work through Ray Brown.  There is a sentence about the painting in a short book of Paul's spiritual teachings (The Eternal Truth 2009) edited by Susan Hewitt: "The portrait of Paul was painted by a psychic artist and Paul says it is a true likeness, apart from the beard, which is too tidy."

The newspaper article commenced with the statement: "A self-proclaimed spiritual healer says he has cured thousands of people despite the Advertising Standards Authority saying he is misleading the public."  The ASA website offers a description of the organization: "The Advertising Standards Authority is the UK’s independent regulator of advertising across all media.  We apply the Advertising Codes, which are written by the Committees of Advertising Practice.  Our work includes acting on complaints and proactively checking the media to take action against misleading, harmful or offensive advertisements."  The newspaper article mentioned that the Trading Standards investigation "was launched on the back of a Daily Mail article . . ."

The circumstances involving Ray Brown, 'Paul' and the Advertising Standards Authority reveal a contemporary social malaise that I call 'assumed imperative' — a form of 'corporate thinking' where a group of individuals ignorantly or duplicitously contribute to making a decision or judgment without accepting personal responsibility for the actions of their principality (company/government/agency/organization).

One of the newspapers publishing the June article without a by-line was The Scarborough News.  As with Daily Mail reporter Polly Dunbar and ASA staff, the unnamed reporter seems to have only a superficial knowledge of the case.  There is a description of how during a conversation Ray "was possessed by his spirit, Paul of Tarsus."  At least, Dunbar used the more appropriate word 'channeling.'  The following is how Paul is quoted in the June article.

Speaking in a stilted manner Paul said he’d ‘come through’ to defend his friend.
He said: “My name is Paul of Tarsus.
“I work through this man Ray Brown, I have done for many years.  I only want to serve God, the people and to help those who I can.
“Meaning I have never ever gone against the medical in any way.
“That is why I, as Paul, am very respected in all circles of the medical profession and I can prove that without a doubt.  I did not want to come to speak to you today as Raymond is a person who is very private and suddenly we have two people arrive on the door so we have, I guess, someone who wants to put down Raymond’s work, I don’t know but they are not putting down Raymond’s work they are putting down my work.

“What I am saying to them is prove to me I have not done it.”

Comments published in response to the article include many supportive acknowledgements by people who have received healing facilitated by Ray Brown and Paul.  Here are some excerpts of these comments with attributions (when names are provided.)

Ray healed me in 5 minutes after being on crutches for 6 months with a ruptured disc waiting for the NHS.  Yet I was the most skeptical patient he will have ever received.   (Peter Efford)

. . . my wife has been cured by Paul of a disabling digestive problem, from which she suffered for many years despite the (ASA approved) treatment from both NHS and private specialists who misdiagnosed her illness as an irreversible, chronic and progressive condition.  They offered no advice on how to live with it but did prescribe permanent use of medication that even the manufacturer said should be used for no more than 7 days because of the harm overuse would cause.  Paul's cure has been complete and was achieved in a fraction of the time and cost of the years and money wasted on medically qualified specialists.   (responder identifying himself as 'Another Agnostic.')

. . . my inflamed and trapped nerves were worked on, this was uncomfortable at times . . . following Paul's after care advice my psychical well being improved.  (K. Bell)

Three years ago, my wife and I drove 400 miles across Britain to attend Raymond's clinic in Surrey.  My wife had suffered acute neck and shoulder pain for 40 years following a car accident.  The doctors could do nothing but advise her to "keep taking the tablets" which were affecting her stomach.  Ray cured her in two sessions.  I had a spinal problem and was walking lopsided.  I also had painful knees.  Ray (and Paul) straightened my spine and healed my knees for me.  We've had no further problems.  (John E. Fryer, OBE)

. . . after one treatment the pain of two years from a frozen shoulder went and has never returned.    (Jacquil)

I'd been told by the hospital that there was nothing they could do for me.  I would have to live in pain and walking with great difficulty bent over.  I was treated by Paul and was able to walk normally and without pain.  (Sue Wrotchford)

. . . I was told by the medical profession that nothing could be done for me for the severe pain I was suffering down my spine.  I was given an MRI scan and my doctor told me each disc was badly damaged, 3 discs bulging, 2 were crumbling and osteoarthritis, the pain was crippling and I was told I would soon be in a wheelchair and the medical profession could help the pain with injections and strong painkillers.  I spoke to Paul and Gillian and they told me about Spiritual Surgery which I had 15th Jan 2015 with lots of healing afterwards . . . I cannot tell you the difference this has made to my life . . .  (Anna Daly)

Paul cured my knee and back.  I was a sceptic and now I'm a true believer.  (Heather Bronson)

My wife found Ray and Gillian and decided to make an appointment to see Ray (Paul), after a couple of visits my wife suggested I see Ray due to my cracked ribs that had been giving me pain for a year.  I spent 10 minutes with Ray Brown and have never had any pain since.  My wife who has a serious heart problem visits Ray Brown regularly.  (Steve Tiltman)

The June 11 newspaper article was published a few days after I posted the first blog article in this series about the Ray Brown/'Paul' case.  Some previous articles at this blog have considered how the media has responded to such 'paranormal people' as Rosemary Brown (born Rosemary Isabel Dickeson 1916-2001), Arthur Shuttlewood (1920-1996) and the contemporary cases of John of God, JZ Knight, Matthew Manning and Ryuho Okawa.

The newspaper article included the statement that Ray Brown "was rapped by the advertising body over claims on his website that he could cure joint pain, infertility and heart conditions."  The article included the following information —

Despite these claims, the Advertising Standards Agency, (ASA) is not letting up its stance that Mr. Brown is indulging in ‘misleading advertising.’  A statement on its website adds: “The Committee of Advertising Practice (CAP) Compliance team has contacted Raymond Brown on several occasions about claims to treat health conditions, including: “sciatica and disc problems, frozen shoulders, carpal tunnel, joint pain, tennis elbow, arthritis, rheumatism, IBS, stomach pain, endometriosis, hiatus hernia, infertility, eyes, ear, nose, and throat problems, ME, neurological conditions, and heart conditions.”
“CAP and ASA are yet to see robust evidence that Raymond Brown is suitably qualified to treat the more serious of these conditions such as infertility, endometriosis and heart conditions, or that he holds robust evidence to prove that he can treat the less serious conditions e.g. joint pain.”
The newspaper article reported that Ray Brown "is defiant."  He responded: "It is an insult to me.  It’s disgusting that I have to, at my age, defend myself like this.  It is like I am being persecuted . . . I don’t mind them saying to me ‘you can’t do this, you can’t do that’ but for them to say to me you have not helped or cured people when I have is wrong."
These events and an examination of the Advertising Standards Authority website reveal a form of "regulation" where no individual in particular considers himself or herself responsible for the judgment that Raymond  Brown 'trading' via his website is guilty of "misleading advertising."  There is an ASA Council, Senior Management Team and Copy Advice Team yet who among these staff members is qualified and knowledgeable enough about spiritual healing to justifiably determine that Ray's website is in fact a "non-compliant online advertiser."  Such advertisers are identified at the ASA website in the following manner.

We expect all advertising online to be legal, decent, honest and truthful.  Here we list traders who continue to make claims on their online sites that do not comply with the UK Advertising Code despite repeated requests for changes from our Compliance teams.
Details of each non-conforming trader will remain in place until they have appropriately amended their marketing in line with the Advertising Code, at which point they will be removed.
If you are a website owner, advertiser or agency and would like help and advice about your online advertising please visit CAP’s advice site.

As this situation is damaging and libelous to Ray Brown, it is necessary to ask if ASA staff members bothered to consult any of his patients.  It is noticeable that among the comments published in response to the newspaper article there is no criticism whatsoever from any former patient. 

As readers of this blog know (and what apparently ASA staff do not), there are documentaries and written resources (including my blog articles) that help anyone who would like to learn more about Ray Brown, 'Paul' or other spiritual healers for that matter. 
Another example of 'assumed imperative' would be a person in a high-ranking government position advocating war with the purpose of gaining some manner of financial advantage yet extolling the action with other reasons specified as being in the best interests for all the people living under the jurisdiction of the national government bureaucracy.  Wise leaders have always shown how beneficial diplomacy can be.

The illogic of 'assumed imperative' is particularly commonplace throughout contemporary journalism, occurring in all instances when a reporter identifies a country or corporation as accomplishing something without designating which individuals are directly involved with the actions.  In the June newspaper article, an example of journalistic assumed imperative is presented when the unnamed reporter mentioned: ". . . the Advertising Standards Authority saying he is misleading the public." 

Just as Paul speaking through his channel has commented upon such spiritual evolution processes as karma and reincarnation, after researching many similar cases I have attempted to make people aware that time allocated to trivial pursuits is of little lasting importance — movies, TV shows, video games can become habitual diversions and distractions from intellectual, spiritual and physical development.  It is also important to remember that governments, political parties, corporations and organizations are paperwork principalities.  Any assumed imperative in the work you do is how you define yourself with your decisions reflecting your character.  As Paul and other visitors from the ascended realm have attempted to explain, each person is creating one's identity (and karma) with each choice that you make or with those decisions you allow others to make for you.

After profiling the Ray Brown/'Paul' case, I decided to take a look at The Messengers by Julia Ingram and G. W. Hardin.  The book was published by Simon & Schuster in 1997 after a self-published edition became a bestseller in the Pacific Northwest region the previous year.  An inside book cover blurb states: "Nick [Bunick] came to understand that angels were prevailing upon him to tell his story—a story that began 2,000 years ago when he lived as Paul the Apostle, and walked alongside Jesus."  This summer I read The Messengers for the first time.  Upon comparing the description of the life of Paul by the 'Paul' who channels through Ray Brown with the Nick Bunick/Paul hypnotherapy transcripts, I found little in common between them.  Having participated in hypnotherapy sessions myself, I understand that only a small percentage of people actually enter a trance state during hypnosis so for most people this is just a state of relaxation for the purpose of heightened awareness and perception.  Metaphorical associations with a famous historical figure have occasionally resulted from people's consultations with psychics (and hypnotherapists) throughout the decades.

Ray Brown is now age 70 and other prominent channelers are also middleaged: John of God is 73, JZ Knight is 69, Kevin Ryerson is 63, and Ryuho Okawa is 59.  One developing channeler is Quinton Smith, who is among the healers interviewed for the Ray and Gillian Brown autobiography A Mere Grain of Sand (2004).  Paul spoke about Quintin during an interview for "The Lightworkers Guide to the Galaxy": "And he's in the way where Raymond was fifteen or twenty years ago.  So he's coming up slowly in the field of spiritual surgery."  Quintin has been a channel for Spirit with Dr. Alun Jones.

The case of Ray Brown and 'Paul' is one where a visitor from the ascended realm has warned humanity about potential environmental catastrophes.  At the 2011 lecture in Leicester, Paul said:

You are all part of God.  Everyone in this room is a part of God.  You are all part of that Life Force, the Universal Power.  And the reason that you're here is to get the identity to take back to the Source to feed the Source with love and beauty.  And strength, knowledge — everything that makes power.   That is why you're here.

Just imagine that if the world continues on the pathway that it is, life force could end . . .  

. . . what happens if all these maniac people around the world decide that they're going to have a fight.  Well they don't fight clean any more, do they?  They send rockets.  And the rocket explodes and Earth plane implodes.  What happens then?

It doesn't only take out the Earth plane, it takes out all the levels in Spirit.  Right through.  So all the spirit people who are over there working to get to the Godhead would be gone . . . 

And it's only in your galaxy so it doesn't mean that you're going to destroy other worlds.  It's only this one.  So the other life forces can continue.  It makes sense that everybody has to start trying to change the governments, changing the people to make the Earth plane a better place.

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