26 July 2015

Reflections about Reincarnation and Synchronicity

In this blog's May 31 book profile article about trance channeler Kevin Ryerson's autobiography, it was mentioned that Kevin's associate in the Institute for the Integration of Science, Intuition and Spirit is Walter Semkiw, M.D., author of Return of the Revolutionaries: The Case for Reincarnation and Soul Groups Reunited (2003).  I commented about photographs seen in the book:
. . . in addition to some identical 'matches' suggestive of individual physical reincarnation, it seems evident that many comparisons present metaphorical 'reincarnation' associations — an aspect of transcendental communication cases that I've noticed before (1, 2)
 These photographs are among those suggesting individual physical reincarnation in Return of the Revolutionaries.  Joseph Myers is the author of Edward Bellamy Writes Again (1997).
A recent series of blog articles considered the teachings of 'Paul' channeling through Ray Brown.  Paul explained in a 2011 lecture that people in the ascended realm who decide to reincarnate on the Earth plane "do not choose when or where or who you're going to be to return.  There's only One who makes that decision — that is the 'God,' the Universal Power."

As one way of looking at each proposed case of potential 'reincarnation,' the organizing Spiritual Force (or 'Oneness'/'Superconsciousness') knows whether someone is an 'individual physical reincarnation' or conforms with a life pattern as a 'metaphorical reincarnation' of an individual who achieved some manner of renown during an earlier time; for the rest of us, the circumstances suggestive of reincarnation are something to carefully consider.

Walter reported in the chapter "John Adams, Intuition, and a Synchronistic World":

I started by analyzing my own proposed reincarnation case, followed by associated matches within my own family and core group of friends.  I then explored past life connections involving work colleagues and acquaintances.  One past-life identification led to another, and the matrix expanded.  Symbolic and synchronistic events occurred that were completely out of my control . . .

In 1984, Walter was recommended by a friend to visit a medium (apparently a trance channeler) "who had the ability to channel one's spiritual guides."  Although at the time he suspected psychics were charlatans, he decided to arrange a session to be entertained if nothing else; however, Walter affirmed the guides were accurate in describing specific issues he had with family members and told him that they saw him becoming a doctor and working in a corporate environment.  At that time in his life, Walter was already a resident in an occupational medicine training program and a year later he became a corporate medical director for Unocal 76, an oil company known for the slogan "The Spirit of 1776."

During his session with the medium, Walter was told about two past lifetimes, one in the United States and one in France.  This is how he quoted the 'spiritual guides.'

Throughout the journeys that you have embarked upon, your greatest was in the Philadelphia area, as you were once considered a great statesman to other people.  Your political arena was during the Revolutionary War, and you helped to establish ideals, abilities, and systems for other people to follow.

When on parchment you signed your hand upon a description of constitutions and ideals for humanity's growth, your civilization was one of political intrigue.

During the time period in which others were active, you were a part of the civilization of Louis XIV.  A time period of baroque and rococo expression, a civilization built upon fancifulness.  It was also a time when humanity became separated into two categories, one of the peasant and the other, nobility.  It is important for you to recognize that you were a person of much more status of thought.  You cared about civilization.  You cared about people's lives.

In this journey, that extension will still be part of your matrix, your quality, your sensitivity.  In action, it is your destiny to do something in life that will help you satisfy your ability and skill in adapting systems to working qualities, and being humanitarian in the sense of order, in the sense of organization.  Once these occur in your journey, you will find satisfactions coming from your own family connections and [they will] allow you to feel completions that will no longer be tests of how you are accepted.  That way you can get rid of the feelings of guilt given to you by others who did not appreciate your sense of humor, your sense of sensitivity, or your actions of serious contemplation.

They conversed further.

WS: "Is it too trivial to ask who I was in the Revolutionary time?"

Reply: "Go back to John Adams and find correlations of habits and physical nature.  You will see yourself."

WS: "Is that a book?"

Reply: "John Adams was a statesman, a representative."

WS: "Was I John Adams?"

Reply: "This is truth.  A part of you is the measure of that entity.  We are now segments.  We are not always what we seem to be."  The session ended with the guide making the following statement: "There will be the situation of knowing that you are here to establish a greater thinking, not merely of what you have learned, but to adapt it to new ideas."

After reading a biography of John Adams, Walter didn't pursue the matter further during the next twelve years, marrying and enjoying domestic life.  He was on a business trip for Unocal 76 in Hawaii when he arrived at a turning point in his life.  In an introductory article at his website, Semkiw remembered:

It was about lunch time and I was standing at one Unocal's facilities in Honolulu waiting for some colleagues.  Out of the blue, out of nowhere, I received an internal command like I had never experienced before.  A booming voice inside my head commanded:

"Study the Lifetime of Adams"

I had never heard a booming internal voice like that before, nor have I since.  The message conveyed by this voice was firm and undeniable, and powerful enough to make me go to a bookstore in Honolulu that evening, where I purchased books on the American Revolution and John Adams.
Walter wrote in Return of the Revolutionaries: "In 1996, I started to identify members of John Adams' family and friends who appeared to be reincarnated within my own family and closest friends . . . Years later, in retrospect, I gained insight on the timing of the intuition that set me on this path.  The year 1996 marked the bicentennial of the election of John Adams to the Presidency of the United States."

It was in making these connections that I realized that people look the same from lifetime to lifetime.  In studying their lives, I also came to the conclusion that personality traits remain consistent.  I also observed that people seemed to come together from lifetime to lifetime in groups, that spiritual families reunite on the physical plane.  It was the discovery of a group of souls that seemed to have come back together, more than anything, that made me take the idea of my Adams lifetime seriously.  Finding a group of people together again seemed beyond the scope of coincidence.

In the introductory article, Walter described how he met trance channeler Kevin Ryerson.  In 2001 Walter began working with one of Kevin's 'guides,' Ahtun Re, who has described having once lived an Earth life as an Egyptian of Nubian origin.

Ahtun Re explained that he had evolved through a series of human lifetimes and then ascended, like Buddha, Jesus, Mohammed and other spiritual masters.  Ahtun Re’s last incarnation, he told me, was in Egypt, during the reign of the Pharaoh Akhenaton (1379-1362 BC), who was known as the “Father of Monotheism.”  Ahtun Re served as a High Priest and advisor to Akhenaton and as such, Ahtun Re’s last incarnation occurred approximately 3350 years ago.

Speaking to an Egyptian spirit guide that has been dead for over 3000 years was a novel experience for me.  I was open minded, but skeptical, and in the beginning I did not assume that Ahtun Re was accurate.  Like any reasonable person, and especially since my background is in science, I needed evidence to be convinced that Ahtun Re produced valid information.

First of all, Ahtun Re also confirmed that I am the reincarnation of John Adams.  I then reviewed the list of almost 60 past life matches that I had hypothesized regarding the group that was incarnate around John Adams, who I thought I had identified in contemporary times.  As we went through each match, Ahtun Re told me whether I was right or wrong.  In total, he validated about 85 percent of the matches that I had hypothesized and he indicated that 15 percent or so were inaccurate.  A number of American Revolution past life cases validated by Ahtun Re are found on the IISIS web site.

Still, I wasn’t sure whether there was any reason to place trust in Ahtun Re.  How did I know that his determinations were valid?

A breakthrough occurred when I started to ask about matches in which I had no hypothesized matches and I asked Ahtun Re to tell me who a person was in a past lifetime, or who a person from history is in contemporary times.  What I found was that Ahtun Re could make past life identifications, which when researched, appeared to be valid and accurate.  The matches he made, when investigated, demonstrated similar facial features, personality traits, talents and appropriate karmic groupings.

Further, at times the matches involved individuals in history that were so obscure and so hard to get information on, that there was no way that Ahtun Re (or Kevin Ryerson for that matter) could have made the matches without accessing some spiritual source of accurate data.  Some might call this source of information the Akashic Record, some may call it Universal Mind.

As chronicled in his book, one of Walter's discoveries was "a definite kinship between the spiritual thought of John Adams and my own."  Walter recalled that when he was writing a book about astrology, he "received an intuition, which almost seemed like a telepathic message.  The thought inserted into my mind was as follows: 'Go read the New Testament.  Read John.' . . . In reading John, I was amazed to find many ideas compatible with themes in Astrology for Regular People [1998]."  One of Walter's comments is: "Christ Consciousness is Web consciousness" with 'The Web' referring to "visualizing all of creation as a vast net or web . . . every person is interconnected . . ."

To remind readers of some parallels between Walter's case and some incidents in my own life, I (Mark Russell Bell) found an exact likeness of myself depicted on an Egyptian-style 'round silver pin' (presumably showing Bel-Marduk), which I purchased at a Los Angeles antique store in 1996.

Those who've read the case study of my experiences, Testament (1997), also know about my finding a version of the Declaration of Independence at another Los Angeles antique store.  The cost was $45.  I've seen other replicas of the document yet nothing ever that looked this old — so old that it was shriveled in places.
At another Los Angeles antique store I purchased for $30 a Gilbert Stuart Washington portrait with noticeable actual brush strokes rising from the surface in the background.  Here is the photo as seen in Testament
These incidents occurred during the period in my life when I made some intriguing finds as I embarked on a shopping mission to find lost antiquities and art treasures in local L.A. antique stores in order to prove my theory of one of the ways Michael (my 'nickname' for the Angelic Force manifesting in my life) could prove 'His' existence in a highly materialistic society — as I explained in Testament and a previous blog article.
Since Walter published Return of the Revolutionaries, there have been new developments in his research as reported at his website.  In an article at his website about what is known as a 'split incarnation,' Walter reported that at a session circa 2004/5 he wondered if perhaps he had a 'split incarnation' and asked Ahtun Re about this.

Ahtun Re said that I had a split in India who is involved in past life regression.  At that time, I was planning to attend a World Congress for Regression Therapy, which was going to be held in New Delhi, India in 2006.  I asked Ahtun Re if I would meet my split at this conference and he said that I would.  When I received the program for the New Delhi event, I saw of photo of Yuvraj and based on a similarity in facial features, I wondered if he was my split.

In New Delhi, Yuvraj and Neeta attended my presentation and afterwards I sought them out.  I explained to them my hypothesis that Yuvraj and I may be splits.  They then surprised me with the following information.

They told me that they ran a center for past life regression and hypnosis in Mumbai, the California Institute of Hypnosis of India . . .

I learned that Yuvraj went to University of Mumbai, where he won the Gold Medal in microbiology, which was given to the top student.  I too studied biology as an undergraduate and did well academically.  Yuvraj later switched careers and dedicated his life to reincarnation and past life regression.  Similarly, though I continue to practice medicine, my greatest passion is objective evidence of reincarnation and I did serve two terms on the board of directors of IARRT, a regression organization based in the United States.  In sum, though born on opposite sides the planet, we have followed similar paths.
When I informed Yuvraj that I thought that he may be my split, he paused for a few seconds, looked at me and stated, "I know this is true."  Yuvraj explained that at that moment he had received inner, intuitive confirmation that he was my split.  When I returned to the United States, in another session with Kevin Ryerson, Ahtun Re also affirmed that Yuvraj Kapadia is my split.
At the World Congress for Regression Therapy held in Turkey in 2011, in his presentation, Yuvraj cited and discussed the split incarnation case of Yuvraj Kapadia | Walter Semkiw.
Walter's ethnic background is Ukrainian and he was born in Chicago while Yuvraj is a native of India.  In the 'split incarnation' article, Walter commented:

Yuvraj and I are both promoting a better understanding of reincarnation in the two largest democracies in the world, India and the United States.  Though the predominant religion in India, Hinduism, promotes the doctrine of reincarnation, past life regression has only been introduced to India in the last 10 years or so.
Walter Semkiw wrote about one of the composite photos presented at his website: "In the images provided, Yuvraj is featured on the left, I am on the right and in the center, a proposed past incarnation we had during the time of the American Revolution is shown."

Ahtun Re's comments about reincarnation can be compared with those articulated by other visitors from the ascended realm as considered in other blog articles.  Reincarnation is a topic of such articles as a book profile of Soul Survivor: The Reincarnation of a World War II Fighter Pilot, a book profile of Someone Else's Yesterday: The Confederate General & Connecticut Yankee, "Channeled Reincarnation Scenarios", "A Meditation about Reincarnation" and "Matthew Manning and Reincarnation".

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