30 December 2010

Christmas Gifts

Did you make any handmade Christmas gifts? Here's some that I made.

I'm always so thankful that I have the "artsy gene," because I love making meaningful gifts for people. Besides, making stuff costs less. I couldn't afford to buy everyone meaningful gifts! :)

Shealynn's Faerie Shoppe Christmas Link Up
This post is part of my Christmas Link-Up! :)

Do you recall the beautiful bracelet that I was just dying to make? Well, my grandma finally gave me the chance. :) This bracelet, technically, was commissioned, but I gave it to her with her Christmas presents. So I can include it in my Christmas Gifts posts. Can, too.

My aunt wanted "Mommy and Daughter" bracelets in her signature pink and silver. I had so much fun making baby Clarabel's tiny little bracelet. :)
I also had enough beads left over for a keychain for Mommy.

My grandma's main gift was a bracelet in black and non-tarnishing silver. The Byzantine weave looks so classy. But my goodness-- does it take a bit to make!
(I had so much fun with it, though. This style is definitely making it to my Shoppe.)

Okay, you have to understand-- my family are gamers. Board gamers, that is. We are especially fond of the Euro games, and Carcassone is just a classic.

If you haven't played Carcassone... Google it. Now. Buy it; play it. There is even an app for it.

For my parents, I painted some wine glasses with Meeples-- the little playing pieces used in Carcassone.

My grandma picked up the glasses for me, and over Thanksgiving I very craftily brought them back from her house, hidden in my sister's birthday present. I just used acyrlics, decopauge glue, and an oven. Worked like a charm.

And for good measure I made a Meeple Christmas ornament.

Can I count a Christmas gift for myself? Sure, why not. Besides, my mom bought these jump rings for me...

I am proud to present my new love, the Blue Bauble Bubble Bracelet. I love being able to make my own jewelry. I can make exactly what I want.

Moebiuses, byzantine links, shiny silver, antique toggle clasp... and a rainbow of blues and greens in my fave shades.

~I have two more to post, but still need to snag pictures!~

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