02 March 2011

Looking for Guest Bloggers

Starting next week and ending at Easter, I will not be online as often as usual. 

Don't worry-- I'll still check the Shoppe and my email daily, so orders and immediate questions will be taken care of. I'm not going on vacation and no one is sick... I'm simply giving up a good portion of my computer time for Lent.

I plan on writing a few posts during those weeks, but I would love to keep Fairy People as entertained as they usually are. (Well, I hope you dear readers are well entertained... I'm assuming that is why you are reading my blog...)

I am putting out a call for Guest Bloggers!

I'm not going to be picky. You can be a small blog, large blog, huge blog (I wish!) or even an artsy-craftsy person without a blog at all.

Here are some ideas to get your creative juices flowing:

  • Tutorials (kudos for an original one, but it is ok to use a tutorial you have posted on your own blog previously. Please do not use tutorials or posts which have been guest posted already.).
  • Tips and tricks for arts and crafts
  • Descriptions of various techniques in art or crafts, along with some inspirational photos or links
  • You art and/or crafts story-- if entertaining and possibly informative to other artists/crafters
  • You can feature and talk about your own work. Make it entertaining, not a sales pitch.
  • Feature artisans from Etsy, Artfire, etc. It would be great if it followed a theme, ie "celtic knotwork" or "fantasy." 
  • Descriptions and examples of historical jewelry or artwork 
  • Trends in the arts and crafts blogosphere
  • ....whatever you can think up, or a medly thereof!

The only criteria is that your post be about art, crafts, or creativity in generally. I occasionally dabble into writing, poetry, costumes, and the "theology" behind art ("subcreation"-- any Tolkien/Chesterton fanatics out there?), so I am open to that sort of post, too. You could write something about fairies, or.... well, you get the idea.

I won't be picky about the length, and if you need any help writing, organizing, or formatting your post I am happy to help.

In exchange, you will have my eternal gratitude and the chance to share links or buttons to your blog, facebook, etc.

Please email me at ShealynnsFaerieShoppe {at} gmail.com. Introduce yourself and give me an idea of what you would like to write. I can turn down content for being boring, unrelated to art/crafts/creativity in general, or inappropriate. Although I doubt I'll have to do that. :)

(As I said, I am specifically looking for guest writers between March 9 and April 24, 2011. However, I am open to guest posting at any time. Please feel free to contact me-- I don't bite!)

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