14 March 2011

Giveaway! 80 followers!

Eeeeep! The Faerie Blog has 80 Blogger followers!

Back in January, I promised you a giveaway when I hit 80 followers. At the time, there were only 39 amazing Fairy People. 80 seemed a very long way away.

What a treat it was to log onto Blogger this morning and see 3 new followers! (New followers-- I hope you enjoy the blog!) I never imagined my blog would become so popular!

I started wondering, "What should I give away?"

Rather than deciding what to give away, I'm going to leave the choice up to the WINNER!

Here, my dears, is a gift card to my Shoppe. $5 and free shipping!

So, what can you get for $5?

Many small pieces currently on sale:

My brand new Celtic Knotwork creations:
  (the first batch is on a special sale-- all are under $5!)

Simple chainmaille earrings:

OR you can put the $5 towards any other item in the Shoppe!

To enter the giveaway:
(leave a separate comment for each entry)
  • Visit the Shoppe and tell me which item or style is your favorite. Mandatory. 1 entry.
  • Browse the blog and share your favorite post (and why it is your favorite). 1 entry.
  • Follow me on Blogger/Google/other feed, fan on Facebook, or follow on Twitter. 1 entry each.
  • Post about the giveaway on your blog, facebook, twitter, etc (leave a link). 2 entries each.
  • Put the giveaway button (above) on your blog. 2 entries each.
The giveaway will be open until March 29th, 2011. 1 winner will be chosen with Random.org and announced on the 30th.

I can't wait to see what the winner picks! :)

P.S. What do you think about the color and design scheme on the button and gift card? I might consider re-coloring my blog design.

Edit: Forgot to add... Please include a way for me to contact you. Preferably an email. If the winner does not leave a means of contact, they will be responsible for emailing me when I announce the winner.

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  • bgbgb