31 May 2014

7 Quick Takes Friday

I'm back home for the summer, and I'm working on Shealynn's Faerie Shoppe full time!

Between summer classes, volunteering, and wanting to put in a lot of time into jewelry design and artwork this summer, I wasn't looking forward to going back to my previous summer job. After talking to my parents about plans for my Shoppe and figuring how much it could hurt (or hopefully help!) me financially, I decided to jump into this thing headfirst. This is my summer of risk; this is my summer of spending my time getting to do the things I love.

Speaking of working on my Shoppe full time, my dad built me a workroom!!! THIS IS THE BEST GIFT EVER! Well, okay, not literally ever, as my parents have given me many wonderful gifts over the years, including, you know, being a part of this family ... but... this is so exciting you don't even understand. We partitioned off a corner of the separate garage, and I have a workbench and cabinet and shelves and office space and I AM SO EXCITED. This is especially nice to have my own space to work in, with natural light-- my sister and I are in a smaller bedroom now and the "back room" in the basement is awfully musty. I've barely left my workroom since we finished building it, guys!

I am moving from Artfire to Etsy, and in the process I am putting several items on sale! These sales still have one or two unsold pieces, so check them out. Both are for 50% off. More information on these sales are on my facebook page.

Please visit my new Etsy page, where all my items will be sold from now on.

Why am I leaving Artfire? Mostly because the monthly price is going up compared to the deal I had before. Artfire had a lot of things going for it-- they don't micromanage the way Etsy does-- but Etsy is far more well-known as an artisan marketplace and my stats have been much better there.

Hello again, blog! Yes, I finally plan to start blogging for real this time. Now that I don't have classes, homework, meetings, and events for approximately twelve hours every day, I have enough time to breathe. It's a little disheartening to see how much I've let my blog rust recently.

So.... Dad bought a 3D printer.


He's wanted one of these for years. My entire family is fascinated by the technology. We're going to have so much fun with this-- just as soon as we get it fully set up! Hopefully my siblings and I can all learn 3D modeling really, really quickly so we can start printing our own pieces. This technology is beyond amazing!

I can barely believe that my freshman year of college is over. So much has happened, and so much has changed in my life, that it is overwhelming to even think of discussing it without spending hours upon hours doing so. Life is like that; it's so full that no matter what you do, you can't fully share your experiences with anyone. Sometime I'd like to write deep words about this past year, but right now my life is so full of new things to do, and old friends to get back in touch with, that I won't butcher it by attempting to.

One thing that is very, very nice about being back home: being back home. I love my family. Being away from home, our local parish, and local groups of family friends is making me realize more and more what a blessing it is to be part of a big, eccentric, sarcastic, loving, geeky family. I also love living out "in the country" (even though we aren't far from town). Cities are great and all, but nothing beats taking a hike or bike ride through honeysuckle-ridden woods any time you want.

Today was a good work day, as evidenced by the fact that my fingertips are now very sore. I made an Eowyn inspired jewelry set, a statement necklace with vintage medals, and a replica of Queen Geuinevere's circlet in Merlin (currently I only have a picture of it on Instragram; I'm going to properly photograph it and upload it this weekend).

7 Quick Takes is a blog meme hosted at Conversion Diary.

29 May 2014

Freshman Year -- 2D Design Art Dump!

Hey everyone! I have so much artwork from my freshman year that I'm going to have to break it up into a couple of posts. I'm pursuing a Graphic Design and Illustration major (it's a tough program to get in to and I won't know if I do until next spring) and freshman year was dedicated to the Foundations. These are the basic art classes that everyone in the art department has to take.

First semester I took 2D Design and Drawing I.

My 2D Design course was interesting... We had a textbook to learn the basics of art theory. I had honestly expected to learn more from it, considering that the only art class I had in the past was an informal one at the house of an artist who lives a few neighborhoods away. Being a bookworm pays off, though! 

The textbook and lectures fairly well bored me to death, and I'm far too critical of the way that art classes handle critiques. Critiques were three hour long ordeals in which we over-analyzed the movement, balance, repetition, etc, of abstract pieces of art. There was one kid who insisted that every single piece was somehow an abstract rendition of a city, another who said "it's crap" quite a lot, and another who was so nice to everyone that her critiques were more acclamation than critique. To be fair, I did learn a lot about ways of analyzing art and how to describe things that just look "off." 

However, I did come up with some pieces I was pretty excited about, and the professor was nice.

It might not look like much, but this drawing was really fun to do. It was one of those zen pieces, if you know what I mean. We had to incorporate patterns around random pieces of construction paper that we cut out. I love pen-work so spending hours doodling in class wasn't really a chore.

There is one thing I have to say about art classes-- it's weird to adjust to making art for someone else and oftentimes making things I really don't care about, yet still putting in all my best effort, work, and creativity.

Thankfully I've had some experience with that during these years of running my Shoppe (minus the "don't care about it" part because I always seem to care about jewelry-making). It's a strange mindset but I'm going to have to get used to it when I go into art and design as a career. There is a HUGE difference between personal art and work art, and I'm learning how to enjoy them both.

By the way, I hate construction paper so much now. We spent the first couple of weeks cutting out random shapes and gluing them in random ways and analyzing them. This is the only remotely interesting piece I made. One of the construction-paper pieces consisted of hand-cutting some perfect squares in three different sizes, and rearranging them until the professor approved it as "aesthetic"-- FOR SIX HOURS.
After this, we got to do some fun work.

One of the many things I've learned about art classes is that you really take out of them what you put in. It's not like math, science, or even (sometimes) the liberal arts, where you gain concrete knowledge as the end goal of the class, and there is a set amount of material to learn.

I've noticed that I get on the nerves of some fellow students because I'm always shooting for the stars, but I do like to challenge myself rather than settling for the bare minimum requirement for our assignments. 2D Design was a very basic course, but I did learn a lot simply from going overkill during the six hours a week I was in class.

The picture above was from an assignment to use perspective points and horizon lines to create a picture that incorporated visual volume. We were also allowed only three colors (of which we could only make tints and shades).

The inspiration came from M.C. Escher's "Polyhedra" (shown at right). Basically I constructed a bunch of basic shapes and had them interlock in visual 3D space. The only thing that I don't like about this piece is that my professor told me that I had to paint each face of the cubes and triangles a solid color-- no shading based on internal shadows. She said this was because it was too advanced for our class and some of the students don't know how to do it without reference photos. "Save it for dedicated painting classes."

I kind of wish that art students were less competitive. I know that competition is a big motivator (for myself included), but there are some people who can't be genuinely happy for another person's talent. I sure know that I have a hard time fighting off jealously for those insanely gifted people in my classes, and I understand the feeling 100%. However, I dislike being apologetic for trying my best at the things I do best.

Anyway-- back to art!

The colors in this photograph came out way too orange but I can't seem to Photoshop it into the real-life colors. (Did I really just verb-ify "Photoshop"?).

This was a technique in color-mixing. The piece had to incorporate transparent objects, but every change in color due to overlapping objects had to be done by MIXING the paint colors-- no easy-peasey washes. It took forever. 

I couldn't come up with what design to do (abstract work requires too much thinking, darn it!), so I decided to paint a song instead. I don't think I've talked about it much on this blog, but I've recently discovered that I am not crazy. (Surprise! lol!). Ever since I can remember, I've associated colors and shapes (and sometimes textures and personalities) with different things like music, letters, and numbers. It's an actual psychological phenomenon called synesthesia.

Anyway, that is just proof that I am not crazy when I said I wanted to paint a song. I picked a cool one by Mannheim Steamroller-- below is the YouTube video. I painted snippets from the first thirty seconds or so.

(The full Fresh Aire song collection is on youtube here).

I wonder if any of you can listen to the song and see it in the painting, too? The painting is pretty meaningful to me because it's one of the ways I remember the song, but I imagine it's just a normal abstract piece to literally everyone else.

In this painting, we had to start with cutting out a small piece of a design from anything and build an entire painting off of that one little cut out, perfectly matching the colors. If you look closely at the the painting, you can see a small shiny circle smack in the middle of the red and blue in the middle. That's a cut out from a tea container.

Anyway, the design I came up with is kinda-sorta based off of Dancheong (a Korean art form I've blogged about before). Only it morphed into something else altogether.

That's all the interesting work from my 2D design class! Later this week I'll share artwork from my Drawing I class.


P.S. I have another flash sale going on on my Shoppe right now-- I'm moving everything from Artfire to Etsy, and I'd like to clear out some of my inventory while I make that switch!

This Woodland Elf Jewelry Set is 50% off right now.

(Note-- this one just sold as I was working on this post. I'm going to keep it in the post, though, because I like Frozen. :) It's a great movie!)

Want to stay in the loop and know every time I have a sale? Follow my Facebook page or Tumblr or Twitter!

25 May 2014

Memorial Day Sale

Hey friends! It’s time for another flash sale… As you know, I am currently moving my Shoppe from the Artfire platform over to Etsy. During this process I am doing some flash sales on the items still remaining on my Artfire page.

This weekend, in honor of Memorial Day, I am offering all the red, white, and blue items in my shoppe at 50% off. When they are gone, they are gone (although, as always, I am open to doing custom work if something you really love has sold!).

There is a nice assortment of items, including some of my most popular necklace and earring designs. See all the sale items on my Facebook photo album here.

Here’s the link to my Etsy site, which is still under construction but will soon have my entire stock available for sale.

And you can also browse on my website.

Red, White, and Blue Patriotic Earrings                                                 Red Leaf Earrings

Blue St. Therese Good Deed Beads                                                   Red St. Therese Good Deed Beads

Byzantine Chainmaille Earrings in blue and sterling silver                                      Classic Earrings

Ramtha: Voyage to the New World

Douglas James Mahr wrote in Voyage to the New World (1985) that the book "is the product of three entities . . . J. Z. Knight is a woman who channels a personality who calls himself Ramtha, The Enlightened One; Ramtha is a unique entity who exists in the unseen world while interacting with the seen world; and Douglas James Mahr is an author who has observed J.Z. Knight's and Ramtha's interaction with thousands of people since 1981."

Voyage to the New World is a compilation of passages from Ramtha's discourses supplemented with eyewitness interviews.  Mahr reported: "At the time of this publication, Ramtha has delivered approximately one hundred Dialogues.  These communications comprise a collection of approximately six hundred cassette tapes, about nine hundred hours . . ."
Presented as "An Adventure Into Unlimitedness," the book includes one of Ramtha's descriptions about himself.  A litany of phrases signifying God and Christ are offered as Ramtha termed himself 'servant unto God Almighty' and 'servant unto that which is termed the Christus.'  Ramtha's expressions for God include "The Principle Cause," "The Light Force" and "that which is termed The All in All."

Ramtha explained:
. . . unto that which is termed All That Is, there came an expansion of that which is called contemplative thought of His most superlative being.  In order to have expanded parts of His being, the Father contemplated and extended Himself into a uniqueness of form.  From The Source came the Perfect Expanded Part of The Father, The Source, The Element.  The understanding of the Singular Active Participant of the Source be called the Perfect Son, The Ideal, The Perfect Reflector, The Inherited Entity of All that the Father was.

Unto It, the expanded parts from the Father, came The Son blessed of all that be; Singularly Evolving Thought, Understanding confined to one movement. The Movement of the Father became the Son, and what the Son accomplishes the Father has accomplished. The Son became in his ideal form and in his creative cause that which is termed Man. The Son be called Christ.  Son/God; God/Man; Man/God. That which is termed The Beloved Father expressive unto The Christ Realized am I a servant unto this hour.
Ramtha stated further: "You be that which is termed Man, you be that which is termed Christus, you be that which is termed God."
Mahr cited preceding cases of channeling, including Jane Roberts/Seth, Edgar Cayce, Alice A. Bailey, and H. P. Blavatsky.  The cases of Roberts, Cayce and Blavatsky have been among the topics of previous blog articles, along with articles about trance channel mediums including Mark Probert, Gladys Osborne Leonard, D. D. Home, and Eileen Garrett.
The early Ramtha presentations were known as 'Dialogues' and 'Intensives.'  Reflection about love and self are encouraged —  
As long as you depend upon another to supply you with love and acceptance and keep you secure, you will have missed knowing what this life is all about, and you.  You will only know what they want you to be.

Becoming is unfolding in measure from limitation into unlimitedness.

Coming into unlimitedness is unraveling Self for that which is termed the Divine Preview of what you are in all understandings.

You are becoming in the moment by feeling.   Everything that all here have done, hath struggled for, of designed experience, has been for that which is termed the virtue called emotion, for feelings.  Your society has dictated what the ideals of feeling should be, and all strive to be it so that they are accepted.  In becoming there is no ideal except what is felt deep within the individualized Self.

When you perceive a life called Utopia, which is the promised land coming into full vista, coming into full view, all the mysteries they become resolved, all the superstitions are done away with, all of the dogmas of doom and destruction are no more.

Wisdom is the product of emotion.  Without emotion, one never procures the jewel called wisdom.  Wisdom is an unseen knowingness experience that lies forever within the Soul that allows life's journey to be easier for that which is making the sojourn into any plane of existence.

Feeling is the impulses from the Soul.
Ramtha is quoted as having told one 'master' (student): 

You have lived, Entity, 13,342 and one-half times.  You have been every race of peoples existing from this universe to the twenty-third to the seventeenth to the one hundredth universe.  You have brothers, Entity, in your Pleiades, a most divine constellation.  You are a divine creature.  Your knowingness was absolute when you were a babe.  It has been limited to the point of struggling to survive in this life without the virtue of knowingness.  And whenever you pass this place you will pass, Master, in the twinkling of an eye; you will be outside of your embodiment, into the pure knowingness principle of Light where you have come from and will continue to live on and on and on.  That is imminent.

Another master asked Ramtha, "What was I in my last lifetime, to help me more or less in this lifetime?"  Ramtha answered:
A sailor who sailed, as it were indeed, from that which is termed the port of Italy through that which is termed Crete, who had the greatest experience of its entire existences upon Crete.  The entity found that which is termed a fledgling and the child became, you call them warrant.  And the sailor took the child wherever he went and brought him to that which is termed a place called America and to a port that is to the far north.  The child became a wondrous entity in law, went to school through that which is termed the help of the old mariner and became a change, as it were indeed, in the government procedures within your country.  That was the only time you expressed as a man but still obtained a maternal instinct.

Your death, Entity—you died, as it were indeed, through that which is termed a fire, and the fire consumed that which is termed a holding house or a lodging house; [you were] put to the back quarters because it had a view of a particular oak tree and there the entity perished within that which is termed a fire.  Contemplate it.  You will find there is memory in it.
Here are some other quotations of Ramtha from Voyage to the New World.

. . . Fear—enslaves, encaptures and inhibits the creative mind.  It does not permit love to bloom in its wondrous fields; it does not permit life to be reveled upon; it stagnates the emotions and kills hope.  Fear is born out of not-knowingness; whatever you are in not-knowingness of you are enslaved to, you are in darkness about.

Wherever you want to be, want to be there.

Find yourself in everyone you see.

I will
send you some runners [messengers], Entity, and if you look into the sky, a wonderment or two to help you.

Here [Earth] you can demonstrate any ideal and any attitude and it will formulate itself into a reality.

Each religion's claims of, "Our path is the only path to Heaven," worked in the not-too-distant past for millions of believers.  For today's sophisticated batch of seekers, however, these claims of exclusivity on the pathway to Heaven simply do not compute.

If, in every thought, you found peace and beauty and love and could feel not wretched about any one thing, then you would know what the kingdom of the paradise within man is all about; not this wretched groveling for all the things that you grovel for, they are very disappointing I assure you

Creativity is lost when the value is seen first—that is the way it is.

tell you,
there is a great and wondrous intimidation that is in the processes of occurring here that has nothing to do with that which is termed any known power here on your plane.  It is a power that is coming from that which is termed beyond the North Star.  It is a power more awesome than anything that has thus been created by man and his intent to defend and to destroy.  The intimidation is, Master, that they will set aloft like eagles and be most visible for all of your world to see.  And they can sting like scorpions and part the sea and cleave a mountain in two without any effort.

 . . . only when mankind sees there is something more venomous, more powerful, more obvious than what they have, will he lay down his toys and join together to find a way to solve the mystery that has plagued and invaded his map of war.

squander away your moments from happiness and the goodness of your prosperous life to live in terror of something that is wholly conjecturous.

And a new wind will blow, and behold, all that man dreams in his Soul comes to pass.  And God, the Eternal Isness, can get on with His Supreme Design called Life in a coexistence that is within the right of divinity; and that will be Self sought in each of you.

While many of Ramtha's statements communicate a knowledge and introspection of metaphysical subjects surpassing the limits of the ancient Earth life that has been described, some of the quoted statements of Ramtha in this compilation book foreshadow moral dilemmas arising from his commentary published in later books:
. . . there is no such thing as karmic justice.

. . . the Source, the Divine Embodiment, God, if you will, has requested simply one thing from you and all others that are so gathered here, and that is to be happy.

Do not live by rules, live by feelings.

Don't worry about your fellow man.

There are many what is called a do-gooder.  A very wondrous term indeed.  But a do-gooder is an enslaver, for they think that they should go and save the world, or amend situations to which they have no business [amending] for the situations need to occur for a working or a desire to be fulfilled, and who are they to say what that is.
Ramtha's conceptualization of God and eternal life becomes comprehensible as a perspective based on Ramtha's awareness of having evolved from an Earth life of great violence without apparently ever having found himself needing to atone for wrongdoing; unless, perhaps, this is one aspect of what is being accomplished by his interims communicating with us through the body of JZ Knight.

In a 2010 article/news release, I wrote: "Concerning legitimate trance channelers, the perspective of entities speaking through a person should be understood as being 'more-knowing' rather than 'all-knowing.'  Each individual consciousness unit has a unique perspective based upon one's own life experiences." 

18 May 2014

{Summer is Coming}

Updates, and a tour of my dorm room.

I actually made this video a couple of days ago... FINALS ARE OVER, but I'm going back to school for a one-week intersession class, so the real summer doesn't even start until this weekend.

After that, wonderfulness.

Ramtha's Life (as Told to JZ Knight)

 back cover photograph

As remembered by JZ Knight, this commentary of Ramtha—an entity who speaks through her body for interims of time—is found in JZ Knight's autobiography A State of Mind, My Story (1987).

"Beloved woman, I was a Lemurian who was part of the pilgrimage that went into that which is termed Atlantis."

"I was that which is termed a warrior."

(In response to the question "Did you kill people?") "Indeed, I was a barbarian."

"I knew not what God be when I was a barbarian."

"For mine was a destitute people who were termed slaves and soulless.  I was the conqueror who freed my people from tyranny.  Indeed, I became the greatest of all warriors.  For great was my ignorance and hatred, and feared I nothing."  (page 288)

"I was continually on what you term a march."

(In response to the question "And how many warriors were there in your army?") "Multitudes."

"Indeed, I plundered and killed."

"I was that which was a barbarian until I became enlightened."  (page 293)

"There existed two superior species, both being that which you term Cro-Magnon, that began to evolve much differently.  Indeed, one was called the Atlantean, bearing red skin, and the other the Lemurian, bearing brown skin.  Indeed, both evolved from the great ones in that which is Africa—indeed, Eden as you term it."  (page 294)

"I shall tell you this, beloved woman: you were one of my daughters in the army of my time.  Your beloved husbandman was one of my centurians.  Indeed, at the age of thirteen years, as you term it, I promised my daughter to him.  But, indeed, you refused.  Your heart was my strategy of armaments—indeed, beloved woman, you wished to be a warrior.  Indeed, in this lifetime you are fulfilling that which was unfulfilled."  (page 296)

(In response to the question "Was I really your daughter?")  "Indeed, of the flesh, no.  For never I made a union with a woman.  I was immersed in hatred, ignorance, and the ravages of that which is termed war.  You were given unto my house by a woman of that which is termed destitution."  (page 326)

(In response to the question "Why didn't you get killed?")  "Beloved woman, I spend many years, in your time as you know it, contemplating what, indeed, I was doing, even in the name of human freedom, as it were.  I was, indeed, a driven entity, a barbarian who despised the tyranny with which man ruled his brothers.  I despised this greatly, and fought as it were, expecting to die.  Beloved woman, I did not have the fear of dying that many of my people did, for, indeed, I wanted to die, honorably.  I never knew fear, only knew I hate.

"I led my armies in the front of the charge, with none on either side of me.  Indeed, I was the spectacle of hate to be hewed down by the most noble of foes.  Yet none did me the honor.  I, as it were, had chosen the worthiest of opponents to bring forth my demise, but, because of my absence of fear, there was only the presence of conquering.  Thus, indeed, I became a great conqueror, indeed, what is termed a great entity.  Know you what be a hero?"

"A hero be one who salvages life and, indeed, puts an ending to all the wrongs of life.  I realized not, beloved woman, that in righting the wrongs, indeed, I was only creating a wrong.  I desired to do away with all the odious forms of tyranny, and indeed I did, only to become the very thing I despised.  A tyrant!  Beloved woman, I was driven to make myself and the color of my skin more respectable.  Indeed, unto all the sieges and battles that were put forth, the lands that my army crossed, indeed, all the peoples I freed, one by one, my army grew . . . unto the legend of the Ram and his army."  (page 329)

"Beloved woman, I indeed was an imbecile, a barbarian, a buffoon, an ignorant entity of savage acclaim.  I marched for ten years and warred upon many until, one fine morn, I was betrayed in a trap and run through by a sword.  I fell upon a snowy white marble flooring that seemingly was perfect, yet I watched as the scarlet river of my blood found a crack in it.  Woman, I lay there on the cold floor, watching my own blood issue forth from my being, when there came a voice to that which is I.  The voice spoke to me to stand up.  Again it spoke, 'Stand up!'  Indeed, I pulled up my head and put forth my palms, then I began to pull under me the knees of my being.  I raised my countenance, beloved woman, so that my head, indeed, was erect and even.  I pulled up my left foot and stabilized it.  Beloved woman, I gathered all of my strength.  I put my hand upon my knee, my fist into my wound . . . and I stood up.  Blood was issuing from my mouth, flowing through my fingers, and running down my legs.  My assailants, who were, indeed, now certain that I was immortal, fled from me.  My soldiers laid siege to their city and, indeed, burned it to the ground."

"Ah, the voice.  Lady, I would never forget that voice that made me stand up, for it kept me from dying.  Indeed, in the years to come, I would seek to find the very face and the wonderment of that voice."

(In response to the questions "Well who was the voice?  Did you ever find out?")  "The unknown God.  Yet even that, beloved woman, is not suitable to such a practical mind as yours."  (page 330)

"Indeed, I was given to the court of women in my march that I be cared for.  Lady, I had to endure the stinking poultices of vulture grease that was put upon my chest.  The vileness of its stench kept me awake.  Indeed I, the Ram, was bossed by the women and undressed before their eyes.  I could not even urinate or spill dung from my anus in private, but rather in front of them, for be that I was helpless in their care.  Indeed, it was a most humiliating experience!  For of the period of my convalescence, the greatness of my pride and hate had given way to that of survival.

"I ordered that my stay be in solitude, and found I a large rock that overlooked the encampment.  There, on that rock, I sat and contemplated for nigh seven years in your counting.  I was served only be a beloved old woman who loved me greatly.  There came a day while recovering from my ghastly wound that I watched my old woman pass from this plane.  Indeed, she was at the river, and I saw her collapse.  I made my way down to where she lay.  She was clutching heartily the crudely woven linen she had made for her son, who had, indeed, perished long ago.  I saw the old woman pass in the light of the noonday sun, the life ebbing from her body in strokes of weeping.  I watched the old woman shrivel in the light, her mouth opened to an aghast expression, and, indeed, her eyes became glazed, unaffected by the light of the sun.  I stood there. Nothing moved save the breeze through her silver hair.  Beloved woman, I thought about the old woman, her cursing, her kindness, and her love for that which is I.  I wondered at her great intelligence.  I turned my head and looked back at the sun, which never perished.  I knew that it was the very same sun that had shone through a crack in the roof of her hovel when she was first delivered as a babe.  Indeed, now it was the last thing she saw when she died.  I stared at the sun.  It was oblivious to the fact that my old woman, who had cared for me, had died.  I ordered that she be not burnt, but rather buried under a great tree by the river."  (page 331)

"It was not, indeed, until I observed and pondered life and its ungoingness that I discovered who be the Unknown God.  I reasoned that the Unknown God was not the gods created through the altered thinking of man.  For, indeed, I realized that the gods in men's minds are only the personalities of the things that they fear and respect the most; that the true God is the ongoing essence that permits man to create and play out his illusions however he chooses, and that will still be there when man returns yet again, hallowed in his incarnation, in another spring, in another life."  (page 336)

11 May 2014

Ramtha: An Introduction to Unlimitedness

This is cover art from editions of the book A Beginner's Guide to Creating Reality.
An individual's understanding of life and 'God' must be based on one's own experiences.  Among the annals of unexplained phenomena, the transcendental communication offered by visitors from the ascended realm helps one to see beyond illusionary superstitions and dogmas to better comprehend the nature of one's true home in the Mind and Being of 'God.'  The entity known as 'Ramtha' is representative of cases involving so-called 'ascended masters' who offer perspectives concerning this momentous reality.

After going into a hypnotic trance, Edgar Cayce spoke about diverse aspects of life that included the ancient civilizations Atlantis and Lemuria or Mu.  The personality who speaks for interims through JZ Knight is Ramtha, who has said that he lived 35,000 years ago on the continent of Lemuria and was part of the pilgrimage that went into that which is termed Atlantis. 

Scientific testing revealed physiological changes of JZ Knight when channeling Ramtha.  This data was reported at a press conference in 1997 where proof was presented of Ramtha's existence independent of JZ Knight.  The testing showed autonomic nervous system responses and changes in JZ's appearance when Ramtha was manifesting.

Another well-known contemporary channeler is John of God, the topic of several articles last year at this blog including "An Introduction to John of God".  Other articles are about another Brazilian trance channeler healer, Rubens de Faria Jr. 
My introduction to Ramtha channeled by JZ Knight was the short book published in 1996 The Mystery of Love (available to be read without charge in a PDF edition).  After reading The Mystery of Love, one will have some understanding about what is meant by Ramtha identifying himself as 'the enlightened one.' 
Two chronologies of unexplained phenomena encompassing transcendental communication of ascended masters involved Helena Petrovna Blavatsky and Guy and Edna Ballard.  HPB's theosophical 'Masters' commented about their complex predicament in a series of materialized (or 'precipitated') letters that are now known as 'The Mahatma Letters'.  The Ballards published a collection of books called The Saint Germain Series including volumes of The "I AM" Discourses.  

Those who are familiar with other accounts of transcendental communication will not be surprised to learn that Ramtha alternates speaking in the first person as "I" and in the third person as "we" during public orations.   Ramtha's perspectives of life are extensively documented in many books, including Voyage to the New World (1985) by Ramtha with Douglas James Mahr; and the Ramtha books A Beginner's Guide to Creating Reality (1998), The White Book (1999), A Master's Reflection on the History of Humanity Part I Human Civilization Origins and Evolution (2001) and Part II Rediscovering the Pearl of Ancient Wisdom (2002), along with many shorter books.

Previous blog articles have chronicled what I refer to as 'the Michael pattern' (in addition to 'the Bell pattern') in cases often categorized as involving the 'paranormal.'  In JZ's case, a teenage romance with high school football star Mike Phipps resulted with her contemplating love: "Mike made me question if love was really just a state of mind . . . or something more."

Controversies about JZ Knight and Ramtha over the years have involved her financial wealth derived from channeling and her investments in Arabian horses.  JZ acknowledged that she was surprised when Ramtha first told her to charge admission for her channeling services.  In JZ's autobiography, Ramtha was quoted: ". . . the knowledge of God will provide the grandest profit of all . . . tell them that God be your employer."

A short biographical article at jzknight.com reports: "Some of the main humanitarian charities JZ Knight has sponsored through the JZ Knight Humanities Foundation she created have been the empowerment of women, world peace, and education scholarships for children.  Since 1988, JZ Knight has contributed more than $1,200,000 to 200 graduating High School seniors so they could pursue their educational goals.  She has helped local church’s charities aiding communities in Africa."

Voyage to the New World includes transcripts of portions of 'Ramtha Dialogue Tapes' recorded between 1981 and 1983.  Ramtha's commentary about the brain can be compared to channeled perspectives of the brain offered by trance channelers Edgar Cayce and Eileen Garrett in earlier decades.  A 'master' (Ramtha's word to describe the people who come to see him) said to him "when you speak of emotion and feeling I sense it as one thing."  Ramtha answered:
It is indeed, Lass.  A thought hath no reality in the Soul of man until it is embraced and felt, experienced unto his Soul, and recorded as wisdom.  A thought enters, Entity, through the auric field.  It comes through that which is termed the receiver, the brain.  The brain is divided in sections that qualify to various vibratory enlightenment forms called thought.

That which is termed the pituitary is the Seventh Seal, it is holy and divine.  It possesses within Itself that which is termed a hormone structure that, through desire, opens itself and lets the hormones flow through the brain and to the mouth of the pineal which is the Sixth Seal, the door to the Seventh.  In the flowing of these hormones, it activates another part of that which is termed the Divine Receiver, the brain, to elocate itself to accept a higher thought-frequency called unlimitedness.  The higher thought emerges upon the brain and, in the specified area, through the door of that which is termed the Divine Seventh, fills the entire brain cavity with a different electrical frequency circuit.

The frequency is then sent through that which is termed the central nervous system.  It holds forth that which is termed its mouth to receive that which is termed the electrical [projectile] that is sent through the entire system to every cellular structure within the entire body to create from thought to feeling.  The entire body responds to the feeling of this electrical impulse . . . the entire body.

The Soul, [which] sits by that which is termed the Fourth [Seal], is called the Soul of Reckoning.  The entire feeling is thus recorded within the Soul; the Soul records memory as feelings.  That is how memory is stored.
Another portion of the book presents Ramtha's commentary concerning returning in the present form.
There are many entities that have passed from this plane, that have done many grand things, that have gone many places.  I am the only one that ever came back.  For, you see, I have been a man, I have lived in desperate situations, I have been all that you have been.  The justifiableness of me returning in this form was that all you have been I have mastered and thus ascended unto my kingdom.

I choose to come back in this fashion, in this embodiment as a woman, not to demonstrate that a man and a woman can live together peacefully—they can—but [to demonstrate] that God is both man and woman, equally and evenly.  [I choose to come back in this fashion] to not leave you any images that you could dolt around your neck or put up on your wall or carve into stone, because you have always been notorious for worshiping others.

If there was no image to remember with me—other than that I have loved you and I have tolerated you, and you I—what you would remember of our union is how you feel and that, alas, is the most important thing of all.  When you leave I, 'tis not that you remember me but that you remember you and the God that I have, over and over, through great repetition, expressed to you and demonstrated to you is there—rich in flesh and color and blood and vibrance and blue and brown and all colors—It is there.

But of this form, that the purpose and the reason that I was here is to tell you how important that you are.  Because the only way that one enters into the Kingdom of Heaven, 'tis not through the worship of another but the worship of the All.  And the only way you can ever comprehend the All is from your point of view.  And your point of view is called God and that is where you find Him.  How do you think, my beloved people, that you ever become?  By following someone else, by worshiping something you never saw and never understood?  You become by worshiping you.
"Ramtha on Channeling" and "Seven Levels of Consciousness"—among other lecture excerpts of recent years—may be viewed at Ramtha.com and You Tube. 

04 May 2014

How JZ Knight Became the Channeler of Ramtha

JZ Knight was a suburban housewife living in Tacoma, Washington with her dentist husband, Jeremy Wilder, and two sons, Brandy and Chris.  The year was 1977.  One Sunday afternoon she was involved in making small pyramids and dehydrating food with her husband.  Just after jokingly placing one of the pyramids on her head and laughing, she noticed the glimmer of a bright light at the other end of her kitchen.  Then . . .

I blinked, and to my utter shock and amazement, there stood a giant man at the other end of my kitchen . . . just standing there, aglow.

This . . . thing . . . was made all of light, like golden glitter dropped through a ray of sunlight.  His shoulders came to the top of the door, and it was as if the ceiling had disappeared to make room for his head.  It was beautiful.  His robe seemed to be of purple light, a dazzling display of color and crystal against this strangeness of immense human form.  An illuminating white overlay formed the broad mantle of his shoulders.  I could not make out if jewels and gold flashed upon his heavenly robe or if they were lights.  These were the brightest lights and colors I had ever seen, and yet they were not harsh.  His face . . . it was the most beautiful face I had ever seen . . . eyes that shone like ebony stones with copper flashes . . . skin, if that is what is was, the coloring of olive, bronze, illuminated, and a fine chiseled nose and a broad jawline and a smile that would rival any Hollywood star's.  My eyes went glassy, like those of a sleepwalker.  I could hear voices about me, but they were far away, like in a dream.  The power to reason had fled my mind, and I felt pulled into the splendor of that unearthly magic.  A Blue light blazed and filled the room with an aura of innocence and holy peace that emanated from this stately form.  A moment later—I don't know, maybe it was an hour later—I formed an utterance of words that must have come from a feeble innocence within my being.  "You are beautiful. Who are you?"

A smile so divine parted his lips to reveal glistening, immaculate teeth.

"I am Ramtha, the Enlightened One.  I have come to help you over the ditch."  The words were delivered in a most melodious manner.

My mind had been whirling up to that point, but the word "ditch"—ditch? what ditch?—caught my attention.  I broke the gaze.  I came out of the dreamstate and became of the earth again.  Ditch?  I quickly bent to see if the kitchen floor had fallen away.  What other ditch could he mean?  The floor was still under my chair, and the miracle cap had fallen off my head.  Stupid, stupid, stupid.  Where had my good sense gone?  What kind of crazy dream was I having, anyway?  I started laughing nervously again, putting both hands to my head as if to clasp it together.  Wake up, dummy, it's time to fix breakfast.  Then I looked back in the direction of the "dream" and the "dream" was laughing, too.   Suddenly this wasn't so funny anymore.

"Beloved woman, the greatest of things are achieved with a light heart," he continued.  "It is the ditch of limitation and fear I will help you over.  For you will, indeed, beloved woman, become a light onto the world.  Know that you are greatly loved, for the Father in heaven knows of you and loves you, greatly, indeed."

Too stunned to feel frightened, I was without words, my mind unable to comprehend his message.  I was mute as Ramtha continued to speak.

"Beloved woman, I desire you to know that you and your beloved family are in danger within this house.  I desire you to be out of this place within five days in your counting and in number.  Your children will dream a dream of that which is to come.  Heed the dreams.  Children are of the innocence to see many profound things, they are the prophets of a new age.  I have prepared a great white structure for you as your new hovel.  Indeed, there is a noble runner, entity, that will help you to find it.  You will know who he is.  Indeed, beloved woman, there are many changes coming.  Prepare yourself.  Know that you are greatly loved.  I am Ramtha, the Enlightened One."  The lights went out. . . . The "dream" had gone.
This passage is from JZ Knight's autobiography A State of Mind, My Story (1987).  While there were interims when JZ could see and hear Ramtha, her husband could not; however, due to his familiarity with her he had no trouble accepting the astonishing events related to him.  She eventually became the frequent channeler for Ramtha, explaining that she goes 'out-of-body' during the interludes when Ramtha speaks through her.

The account of the first appearances of the entity known as 'Ramtha' as presented in the book is based on JZ's recall of the life-changing incidents.  The morning after Ramtha's introduction, Chris and Brandy both recounted dreams about violent home intruders.  JZ purchased a new house the same day and they were out of their previous house by Friday night.  On Saturday morning, they found their old home had been ransacked and Ramtha's warning had proven correct.

Ramtha is quoted by JZ as having said:

"Beloved woman, I will not tell you all but I shall tell you this: I was and am the Great Ram.  I lived a life that was thirty-five thousand years ago according to the Julian calendar as you know and understand your time.  I was a great warrior and, indeed, as it was known then, I conquered two-thirds of the known world.  I became enlightened as to the unknown God of my ancient peoples and, indeed, in the sixty-third year of my march, I ascended . . ."

Pivotal in the philosophy of ‘The Ram’ is that both he and every human being are "of the I Am, and that be the I Am of God the Father, as you term it, indeed!"

Here is another example of Ramtha's early discourses as recalled by JZ Knight in her autobiography.

"Beloved woman, indeed, to love all people is, indeed, to love God.  For God, the life force, the source, be all people.  That be what is termed the love of Christ, unconditional love.  Indeed, it be an arduous thing, for all people express differently and, indeed, what be different in one threatens the difference in another, thus there be war.  Beloved woman, though all be different, there lies the commonness between them all, and that be that they be of God.  The master first learns to accept the God that he is.  For, indeed, when love he completely that which he is, he loves completely God.  That love be termed 'unconditional love.'   Then the master sees and loves in others that commonness called God.  It is the love of self and God that allows the master to love everyone regardless of their differences."

Aware that these fantastic events seem outlandish to people upon first learning about them, JZ obviously found that offering a detailed account of her life would help people to understand her bizarre predicament.

While growing up, she confronted her Sunday school teacher Sister Effy Bell after noticing some apparent contradictions in the Bible.  JZ decided to find a different spiritual path than following the strict religious dogma of her local church.  She wrote:

. . . I never left God, nor did I forget the simple teachings of Jesus Christ.  His message was that God and the Kingdom of Heaven were within all of us, and that to love all would be to love God.  Jesus was and is a living light within my life this very day.  I endeavor to judge no one for what they believe or don't believe.  Like Jesus, I have chosen rather to love all.
In JZ's autobiography, she described how she "became the interpreter, involuntarily" for Ramtha speaking with her husband Jeremy.  On one occasion, Ramtha conversed with Jeremy of "that which is termed gold" — money.

"Ramtha, why are you suggesting ways for me to become more successful?" asked Jeremy.  "It doesn’t seem to be in keeping with what a spiritual entity would do."

"Master, why think you that abundance be not spiritual?  Everything be God.  To be fruitful in that which is one’s work is to manifest the joy of abundance on your plane."

"I always thought that really spiritual people were poor.  They didn’t need wealth."

"Master, that be a creative truth created by those to induce poverty upon others in the name of spirituality, to take their wealth away from them!  Those entities that created that truth are the richest of all.  They be that which is termed religions.  If you say to them that, for them to be spiritual, they must then tear down their cathedrals, melt down all their gold, and give up their treasures back to those they took in from, think you they would follow their own truth?"

The first time Ramtha would speak through JZ without her being conscious was during a consultation with the pastor of a Spiritualist Church as Jeremy watched.  Then, in November 1978, JZ agreed to make a public appearance at the Rama Center, a spiritual center in Oregon.  Ramtha was quoted: "Indeed, beloved woman, you will bloom completely into that which is termed a channel . . . You will abdicate the entirety of that which be your body . . . liken unto one passing from this plane.  Indeed, in the twinkling of an eye you will be changed and, indeed, you will follow a great light until you become that light.  Within a moment in your time you shall return unto your body and, indeed, time will have ebbed by . . ."

The following passage is JZ's description of what happened at the Rama Center.  A woman named Mary Redhead  introduced JZ and her husband to the group.  She was nervous about living up to their expectations.
"Ramtha, please get me out of here," I whispered.

"Indeed, beloved woman, go in peace," came the answer.

In the wisp of a moment I felt like a great hand had come and jerked me from my body.  I faintly remember seeing the room from the ceiling . . . everything and everyone seemed frozen.  I looked down and saw the top of my own head.  My beautiful hair was casting a light, something like a bright golden white light seen through a slight mist.  Then the misted light filled the room, dancing and flashing like brilliant stones fired by lightning.  I somehow felt and knew that I was part, yet all, of that light.  A flash came—I don't know where from—but I was going somewhere.  I was racing or flowing down a tunnel, but I couldn't see the sides.  I just remember that there appeared to be a wind taking me toward a brilliant light at the other end of the tunnel.  I focused on the growing brilliance of that whiter-than-white, brighter-than-bright illuminating light.  I heard a voice: "Go toward the light."  I knew that the voice was the light.  The closer I came, the more brilliant the light was.  It's lightning flashes began to bathe me in a warm peaceful glow that I cannot possibly explain.  I just know that I had no fear, no regrets, and no limitations.  I was rapturously free.  I had no thoughts or fears about my husband, my children, the house mortgage, the bulldog, my cellulite, my kitchen, the kids' grades in school, my past, my present, my future, or the people in the room I had left behind.  No sorrow, no pain . . . just oneness with the great light.  Within it, I knew and understood all things completely in a fashion that transcended the logical and petty mind.  I knew that what I had left behind was a dream of the altered state of God: man.  I was not detached from the whole but was the whole.  I did not want to leave the light.  Then a flash came and I felt heavy once more, with eyelids, arms, legs that tingled as if they were asleep, and a head that pounded.  I slowly opened my eyes.  Things were blurred at first.  I barely remember my husband holding my hands and head and saying something to me.  Images were moving, and voices that were faint were becoming audible.  People were crowded around me, faces in my face, hands on my unfeeling feet, and there was an air of excitement everywhere.  I focused my eyes on a woman.  It was that sweet woman, Mary Redhead.  I started and tried to jump up, but I wasn't ready.  I had not completely become me again.  My mind began to race with questions about what, if anything, had happened.  I remembered asking the Ram for help and remembered the jolt . . . but nothing else.  I looked around with what must have been an expression of anxiety on my face, because Mary, my husband, and others started saying, "It's all right, everything's all right.  It's a miracle."
Jeremy informed her that Ramtha had come in and "shocked everyone with his power, wit, and love."

Some of the phenomena described by JZ in the book is similar to what has been described by clairvoyant and clairaudient mediums, such as what resulted after she started going to bookstores, looking for books to explain what was happening to her.

When I started reading those books, little colored lights would appear.  Their activity would become frantic when there was something on a particular page that was important.  At first I thought it was my eyes.  But after a doctor's examination and an explanation from Ramtha, I learned that these were "runners," or light beings, and (I know this sounds crazy) they were there to show me that I wasn't crazy.  Anyway, they seemed to go with me wherever I went and sort of "light the way."

How JZ Knight became the channeler of Ramtha is also the topic of an article that appeared in the Fireside Series of books derived from Ramtha's discourses, including Parallel Lifetimes: Fluctuations in the Quantum Field (2004).  She explained: "Ramtha has been a part of my life ever since I was born, but I didn't know who he was and I didn't know what he was, only that there was a wonderful force that walked with me, and when I was in trouble — and I had a lot of pain in my life growing up — that I always had extraordinary experiences with this being who would talk to me."

JZ described the difficulties of being taught by Ramtha how to "get out of my body."  After a practice session she would realize that her kids were home from school although it seemed to her like she had just put away the breakfast dishes.

JZ has been channeling Ramtha since late 1979.  She described the two robes that she has always seen him wearing:

Even though they are the same robe, they are really beautiful so you never get tired of seeing them.  The inner robe is snow white and goes all the way down to where I presume his feet are, and then he has an overrobe that is beautiful purple.  You should understand that I have really looked at the material on these robes and it is not really material; it is sort of like light. 

More information about Ramtha and JZ Knight is available at the "Frequently asked questions" and "Mini-Teachings" pages at ramtha.com.

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