05 July 2014

Ascended Masters and the Sun

During a 2014 interview, Ramtha mentioned "strange oddities on the face of the sun" and an incident when "we left a triangle . . . It's in the sun solar photos."  Ramtha identified as being responsible for the event not the ascended masters but "the great ones — protecting you, prospering you, evolving you because you are God too."

The book Ramtha Intensive: Change, The Days to Come (1987) offers a transcript of a Ramtha seminar that occurred May 17 and 18, 1986 in Denver, Colorado.  An introductory statement by Ramtha being channeled by JZ Knight was: "I am here to help you clear your senses so that you can take in new knowledge and a new understanding that will allow you to make decisions from this life and this wondrous moment forward." 

A "short re-cap of eternity" began with an explanation of the "Z particum."
"Z particum" is a term used to describe the last known, highest revealed particle that was created at the moment of the big bang.  Your scientists and your physicists do not know what lies beyond Z because they have limited themselves in common speech from A to Z!  So, they cannot come up with anything thereafter.  They are endeavoring to have knowingness, yet they are bogged down in their limited letters.  But that which is termed the Z particum is the breaking of Light into a lower form.

The universe, the sun, the earth — they were not created from an explosion.  They were created from Space, the Knowingness, that which is termed Thought, the forever Is.

In the beginning, before there was a beginning, there was Thought.  When Thought contemplated itself, it turned inward, and a realization occurred.  That realization became Light.  From Thought contemplating itself, Light was born.  Light is the next principle of Thought.

This light (pointing to the chandeliers) is a very poor example of Light.  This light is a lower electrum light.  The greatest light is beyond your three-dimensional vision.

The Light created from Thought contemplating itself became Movement in your universe.  That movement solidified itself at the moment of birth.  At the moment of its birth, Light sparkled in Space, the backdrop of forever.  It was Knowingness's first adventure, if you will.  It is of that Light that all of the gods were born.

Know you that the continuum of Light is broken into light particums?  For Light is the full manifestation of energy that is made up of the vibrancy of Thought.

So, from the first light was born the gods.  And who were they?  You — and all entities, seen and unseen, that have ever lived through the divineness of their souls.  The gods are the greatest light of all.  From their light the explosion of creativity occurred, because it is only from the dynamic force of you, the light particums, contemplating and creating like the Is once did, that a lower light form could be created.  And in the lower light form, the Z particum is contained.

Creation began from the Z particum, dividing into the X and Y particums to create combustion, gases, that which is called your suns.  The suns gave birth to the planets by an explosion of powerful energy, which rotated around the sun in an explosive fission.  As this energy rotated and moved into an orbit further away from the sun, it began to cool.  As it rotated, and the more it cooled, the more hollow the planet became on the inside because the rotation and the centrifugal force thrust everything that was in the core, the center, to the outermost perimeter.  Only after it became hollow on the inside and cooled on the surface did the gods begin to make their homes here and to create, in the embryo state, all cellular mass.  And you did it all.
The following passage offers ascended master Ramtha's perspective of Earth's sun. 

Now, the sun, in its core, is Thought reflecting into itself, which creates light; the light creates fission; and the fission creates the fire, the raw birthing energy.  The great winds that prevail around the sun's grandiose light are called winds of the solar system.  They are divine, and they carry light particums not only to your earth but to the farthest planet in your solar system.

The sun has a profound effect upon you and your earth.  You are in a tenuous balance with its life, and yet few of you realize it.  The light particums and the solar winds control your weather.  If the sun is intact and in harmonious balance, your weather will always be in a harmonious balance.

The sun creates radiation that reflects off the face of the earth.  Through the friction of particums in the stratum surrounding your earth, heat is created.  That is why you are warm when you walk out into a sunny day.  It isn't the light of the sun that warms you; it is the friction that warms you.  Clouds are created in a balance from the solar winds and the friction of light particums hitting your earth.  The clouds carry vapor from the oceans, cleanse it, and provide you with water.

Hear you of the term "sun spot"?  Know you what it is?  It is the explosion of Thought occurring.  That is why it is so dark and seems to be almost an endless pit when viewed.  From that spot, the eruptions of thought are coming into the fission of the X, Y, and Z particums.

In an eruption of "Thought becoming matter," the solar winds are at hurricane gusts.  Every moment that eruption occurs and reaches millions of miles into the universe, you are seeing new energy exploding from Thought.  You are seeing creation!  The blackness, the hole, is "Thought realizing itself."  It is so simple, yet everyone has looked for the complexity of why it does this.  Well, it is simply your sun evolving to become more.  Every moment it is spotting, it is becoming more and more.
During the lectures of the Intensive seminar, Ramtha would also talk about geological processes, environmental pollution, human psychology and relations (including "brothers who are in the seen and the unseen"), and 'truth' ("Know you that everyone has their own truth?") 
So I tell you, in your simplistic, common speech, that you all created the pickle that you're in.  All of you!  You say, "How could I have been a part of the reactor accident at Chernobyl?"  You have pity for the poor entities who are suffering there, but you think you didn't have anything to do with that because it happened in another country.  The truth is, masters, you had everything to do with it, because you have not allowed your mind to wake up and become inventive and sovereign.  Your political governments still have to rely on raw energy that is perilous to the human cell in order to keep you plugged in.

In his collective thinking, man has hardened himself against himself.  He has lost the vision of his illuminated, divine personage.
Ramtha often refers to his audience as "beloved" during lectures.  This expression of endearment was also favored by the ascended masters who dictated their discourses to Guy and Edna Ballard.  Transcripts of the discourses may be read in the 20 volume Saint Germain Series of books.  In the Foreword of the second volume by Godfré Ray King (pen name of Guy Warren Ballard) The Magic Presence (1935), the experiences chronicled therein are explained to be "the results of applying the knowledge" previously revealed by ascended master Saint Germain.

The Tales of the Arabian Nights were hardly stranger than the Truths we were receiving, and the wonderful things we were experiencing.  It seemed as if we had entered another world where the activity of the mind became instantly manifest in physical form. Saint Germain had shown such conclusive evidence that he knew every incident and activity of our lives, when he desired to do so, and even saw the Innermost thoughts and intents of each of us.  I felt a tremendous uplift and a happiness unspeakable.
The narrator recounted commentary about the sun from a beautiful young lady known as Leto, who "had been in the Ascended state more than three hundred years, yet she looked not over seventeen."

"You remember that Saint Germain said to you: ‘The sun of this system, is to the whole system what the heart is to the human body, its currents of energy being the blood-stream of this system of worlds; the ether belt around this earth being the lungs, through which the currents of energy, constantly pouring forth, are ever purifying the body of the earth. The sun is also the Head or Father of this system, through which this mighty energy is constantly generated by the "Mighty Intelligence" focused there, from Glorious Ascended Beings, who have charge and govern that activity.'"

A comment about the sun not being hot is presumably meant in relation to how people should perceive it from our Earth vantage point.

"'The sun is not hot as scientists think.  It is as cool and a thousand times more refreshing than the gentle zephyrs of the most delightful summer evening.  It is only as the sun’s currents of energy pass through the ether belt of the earth that they become heat. The sun is the Electronic Pole, and the earth is the Magnetic Pole.  The ether belt is the element through which the currents are diversified.

"‘The Christ Mind is embodied in Great Beings upon the Sun, similar to the way it is here on earth.  Always keep this in mind: God sent forth His Rays individualizing Himself, in order to govern, regulate, and direct His activity through Self-conscious beings.  That is why we, as the Sons of God, are given free will—choice.’"

Leto also is quoted instructing about "Divine Inspiration."

"Often an artist, musician, writer, inventor, and many other individuals doing creative work, are given such assistance from the Ascended Masters, of which those receiving the help know nothing. This sort of activity is one way in which we work impersonally."

Upon explaining that two of the narrator’s companions, Rex and Pearl, are "‘Twin Rays’ from the same Divine Flame," Saint Germain stated: "The Flame comes forth from the Heart of God, the Great Life Consciousness of the Universe—the Great Central Sun."  The ascended master explained:

"This Sun is in reality a reservoir of constructively used energy and substance, gathered through human experience and drawn upward so it becomes the glory of the ‘God-Flame,’ which mark you—never loses Its individual identity in the Universe."

Saint Germain then revealed that two other of the narrator’s acquaintances were "two other Rays of an Individualized God-Flame" and commented: "It will explain some of the feelings which you have not understood."  Saint Germain also was quoted in relation to instructing about the 'personal self.'

"The personal self is a custodian of Life, of Ideas, and of 'Light-substance,' pure Electronic-substance.  The very fact that one is in existence, as a human being, is an open acknowledgment to those who are able to read the Book of Life, that he has decreed to come into Individual existence and accepted of his own choice the responsibility of being a creator.  Everyone must carry the responsibility of his world."

Ramtha stated during the lectures published as Ramtha Intensive: Change, The Days to Come (1987): "I came to you with the greatest message of all: you are God.  It's simplicity has never changed . . . Many of you still think God is outside of you.  As long as you create God to be outside of you, you are disconnected from that which is inside of you.  God is not an image.  It is not separate from anything.  God is everything.  It is life, it is power, it is the moment.  It is thought realized to become light.  You are that wonderful light spectrum that was born when God, the Is, contemplated Self.  Each fragment of light created from that contemplation held within it all of eternity — and that is you."

A channeled comment of Saint Germain on July 28, 1932 in Chicago is: "God, the 'Mighty I AM Presence,' acts through the Free Will of the individual according to his or her acceptance . . . The Messengers from the 'Sun behind the Sun,' which is the Heart of the Christ Power as we know it today, are the Mighty Messengers who are pressing forward in conducting this radiant cycle which has now begun."

Theosophical 'master' K.H.'s instruction about the sun from 1882 can be read in Letter No. 23B of The Mahatma Letters (1923) including:

Science makes too much and too little at the same time of "solar energy" and even of the Sun itself; and the Sun has nothing to do whatever with rain and very little with heat.

The fact is, that what you call the Sun is simply the reflection of the huge "storehouse" of our System wherein ALL its forces are generated and preserved; the Sun being the heart and brain of our pygmy Universe, we might compare its faculae—those millions of small, intensely brilliant bodies of which the Sun's surface away from the spots is made up—with the blood corpuscles of that luminary—though some of them as correctly conjured by science are as large as Europe.  Those blood corpuscles are the electric and magnetic matter in its sixth and seventh state.

The mahatma letters instruct about seven states of matter, seven kingdoms, seven spheres, seven universal principles, seven root-races, and seven Rounds.  Ramtha has instructed about seven seals, seven heavens or planes of existence, and seven realizations or levels-of-consciousness understanding.
Many similar esoteric perspectives of God and the sun can be found in other books chronicling transcendental communication.  An example can be found in the article "Trance Communication and D. D. Home".

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