20 July 2014

Ramtha, The White Book

This is the cover of the 2004 edition with cover embossing shown in gray.

One of Ramtha's statements in Ramtha, The White Book is: ". . . God will always be the perception of what God is, and that will always be unique for each entity."

Chronicles of ascended master interaction with humanity have culminated with Ramtha 'the enlightened one' channeling through JZ Knight.  The White Book is considered a 'general introduction to Ramtha and his teachings.'  The first version of the book, Ramtha (1986), became known as the 'white book.'  The book was edited by Steven Lee Weinberg, Ph.D., with Randall Weischedel, Sue Ann Fazio and Carol Wright.  The book was revised and expanded for the first edition of Ramtha, The White Book in 1999.  I read the 2001 edition of the book, which includes a Bibliography listing dozens of Ramtha Dialogues that are the sources for portions of lecture transcripts dating from 1979 to 1985.

In Chapter 1 "Introduction," one of Ramtha's statements in particular was reminiscent of commentary I had read in other cases of transcendental communication.  Ramtha said: "We have been king, conqueror, slave, hero, crucified Christ, teacher, guide, friend, philosopher — anything that would permit knowledge to occur."  This reminded me of statements in other cases of anomalous phenomena.  As mentioned in a 2011 blog article, an unnamed Direct Voice Seance communicator was quoted: "We are a band of brothers and we rejoice in our knowledge, in our experience, and in our oneness with the Divine."  This is a seance transcript excerpt from Lynn Russell's 1965 book The Voice of Valentino (as facilitated by Direct Voice medium Leslie Flint).  In my article about the 'Messages from Michael' case, the statement is shared: "All souls, or fragments, as we choose to call them for now, are of course a part of the universal creative force, which we call the Tao." 

Ramtha's teachings have been full of "teaching that . . . may be filled with that which is termed verbiage contradiction" (A Beginner's Guide to Creating Reality 1998).  The travesty inherent in some declarations were cited in a 1988 "20/20" television show segment where a clueless reporter said about the earliest edition of what became Ramtha, The White Book: "It outlines a philosophy where reality is whatever you want it to be, where there's no right, no wrong, even murder is not wrong or evil . . ."

At the "Soulmates" Intensive in January, 1986, Ramtha complained about his teachings being taken out of context.  In addition to blatant contradictions that can be found, some quotations of Ramtha published in The White Book show how a literal interpretation of specific sentences is unacceptable when quoted out of context.  For example: "Everything you think, so will it be in your life."  Is there anyone who would not be disappointed by this statement in consideration of one's own life experiences?  However, one's thoughts do determine all that occurs, if not all that what one would like to happen.  Ramtha also is quoted:

There is a great possibility, through the transfiguration of the great immortal self into the material plane, of losing one's identity and becoming wholly embroiled in survival.  And, alas, that is what most of humanity has done.

As used by Ramtha, paradox is a technique of teaching that leads students to reflect about their beliefs and perceptions.  The transcript in Ramtha Intensive: Soulmates (1987) includes: "I'll test you!  So be it!"  Preceding this, Ramtha explained:

I desire for you to learn the greatest knowledge, but you can learn it only when you are ready for it.  You have to be awake to listen.  You have to be awake to see the runners and the miracles when they manifest.  You have to be sovereign. 

Ramtha's use of contradictions is a philosophical technique that correlates with warnings found in earlier paranormal case studies of transcendental communication.  In one of the Mahatma Letters, K.H. mentioned "All is lie, all falsehood, around and in us, my brother . . ."  In Messages from Michael (1979), one Ouija board message is quoted: "If one is to seek the highest truth of all, one must first be able to recognize what is false — in other words, the lies must be told before the truth can be sought."

The second and third chapters of The White Book present commentary about Ramtha's Earth life with some additional details to the information found in JZ Knight's autobiography.  Ramtha explained:

Those of you who desire to follow and worship, or to do more outside of yourselves than within yourselves, I wish you to know that I am not what you are searching for, I am here to help you become sovereign in your own truth, in your own understanding.

Most of the chapters involve the subject of God.  That God might allow 'good and evil, right and wrong, perfect and imperfect' to coexist on Earth' perhaps would be the expedient way to express what Ramtha has articulated with other varied phraseology. 

Chapter 6 "Life After Life" makes more complete the cosmology involving God as reincarnation is explained to be part of one's potential evolution as Ramtha's perspective of other planes of existence is expressed; or "seven heavens": "Which heaven you go to [after 'death'] is determined by the attitudes that you emotionally expressed upon this plane."

Ramtha's appearance in the present day is a manifestation of the Christ Force exemplifying how spiritual redemption is possible for one who evolves from the lessons of past errors and allows a new day to dawn by sowing the seeds of love through dedicating oneself to always expressing the love and giving nature of God 'the Father.'  Ramtha is quoted: "Whatever I do to add to the evolvement of your precious beings glorifies and magnifies the Father that is the kingdom I Am."

There are numerous examples of 'verbiage contradictions' in Chapter 13.  For example, consider the response when Ramtha was asked by a student "Ramtha, how do you fit into God's plan?"

Ramtha: God's plan?  What makes you think, entity, that God has a plan?

Student: Because there must be a good reason why things are the way they are.

Ramtha: The only plan that the Father has is to be, so that everything can express the life that the Father is.  If he had a plan, as it were, it would take away your freedom to express the God within you, which would take away your uniqueness and your ability to evolve yourself and expand the life principle called God.

God's only plan is that it is.

I must admit that upon reading this, I noted an exclamation mark in the margin, so contrary was this philosophy to my own experiences in life and such a complete contradiction to Ramtha's statement "God is love."  Obviously, Ramtha has a purpose for being here.

Another of Ramtha's contradictory statements in Chapter 13 is "God the Father is lawless."  A student responded: "But, Ramtha, if there were no laws, how could you prevent someone from expressing the evil within him, from doing bad things?"  As Ramtha continued speaking, he expressed how all people have a divine aspect to their souls and how defining what is evil is a relative condition. 

Student: So you don't even think that killing someone is evil?

Ramtha: That is correct, because I have not limited myself by believing in the ending of any one thing, for nothing is ever destroyed — ever.  So if an entity dies, what is the loss in death?

As Ramtha continues expressing this orientation that is contrary to common sense morality, one may recall that Ramtha was a mass killer during his Earth life.  He also stated that murderers and slayers "have a terrible working through of emotion that they must deal with when their conquest is finished, and that often takes millenniums.  The slain has a body within the next minute.  The slayer never forgets."
In the case of ascended master communication chronicled by Guy and Edna Ballard that launched the "I AM" Movement of the 1930s, the spiritual evolution processes of karma and reincarnation are mentioned as "Unfailing Law" ("The Other Ascended Masters"). 

Ramtha's commentary about truth in The White Book includes:

Truth is only what an individual perceives truth to be.  Truth is an opinion, an attitude, a belief about something that has become an absolute in creative thought.

To this day most of you still do not know that God is you, that you possess within you the power to know and be all things.  Thus you let teachers and religion and everyone else rule your life and interpret truth for you.

It is apparently Ramtha's statements about good and evil presented out of context that have dissuaded people from considering and learning more about Ramtha as a "servant unto that which is termed the Christus" (Voyage to the New World 1985) despite his message that so is (or should be) everyone.  In the Edgar Cayce channeled readings, Christ is equated with a level of consciousness.

Today, only a small proportion of the populace knows how extensively JZ Knight's channeling has been documented; and that this has been scientifically tested and physiologically confirmed.  There are obvious reasons for mainstream media ignoring channeling cases, including the world renowned contemporary trance channel healer John of God — the corporate order results in news executives fearing the loss of financial profit or even one's job should there be public disapproval or advertiser resistance to the information.

At this point in the current series of articles about Ramtha, one may realize that JZ Knight has shown an extraordinary devotion to Ramtha and also an enormous capacity for 'allowing' this enigma to unfold.  She has sacrificed a considerable portion of her conscious life experience as a channel so that Ramtha could communicate his teachings.  One need only glance online at some of the responses to the work to see that some people have been quick to judge her without knowing anything about her.

Ramtha is quoted in the introductory essay in A Beginner's Guide to Creating Reality from a 1991 Dialogue:
I give you a great deal, indeed, of information, and it is to be certain that my language was not always understandable and that became an excuse.  I saw my words, as you term them, edited and transposed for the sake of continuity of thought.  And yet when the words were edited for the sake of continuity of thought, the words that were left out were words of profound power.  "Indeed as it were in this time as you know it, unto this very hour, that which is termed indeed the God within you rise up, as it is so seen at this moment, to address that which is termed, as it were indeed, the deepening shadow that lies deep within the soul of all that which is termed humanity."
Ramtha said that the words "were arranged according to . . . how they would be destined to bloom.  So words that I have used in your past were there deliberately for the empowerment of the moment.  I was the one delivering them; therefore I was obligated to bring them into being."

The White Book also includes Ramtha's commentary about the biblical Jesus, whom Ramtha calls 'Yeshua ben Joseph': ". . . Yeshua exemplified love for everyone . . . A Christ is anyone who realizes that he is God and then lives that truth."
In the concluding Chapter 21 of The White Book, Ramtha's commentary includes:

I have come as a brother to mankind, of which I was once a fervent part.  I lived here as a man and experienced all that you have experienced.

I have come simply to remind you of the wonderful heritage you forgot long ago and to tell you of a glorious future you are all soon to see.

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