10 July 2014

Ramtha's 2014 Interview

Listen to Ramtha's 2014 radio interview at RobSimone.com. 

In some of the preceding blog articles (May-July) I have considered parallels between the case of JZ Knight and Ramtha with other documented cases of transcendental communication.  Now a radio interview presenting Ramtha's teachings can be heard online.

This year on June 15, the first hour-long episode featuring a recently recorded interview with Ramtha was broadcast on "The Rob Simone Talk Show" on 104.4 FM in London with archived episodes available for listening at RobSimone.com.  The listening time for the complete interview is more than three hours.

Rob Simone introduced the first in his weekly series of four Ramtha interview shows by saying ". . . this person is not a person at all.  It's an ascended master.  Of course, I'm talking about the one and only Ramtha the enlightened one as channeled by JZ Knight."

Readers and interview listeners unfamiliar with Ramtha may not be aware that his discourses have always shown a variety of moods and philosophical sensibilities, at times incorporating humor, contradictions and even travesty.  Ramtha is not the only paranormal enigma I have considered in articles at this blog.

Simone explained about this new interview: ". . . when you're listening to this interview you're going to hear a robotic voice come in from time to time and that's because Ramtha told me that he invited my spirits to be with me and occasionally they speak using this word generator program." 

During the first hour of the interview, Simone mentioned that Ramtha inspired "What the Bleep Do We Know!?," a movie that began exhibition a decade ago.  During the interview, Ramtha commented about the movie:
All of the scientists loved that woman who spoke — in the beginning.  Until they were notified I was a channel to being and then they threw it away.  My my.
Ramtha chuckled.  Further reflection was offered a short while later.
So now I am a male.  I'm a spirit taking over a little woman that everyone can judge — that was married way too many times and not understanding the fact that she's coming from religious upbringing.  And we can find fault with her, we can find fault with me so 'It's all a bunch of rubbish.'  But I am also a man in a woman's body.  I'm gay.  I'm also a woman who speaks as a man.  I'm transgender.  I'm lesbian.  I'm gay.  I am Ramtha the enlightened one.  And my channeled name is mišrus Knight.  So however you want to see me I have an appeal for everyone.  I think it is most radical and a flaw in our linguistic ability to always refer to God in the male gender when it is not that at all.

. . . I am all about telling them that God not only loves them but is at the heart of their essence.

While Ramtha was talking about himself, the word generator was heard to say "Yes."  Ramtha asked, "What say they? . . . Yes.  That's what I'm all about.  And you know I am a real being, entity.  And I have the future and all of those beings with me."
Simone asked about the simple word "allow" and the question was answered by Ramtha with philosophical reflection.

Words are linguistically the most wonderful of artful creations of the human being — naturally interfered by superior levels of beings to be able to allow the human to be able to articulate in frozen drips from the river of consciousness . . .

So do you have to comfort your outlandish listeners?  Do I have to comfort them?  Of their infernal punishment to hide in the shadows to be a witness of something remarkable because they're afraid they'll be ridiculed as crazy?

It is important that each entity speak their intermost being and everyone's called to the moment to be able to do that.

Quantum physics suggests — and I will tell you from what I know and that is first that there is already a future living — pick any number you want to — pick any number.  You want to go a thousand years, five hundred years, two hundred years, fifty years?  You want to go a million years?  You want to go ten million years?  I can land in any spot you want to know.  The important part is, is that what should be to the deep thinker in your audience is that if all time exists simultaneously — and who is your audience to say it doesn't when science bears it out as a possibility and new technologies are based upon that?  This is one who begrudgingly is stuck in the past of commitment, as it were.  What they are stuck with is the, unabashedly, suggestion that there's a future society living in any time frame right now that is the advancement of the person making this statement.

. . . how far do you want to go?  We can take it all the way up.  And then we can take them and transport them to other worlds and other galaxies.  We're already there.  What is the difference between that superior race than the race here?  Because we are just now beginning to think that maybe we do have a singular Mind — that here too we've allowed to be suppressed for social convenience.

Later in the interview, Ramtha said: "The art of the reveal is to allow."
The following are a few examples of the times when Electronic Voice Phenomena (EVP) can be heard during the SoundCloud recording of the first hour of the interview (before or after Ramtha's commentary).  These words are not to be confused with those being transmitted from the computer word generator program.

12:31 "HE" (after ". . . sorts of yogis and teachers")
16:39 "WELL" (after ". . . and of course me")
29:15 "WHEN" (before "Now look at me . . .")
31:14 "WHY" (before "There wasn't a popular . . .")
38:45 "YES" (after ". . . God has intervened.")
41:26 "LIKE" (after ". . . and try a new experiment")
53:28 "YES" (whisper — after ". . . runners from the future")
55:04 "WITH" (after " . . . went to the light")

During the second hour of the interview (Part 2), Simone asked Ramtha "if 2014 will see some dramatic changes . . ." and Ramtha responded: ". . . you see them as a culminating event where I see them as continuous."  Ramtha warned about the dangers of fracking before commenting about the necessity for human evolution.
R: . . . are you really going to suggest that the future society would hold status quo an environment of pollution, malfeasance of water — environment for the sake of technology, ease and greed — do you really think we would hold it status quo so as not to upset the general consensus?
R:  If the future people are a million years more advanced then you are, what is it to our advantage to protect you against yourself?  Why would we want to not disrupt your lives when you are ones killing the very nourishment that life is made out of?

R: . . . it is time politically to go to our most secret technologies and bring it out and make it available for humanity.

S: It could indeed have an uplifting effect whereby it breaks down these national borders and these national identities that keep us from progressing as a whole rather than tearing ourselves apart by seeing each other as the other.

R: You know how we got to nuclear disarmament?  By turning off all of your silo missiles.  Not only here but in Russia too and around the world.  We just simply appeared and took 'em offline.  And then frightfully we turned it back on at our will to show you, you cannot destroy the world with these.  We have saved your hide many times for something else.  And thus we have a non proliferation nuclear agreement — the urgency to prevent radical nations from acquiring the bomb whose radicalism is 'Kill them all.  Let God judge if they were worthy or not.'  Bah, humbug.  We're not going to let that happen.

R: We're going to show you how you don't need money in your society at all.  That will make its appearance near the end of 2014.  We're going to break out secret technology — going to make it available.

One of Ramtha's major topics during the interview is relevance.

Everyone wants to be relevant and because the world has not given a voice to itself but only those selected people that follow the narrow path it leaves a great disenchantment.  And rightly so.  Everyone is remarkably wonderful.  If you mine for it you'll find it.  Everyone if you put aside their jargons and ask them deep poignant questions about their opinions they will be so taken back because they have filed them in the back of their mind as not desirable.  ("THAT" 35:01)  It takes them a while to find their bearing to find what they really believe in . . .

Ramtha also explained how addictions can derive from irrational emotions.

If one goes through life looking for the ultimate high and the ultimate love and the ultimate sex and the ultimate whatever, they'll never find it because emotions are what were created for the experience of what was created in the mind first.

. . . if we turn it around and forget the creative process and simply pursue the pleasure then we are open to substances that are mind altering and body altering and they become the way that we bypass logical thinking, inventive thinking that manifest the new and we are just hooked on drugs to recreate the past over and over and over every day.  Pretty soon you can't enjoy yourself without getting high.

And pretty soon we have an entity who is addicted to emotions rather than creation.

Emotions are the experience we get when we create a new thing and must experience to give it life — to give it bearing, direction, depth, persistence — that it creates it own DNA.

. . . how can one determine what it is to have a seventh level consciousness — how can we possibly imagine what the emotional body of such an esteemed level of mind would be like?

We have not a clue.  So a seventh level conscious being who lives in the future knows all about the universe and the phases, of parallel universes — (who) would know what the chemical experience of that being would be?  So therefore we approach it in wisdom.  We've already done this.  We want this.  We don't know what it's going to feel like.  We only know it's what we have never been.  I  teach my students on that.  If you focus on a feeling that's what you're going to get but you're not going to get anything new because you have mistaken by thinking that feeling was what you're after . . .

Here are when some examples of EVP can be heard during the SoundCloud recording of the second hour of the interview:

18:54 "YOU" (after ". . . when you wake up")
36:33 "THAT" (after ". . . of a mixed bag")
41:22 "WHEN" (before ". . . people get addicted")

Ramtha's commentary in Part 3 of the interview included such subjects as the Dead Sea Scrolls, known and unknown history, pyramids, rulers, the Marovingian bloodlines, and the Spear of Destiny. 
Here are some excerpts from the third part of the interview.

R: The Dead Sea Scrolls are absolutely correct.  The crystal skulls make us question was man really stone age.   Who made these perfect things?  Where did they have the ways and means to create the laser?  There have been travels back in time to self correct the past.  So that when ready they can be found to further and untether the mind of the common person to make them question and wonder and sort of be astonished in the light of evidence.  What do we think of this?

R: . . . we are on the side of the discovery of an event that should now take precedence in a time to where human beings are ready to be liberated from the hell and heaven and condemnation of God through the edicts of a man's vision, through control, to now the abundance that It Is in everyone.

R: I want you to be able whenever you go to these places [pyramids] to be able to measure firsthand the radioactivity and the frequency shift once you enter them.

S: Khufu's Pyramid, as it's called, is a symbol of the divinity within mankind.

R: Did you know that Washington, D.C. is built upon this premise?  After all, it was the Freemasons who designed Washington, D.C.  It's the most divinely modern day city ever designed.  Outside of the ancients.  I just thought you should know that.

S: Sacred 
geometry being employed there?

R: Absolutely.  
Power.  The first stone was the stone of enlightenment.  It was not stupid men who built that great powerful city of the future.  There's no city — not even including your homeland that is built upon such magic.  Now pyramids.  What is it that you want to know about Bosnia in particular?

S: I was interested to know who were the people who built it and the reason why that complex was built in the place we now call Bosnia.

R: Well this 
may go beyond the purview of some of your listeners but ancient aliens live in bases that look like pyramids.  And why is that?  Because pyramids divert normal electromagnetic fields and make them conducive to a higher element.  In any pyramid if you test even in modern day after the fact the fluctuations in the electromagnetic field you're going to find a fluctuation.  So what is the most alien base you could build that even if it's square it occupies a pyramidal shape is one that is going to harness universal subtle energies, which is necessary not only to environmental breathing which there are many species that can't breathe this atmosphere and so you get them creating an environment that they can at once function in; and the other thing that streams of consciousness which feeds them — which is what they are — that nourishes them — are sustained within this pyramidal complex — is divine energy.  Every point in divine geometry is about pyramids.  It's about right angle triangles.  Every one.  When you understand that ("IN" "YOU" 20:54/55) — understand it's not the square so, you know, when the old adage of the sixties says "Don't be square," that was a literal statement.  Every ancient civilization you will always know if they were there by the pyramids they built that are both underwater and under grounds of mounds.  That was the perfect temple of an atmospheric, geological and frequency building structure.
At one point Ramtha commented about people's belief in 'demons':

That is the need to be relevant.  It doesn't add to the conversation.  It is an admission of superstition.  The sooner we get rid of demons the sooner we close the books on the back story.

You know, if all journalists were as open-minded as you and said to be damned with censure ("WHY" 32:20) we would be really on to the next level now, wouldn't we?

Always take what people are pointing out as evil and question the source of the accusation.  People always cower in the face of fear and superstition.  When you get rid of that, now we can start living in exciting times.

Here are when can be heard some further examples of EVP during the SoundCloud recording of the third hour of the interview:

4:44 "WAS" (after ". . . downfall of Rome")
22:33 "WELL" (before "In order to have that . . .")
36:34 "BUT" (before "I corrected master of music . . .")
40:03 "SAID" (after "I like it — 'Godfather' . . .)

At the beginning of Part 4 of the interview, Simone mentioned that JZ Knight has been channeling Ramtha for (going on) forty years.  Ramtha discussed the possibility of JZ's retirement and the ramifications for Ramtha's School of Enlightenment.
There are many great entities wanting to buy the business. 

She wants to write the books.  She wants to help people pass over.  You understand she's been working on that this — these days as you've been out there.  She's been helping people pass to the next level.

And if I threaten appropriately the inheritance of the work to do not do this and turn it into skillful orators of philosophy but actually doers of manifested destiny and that's the only way you'll get this priesthood because if you don't I'm coming back after you.  Do you know everyone believes me.  And, of course, I've kept my word.

Ramtha described two afterlife scenarios, offering a rationale for a haunting before describing what happens when his students make their passings.

A child haunts a room it was burned to death in because it's afraid, because its family belonged to some church that talked about the Devil and hellfire and damnation.  And the child who thought it ("MAKE" 14:31) created the most mournful sin — who played a prank upon one of its siblings, thought he was going to go to hell and burn — and is there now locked in a room for all eternity while the parents are gone. 

In our cases — 'alright, I'm going to lift out of my body and then my soul will come second.  I will see entities I can recognize that have come after me.  I will see my body — will hard to be recognized; therefore, I disconnect from it.  And I go with them down this hall to light.  I see my whole life and I return—because God is love—to that which I love and say, "The greatest act of love I can give you is to show you that I live after death.  And I'm happy.  And don't grieve for me.  There's no such thing as death."'

Ramtha said that the origin of the word hell simply meant "a shallow grave" and spoke about reincarnation.

Now children have always remembered.  They've always looked at their mommies and wanted to know where their other mommy was.  

. . . it's a worldwide phenomenon.  It's not like it just happened.  It's always been happening — just no one ever paid attention to children.

. . . and children who heard voices and saw another reality were hidden away and put into asylums.  Did that stop the voice of bliss?  Not hardly.  Now today it's just the crack of the door is opening with great cases.

Simone mentioned that he heard that in ancient Egypt women had the ability to control their endocrine system with the ability to choose when or when not to become pregnant.  Ramtha responded "They did" and spoke about feminine spirituality, women's life experiences and equal rights.  Some of his statements about female sexuality and maternity were rather blunt.  He said finally: "The more brilliant the woman, the more decisive of when she's ready — the higher the intelligence of the child's spirit that she beckons to her womb."

Here are some of Ramtha's concluding remarks for the interview with Rob Simone.
Now you have something totally titilizing to live for.  Isn't that wonderful?  Miracles should shock, surprise and cause awe the rest of one's life.

. . . you give a platform for people who've had real experiences without having to have a critic on to tell everyone that it was swamp gas is unique and refreshing and allows people a place for conversation and mutual interests.  That's the future.  That's what we're like in the future.

Here are when some examples of EVP can be heard during the SoundCloud recording of the fourth hour of the interview:

7:33   "I" (before ". . . just want to open the door")
16:11 "BUT" (before "Never has she gotten more . . .")
22:36 "WELL" (before "Now that's the end of an . . .")
24:57 "NOW" (before "Aren't you just the most . . .")
26:37 "BUT" (before "I never came for them . . .")
27:35 "A" (faint — before "It's sort of like . . .")

The broadcast concluded with a 21 minute interview with JZ Knight, enabling listeners to compare her personality with Ramtha's.

7/22/14 Update: I revised the time notations for some of the EVP instances after the tracks had been reinstated on Rob Simone's SoundCloud page.  The total plays count for Track 1 had gone from more than 7,000 to just 100.  I saw that there were variations of several seconds concerning when the EVP can be heard on some of the tracks and adjusted the transcript accordingly, noting Ramtha's commentary preceding or following these instances of EVP in case the audio tracks are reinstated again at a later time.

10/11/14 Update: Center for Biological Diversity fracking news release: "Documents Reveal Billions of Oil Industry Wastewater Illegally Injected Into Central California Aquifers"

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