14 August 2011

I'm Published!

An article of mine is published in a magazine!!! It's my first time being published!

(I know that I write for Ink and Fairydust every issue, but considering the fact that I'm on the editorial staff, I'm not going to count that. This is my first time getting published anywhere besides I&F. !).

Me and the article. For some reason I actually managed to get a good photo of myself with the self-timer. Score!
See? That's ME! :D

The magazine is Mater et Magistra, a very good Catholic homeschooling magazine. I wrote an article about Ink and Fairydust, the free e-mag that I spend hours on each month.

Speaking of Ink and Fairydust... check out our Summer 2011 issue! It's a bit shorter than most issues... but very, very good nonetheless. I'm rather proud of my comic this month. :)

Thanks for humoring me, I just HAD to share. I know this isn't a super huge publication, but it's the first thing that I've seen something I wrote in print. 'Tis exciting. :D

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  • bgbgb