09 August 2011

Destroyable Books

when you judge a book by its cover

interesting things happen

I know what you are thinking: Did I read the title of this post correctly? Did she seriously say destroyable books?! IS SHE DESTROYING BOOKS?!

The answer is YES.
Don't get me wrong. I love books. They are some of the most miraculous and wonderful things in all of creation. One of my favorite things to do is snuggle up with a good book, the smell of old paper and binding-glue adding an extra dimension to the story trapped within it's pages.

The thing is, bookart fascinates me. There is not much out there, and since books are so amazing, book art is something that I would love to explore.

Right now, I am the DOOM of unwanted books.

Don't worry. Unwanted books are not perfectly good books. The books I'm talking about are either 1) waterlogged or otherwise ruined volumes, or 2) those books whose content is worth next to nothing.
I do not desecrate good books. 

I just bring bad ones to life.

I think that we can all agree that the Reader's Digest Condensed Noteworthy Books of the Year books are worth far more for their covers than for the content inside of them. Especially when you can grab a stack of them at a thrift store for $2.

I am happy to announce that I'm starting up a new blog series: Creative Books. 
(I'm also debating with the title Bookish. Thoughts?)
I will be posting all sorts of book art, book crafts, and anything and everything that requires destroying bad books. And even more book things besides. This blog series will last.... well, kind of forever. I only have 5 projects finished so far, but there are so many things that can be done with unwanted books...

Where did I get this idea of destroying books? I'd like to introduce you to my inspiration: {Su Blackwell} . Talk about wow.

This post will serve as a main hub for my book art-- I will update it with each new project.



Bookish Adventures {A Photoshoot}
(Book Page Skirt)

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