11 August 2011

Secret Book Box {Tutorial}

...although I suppose it is not so secret once I've blogged about it, eh?

This is the first project in my Destroyable Books blog series. More about that {here}.

I love books. And I love secrets. And I especially love hollow books.

I've made one before {check it out!}, and my little sister asked if I could make one for her. It was the perfect opportunity to make a tutorial, make the perfect first post in this series, and make my sister smile.

You will need:

  • a destroyable book
  • an x-acto or utility knife
  • extra blades (if you are smarter than I was!)
  • Mod Podge
  • a plastic baggie and tape

Gather supplies

Begin cutting the paper.

(Leave 3-4 pages in the front uncut.)

You want to cut as evenly as possible (grab a ruler if you need). I used the text margins as a guideline.

Cutting will take a long time. It took me over 2 hours to cut through this 400+ page book.

If at all possible, use several blades. You could easily go through 3 or 4 x-acto blades for this project. Don't have extra blades? It's still possible to make a secret book box! I'm living proof of that. It just got harder and harder to cut the pages nicely.

(My utility knife photo is for tutorial-purposes only. I didn't actually use it because it's blade was more worn out than my x-acto's).

The hardest part is cutting the corners properly. I accidentally tore/bent several pages because I was not careful with the corners.

TIP-- I don't know why I didn't think of this earlier. Before you begin cutting, use an automatic drill to drill a hole in each of the 4 corners (fold the cover back so you don't drill through that). All you have to do then is cut straight lines connecting the dots.

While cutting out the pages, I found this interesting picture. So I had fun with it. :)

Keep cutting. Just keep cutting. Cut, cut, cut. Soon you'll have a nice big pile of papers....

Cut until you are some 10-20 pages shy of the back cover.

Cover the front cover (and the first few pages). This will keep the glue from sticking to the cover.

Mod Podge the outside edges of the book, set them under several heavy things, and let dry.
I would have used dictionaries, but these storybooks were nearer. I think it shows, that I have little siblings.

You also have the option of gluing on the inside of the hollow part-- so that from the outside, the book doesn't look like it has any glue on it.

You're book won't be pretty at this point. The insides will be all ragged...

Take one of the uncut pages from the front and glue it onto the top already-cut page.

Cut it into an X.

Fold the "X" and glue it down.
The edges should look better now.

The next step is to glue a piece of paper on the bottom.
I used an illustration from the book, but you could also use scrapbook paper, etc.

Addie had me change the picture on the inside
The finished book safe!

And the proud owner of said book.

Don't you just love little girl treasures?

P.S. Check out my old secret compartment box!

P.P.S. Want to see more book crafts? You can find them {here}.
Did YOU make something using or inspired by this tutorial? Please leave a comment, I would love to check it out!

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