20 November 2011

In Which I Announce That I Was Too Far Off My Rocker

Let's see... where am I?

click to enlarge
The last drawing that I uploaded was Day 14: Your Favorite Fairytale. Today is November 19th.

This past week has been very busy for me (I'll spare you the long list of busy activities and projects), and I had to make the decsion to put this project on the back-burner. It's still burning-- but just on low temperature.

I'm sort of wishing that I had just made this a personal challenge-- I mean, I love seeing all the drawings you all have done, but I'm feeling guilty about being behind when I'm the one hosting the linky. :P

I've got drawings, or at least half-finished drawings for days 15-18... but no energy to get them photographed and uploaded tonight.

When I announced that I was off my rocker... I should have known better.

But I am stubborn, and I love art.
I fully intend to continue with this projects-- and possibly even get caught up again!

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  • bgbgb