12 November 2011

Seven Quick Takes (and Day 11)

Today I'm doing 7 Quick Takes a'la Conversion Diary!


Yesterday's theme for the 30 Day Drawing Challenge was Draw a Turning Point in Your Life.

I think that they day I was born was a very important time for me.

This is based off of a photo of me in the hospital the day I was born.

Yes, I actually had that strange alien ponytail sticking out of the top of my head. The nurse who did that either thought I was a unicorn or had a very strange fashion sense.

This drawing gets a place in Shaylynn's Terrible Drawings Hall of Fame.

I'm also in a terrible habit of posting these drawings a day late. Since I am the one "hosting" this challenge... that's a little pathetic.

(I know that I could have chosen any number of "turning points"-- I'm thinking of my First Communion inparticular-- but I just couldn't resist drawing my ridiculous baby ponytail!)

30 Day Drawing Challenge at Shealynn's Faerie Shoppe


Major geek-out moment. My drawing is published in Gilbert Magazine!

This summer I went to the American Chesterton Society Conference with my mom. One of the speakers writes a column called, "Jogging with G.K." for their magazine. Those of you who know about Chesterton know that he was quite the massive guy. At the beginning of his talk, the speaker mentioned off-handedly that someone ought to draw Chesterton jogging.

So I did. It's not the best drawing by any means, but I did it quickly during lunch break.

A long story short, I'd shown it to the speaker who showed it to the society's president, who took it for their magazine. :) EEEEEKKKK!!!!!!


Remember how I posted about the used guitar string jewelry? It's finally available in the Faerie Shoppe!

There aren't many pieces of guitar string jewelry up yet-- only two, most of my stock is on display at a local store!-- but I'll be getting more uploaded. And remember, I love custom orders and can make any of the designs again. :)

There's also some new bobby pins, hair jewels, and more Elven jewelry:


I'm crazy busy doing graphics and other work for Ink and Fairydust.
This next issue will be awesome.

In the meantime, you can re-read the Sept/Oct issue!


My family (or at least those who have been convinced to actually do some art-- gasp!) will be participating in the All Saint's artist trading card swap at Pondered in my Heart. I'm still deciding which saints to draw!

This morning I attended a Catholic Writer's Guild meeting. There were many wonderful people there, and I can't wait to find out more about this group. My friends and I got a wee bit lost on the drive back. When I got home, Dad was in one of his deep-cleaning moods. We did everything from scrubbing the stairway railing to organizing the garage. After that, we had some family friends over. I did something I haven't done for five or so years: my friends and I play-acted a story in the moonlight. I love make-believe. :) And I love my friends.

I'm really busy right now (in case you couldn't tell already). School, family, friends, art projects... there might actually be something called Too Much Of Good Things. Right now, I'm wishing that all my days were much, much longer than 24 hours!

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