31 December 2013

End is near.

I can't even begin explaining how much I love this bag! I have been wanting it forever and now that I have it I am beyond excited. It adds the final touch to the whole outfit. And tartan of course still rocks my socks. An important detail is a leather shirt and unfortunately you can't really tell it is leather. Got it at Zara sales and this reminds me that in one week there will be Zara sale in Slovenia! This only means one thing and it is bad for my bank account. :)
I am still figuring out what am I going to wear for tonights new years eve. I didn't buy anything sparkly and new, because I don't really wear that kind of party stuff a lot and I think it is a waste of money to buy something you can just wear once or twice to party. The best thing to wear to a party for me is a simple white shirt, black pants, clutch and red lipstick. Done! But I think tonight I will make more effort, just because it is a special night. :)

Tartan jacket zara, leather shirt Zara, jeans LTB, heels Asos, bag Annaxi, phillip lim lookalike replica, black mini pashli bag, fashion blogger blog, style blogger, trendy, fashion trends, plaid jacket

Tartan jacket, leather shirt- Zara, jeans- LTB, heels- Asos, bag- Annaxi

Tartan jacket zara, leather shirt Zara, jeans LTB, heels Asos, bag Annaxi, phillip lim lookalike replica, black mini pashli bag, fashion blogger blog, style blogger, trendy, fashion trends, plaid jacket

fashion blogger, style blogger, slovenski blogerji, slovenska blogerka, ljubljana, slovenija modni blog

Tartan jacket zara, leather shirt Zara, jeans LTB, heels Asos, bag Annaxi, phillip lim lookalike replica, black mini pashli bag, fashion blogger blog, style blogger, trendy, fashion trends, plaid jacket

asos heels, trendy, strappy heels, fashion style blogger blog

Tartan jacket zara, leather shirt Zara, jeans LTB, heels Asos, bag Annaxi, phillip lim lookalike replica, black mini pashli bag, fashion blogger blog, style blogger, trendy, fashion trends, plaid jacket
Photos taken by Eva Boruta, edited by me


30 December 2013

Cheap vs. expensive / NY eve outfit.

Zalando gold golden dress, YSLstrappy  heels, Topshop blazer, Chanel red lipstick, fashion blogger, styleblog  blogger, expensive new years eve outfit, cheap vs expensive party outfit, styling, look
 Zalando dress, YSL heels, Topshop blazer, Chanel red lipstick

asos outfit combination, fashion blogger, styleblog  blogger, cheap new years eve outfit, cheap vs expensive party outfit, look, styling
All from Asos, Revlon red lipstick

Which one do you like most? What will you wear on that big night tomorrow?

29 December 2013

Seasonal Reflections

Regular blog readers will recognize these individuals whose life experiences encompassed 'unexplained phenomena.'

Last week, I had intended to present a blog post about the Council of Nicaea (325 AD) but finally decided the information was mostly hypothetical.  There are incomplete and scant surviving records of the event and I noticed that the perspectives of authors include assumptions in their attempts to describe what occurred.  It is known that the first Christian council resulted with the compilation of writings that would become the biblical New Testament.

An English translation of the "The Profession of Faith of the 318 Fathers" may be read online.  This document expresses the opinion of the majority of council members, who elected that Jesus should be decreed to be "the Son of God, the only begotten begotten from the Father."  The perspective of Jesus as "a creature and a work [of God]" was addressed and found "impious" and "blasphemous."  Nonetheless, the "only begotten begotten" declaration seems especially questionable as there are Bible passages that show Jesus to have characteristics and a vulnerability similar to all human beings.    

In 2003 when I was being interviewed on a radio show, I was asked if I believe in Jesus Christ.  Based upon my own unusual experiences and research, I answered: "I believe that Jesus Christ is actually two different entities.  There was Jesus of Nazareth who was a Christed one by the Christ Force."

As many readers know, the case study of my own unexpected and unique spiritual awakening is available in a free Internet editionTestament begins with my interviews of a family in Oklahoma who had been reported to be experiencing 'talking poltergeist' phenomena, a subject that I had been researching at the time.  During our conversations, I mentioned some of these cases — including the 19th Century 'Bell Witch' case and Mary Jobson cases (as documented in the book).  Something I told the family about the Mary Jobson case was a speech quoted of a transcendental communicator that included the following declarations.


The Mary Jobson case study book is now available at Google Books but the page with this paragraph (p. 5) is missing; also available online is the first published case study of 'The Bell Witch'.

Upon reflecting about our human predicament, what seems to me a prominent fallacy of religion is fostering the belief that people's individual consciousnesses could be in any way subordinate in their relationship with 'God' (Source of All Being) in regard to another person or any conceivable human 'avatar.'  The concept of 'Christ Consciousness' makes this perspective more comprehensible.

Some previous blog articles have reported about patterns involving the words 'Michael' and 'Bell' and the number 9 among cases involving 'paranormal' phenomena.  Following what I wrote earlier this year in the articles "Flying Saucers and 'The Nine Pattern'" and "Beyond 'Talking Poltergeists' and 'The Nine Pattern'", I found myself having an unusual experience involving the number 9 when I reported to a local courthouse for jury service in October.

After my first jury service experience around eight years ago at another part of the San Fernando Valley, I didn't think there could be much of a chance for me to ever be selected as a juror because it had been explained that jurors must let the judge's instructions take precedence over their spiritual beliefs.  I had told the judge then that I thought if everyone responded to that statement honestly, they must say that they would not be willing to follow such an instruction.  I was then excused from the courtroom.  Several years later, I responded to a summons for jury service in another city but was never called to sit in one of the jury seats.  While waiting to see if I might be called if enough people were excused, I was listening for the subject of jurors' spiritual beliefs to be addressed but this question was never raised.  The judge at my most recent jury service experience also made no mention of the issue.

I believe it is one's civic duty to serve as a juror if called and my employer pays an unlimited number of days for jury duty.  At first during my October summons appointment, I felt confident that I would not be one of the people selected to be on the jury for what was a civil case arising from an altercation between apartment complex neighbors that involved a dog bite.  Then the attorneys excused many people from the juror seats and my name was called to sit in one of the alternate chairs.

The main questions that the attorneys wanted me to answer while interviewing me was whether or not I had resided in an apartment and, if so, what problems had I experienced.  I said that I had lived in apartments most of my life without any major problems.  When asked to explain further, I answered that there had been an inconveniencing flood after a pipe blockage and occasionally there have been times when needed repairs weren't made expediently but these were relatively minor inconveniences.  

Throughout the proceedings, it had been noticed and commented upon that many people had sat in seat number nine and each had been dismissed.  Eventually the attorneys finished excusing jurors including another person in the number 9 seat.  As I had not been dismissed, I began wondering if this was where I was going to be for the next two weeks.  Then the judge suddenly asked me to move to seat number nine.  Just as I sat down, an attorney said that I was dismissed.  I can only presume that although he had found it acceptable for me to be an alternate, for some reason he didn't want me to have a more consequential role in the trial.

Following up my September article "Paranormal Radio Shows in 2013", it turned out that Art Bell's Sirius XM Radio program lasted less than a couple months.  As I've commented before, I had once been a regular listener and recurring caller to Art Bell and later George Noory along with some other interim hosts of the radio show "Coast to Coast AM."  These days, in my car I usually listen to the singular local classical music station.

Regarding the lack of metaphysical topics at prominent news websites, it seems sad but true that many people's orientation to these topics may be more influenced by movies, TV shows, novels and pop music than by nonfiction information sources.

Over the years (and perhaps more often before the arts became so highly commercialized), there have been times when I've thought about insightful songs and poems that I had the opportunity to hear or read.  Here are the lyrics of one of these songs "Ammonia Avenue" (1984) by The Alan Parsons Project.

"Ammonia Avenue"
written by Eric Woolfson and Alan Parsons
vocal by Eric Woolfson

Is there no sign of light
as we stand in the darkness
watching the sun arise

Is there no sign of life
as we gaze at the waters
into the stranger's eyes

And who are we
to criticize
or scorn the things that they do

For we shall seek
and we shall find
ammonia avenue

If we call for the proof
and we question the answers
only the doubt will grow

Are we blind to the truth
or a sign to believe in
Only the wise will know

And word by word
they handed down
the light that shines today

And those who came
at first to scoff
remained behind to pray

And those who came
at first to scoff
remained behind to pray

When you can't hear the rhyme
and you can't see the reason
why should the hope remain

For a man will be tired
and his soul will grow weary
living his life in vain

And who are we
to justify
the right in all we do

Until we seek
until we find
ammonia avenue

Through all the doubt
somehow they knew

Stone by stone
they built it high
Until the sun broke through

A ray of hope
a shining light
ammonia avenue

While writing this article, I discovered that the word 'ammonia' correlates with the ancient god-king-priest Amun (or Amun-Ra; sometimes spelled Amon or Amen).  Richard Myers wrote in the 2003 book The Basics of Chemistry:

During ancient times, ammonia was produced by the distillation of animal dung, hooves, and horn.  In fact, the name is derived from the ancient Egyptian deity Amun who was known to the Greeks as Ammon.  Greeks observed the preparation of ammonia from dung in Egypt from sal ammoniac (ammonium chloride) near the temple of Amun.  Sal ammoniac or "salt of Ammon" is an ammonium-bearing mineral (ammonium chloride) of volcanic origin.

An article about ancient oracles and a Temple of Amun may be read online: "Egypt: The Temple of the Oracle (Temple of Amun) at the Siwa Oasis in Egypt" by Jimmy Dunn.

28 December 2013

That bag.

My beautiful, new bag finally arrived! I have been waiting for it for more than a month but it was worth it for sure! And it arrived on the day we decided to take some photos, so I was able to use it in new outfit photos. Happy!:) Oh, and yesterday I went to pick up my new jacket from H&M! It was on sale and I had an extra discount on it so I just had to get it. And I don't have any nude coloured jacket in my closet so it is a nice addition to it.:)
I can't believe in few days January will begin. New year. Time to leave the past year behind and start hoping for the best in the new year. 2014 sounds like a magic number to me, hopefully it will be. My biggest wish for the next year is to pass some exams. And to make this come true I will have to study like crazy in January! Hate studying but what can I do. 

anna xi bag, phillip lim mini pashli, pashli lookalike, black pashli, zara grey oversize coat, topshop leather pants, black beanie outfit, chic, trendy, fashion blog blogger, style blog blogger

Coat, shirt- Zara, pants- Topshop, heels- Asos, bag- Anna Xi

anna xi bag, phillip lim mini pashli, pashli lookalike, black pashli, chic, trendy, fashion blog blogger, style blog blogger

anna xi bag, phillip lim mini pashli, pashli lookalike, black pashli, zara grey oversize coat, topshop leather pants, black beanie outfit, chic, trendy, fashion blog blogger, style blog blogger
Photos taken by Eva Boruta, edited by me


27 December 2013

26 December 2013

After Christmas.

Christmas is over and because I didn't have any Christmas outfit post, I decided to do one post-Christmas one. It includes red colour, so...:)) About how this magical holiday passed... nothing special happened, except some presents but to be honest the best presents I got was by myself, hah!:) Clothes, accessories are really the most appropriate present for me, truly. And of course I know best what I like so I usually don't wait for anybody to get me what I want.:) 
The other day I added the most gorgeous bag ever on my wish list. Michael Kors Selma bag. My co-worker showed it to me and since then I am looking for the best lookalike, because I most certainly won't give 250+ euros for a bag. Well if I had a lot of money, sure, but until then lookalikes will be great. Possibly in black version. Perfection! 

zara oversized grey coat aw 2013 2014, asos pointy boots armour, red midi skirt zara, H&M grey white sweater, fashion blogger, style blogger, after christmas elegance outfit, trendy, ootd

Coat, bag, midi skirt- Zara, sweater- H&M, boots- Asos

zara oversized grey coat aw 2013 2014, asos pointy boots armour, red midi skirt zara, H&M grey white sweater, fashion blogger, style blogger, after christmas elegance outfit, trendy, ootd

zara oversized grey coat aw 2013 2014, asos pointy boots armour, red midi skirt zara, H&M grey white sweater, fashion blogger, style blogger, after christmas elegance outfit, trendy, ootd, leather lunch bag zara

asos pointy boots, armour boots, topshop lookalike ankle boots
Photos taken by Eva Boruta, edited by me


23 December 2013

Why English Majors (and their editors) Should Take an Economics Class

To avoid writing silly articles, as appeared in the Sunday New York Times under the title "Triumph of the English Major." Gerald Howard, a book editor in New York City writes of an early experience:
I had the idea that we should reissue two early novels by the fine writer Alice Adams...

So there I was in our C.F.O.’s office with a P. & L. that just eked out a 7 percent return. He looked at that piece of paper dubiously....Then, with that wry and sad expression with which financial people have regarded liberal arts people since at least the invention of movable type and perhaps even written language, he signed off on my shortfallen P. & L. and said to me, “You know, we could make more money by just putting this advance into a certificate of deposit.”

I knew he was right...C.D.’s were paying 10 percent per annum or more....

However, as I went back to my office I experienced an instance of what the French call “stair wit.” I thought, wait a minute, I am putting that $7,500 to work. It’s an investment. The chain of activity I am putting in motion will give work to printers and shippers. It will provide bookstores (there were still bookstores) with tangible goods to sell at a profit. The revenue from those sales will help to pay my salary, my colleagues’ salaries, even our C.F.O.’s salary. Alice Adams will have some thousands of dollars in her pocket — maybe to invest in a C.D. All this and a few thousand people fewer than I put down on the P. & L. (I’d lied, of course) will have bought and enjoyed two excellent novels that deserved to be in print.

Whereas if we’d just put that money in the hands of a bank, they would just ... well, I was pretty hazy on what a bank would actually do with that money, but my general sense was that it would sit there in a vault microbially propagating itself and what good would that do anybody? Economically I was putting my shoulder — or Penguin’s shoulder — to the wheel! I came away with the conviction that I wasn’t useless anymore.
This makes a good quiz question for an undergraduate micro class. Make it an essay question, for the English majors. "What's wrong with this story?"

There is a reason for that "wry and sad" expression. The French may call it "stair wit." Or perhaps that was "bêtises d'escalier?" Maybe "fall down the stairs wit?"

Because of course money in the hands of a bank does not "microbially propagate" itself in a way that does no good to anybody. Perhaps I can appeal to literary sensibility with a few song lyrics, explaining what will happen to young Michael Banks' tuppence invested wisely in the bank:
You see, Michael, you'll be part of
Railways through Africa
Dams across the Nile
Fleets of ocean greyhounds
Majestic, self-amortizing canals
Plantations of ripening tea
(Ok, the song goes on to "think of the foreclosures.." but we don't want to get in that here.)

The $7,500 dollars Mr. Howard invested in a book would have been lent out by the bank to someone else, who would have invested it in a better project. Someone might have started a restaurant, or even a bookstore. Every single dollar of goods, every single job created by his investment, would have been created by the alternative, and more.

He just didn't see the (say) new immigrant, turned down on a loan application for $7,500 to start that lifetime dream restaurant. Or turned down on a mortgage application, thus denying a whole construction crew a summer's employment. And the lumberyard its sales and so on. The invisible hand is, alas, invisible.

That is a great strength of the market. It works, even when the people involved don't understand it. Alas, democracy requires voters with some clue.

Oh. And who is this boss who signs off on obviously cooked 7% return projects when CDs were yielding 10? No wonder print media is going down the toilet. And who are the editors who signed off on this piece? I don't write for the Times (I try on occasion, but they always reject me). But at the Wall Street Journal, they tear apart my prose and push every little detail of fact and logic. Do the NYT editors not know that banks do not microbially propagate money?

Mr Howard concludes
...future epochs will remember us as a coarse and philistine people who squandered our bottomlessly rich cultural inheritance for short-term and meaningless financial advantage.
And that is why you should major in English.
I think it more likely that future epochs, if there are any after we screw this one up, will remember us as a pampered people who squandered our bottomlessly rich scientific and financial heritage by willful ignorance of how it works.

Majoring in English is a fine thing to do. We need more good writers.  But take an economics class, so when you write about the world, your elegant prose does not reflect complete ignorance about how that world works. You don't need to suffer equations. Reading Smith, Hayek, and Friedman will do.

Bah Humbug!

Holidays inspiration.

holiday inspiration, red lips, sparkle outfit, new years outfit, christmas outfit inspiration, holiday dressing, fashion blog blogger, style blogger

22 December 2013

Past is in the past.

Christmas time is the best time! I love walking around with my dog and checking how have other people decorated their houses with lights. I hate if someone just puts a meter of lights on the smallest and nearest bush and that's it. Go big or go home! :) When I was younger I always wanted a Christmas tree that is bigger than me and this year we finally bought one! It's over two meters high, how crazy is this! A dream come true. I can't wait to take some pictures of it with pro camera, fun fun fun! 
How do you like my outfit? I think there is nothing better than all black with oversized coat.:)

zaragrey  oversized coat, no shape coat, leather pants H&M aw 2013 2014, all black outfit ootd, fashion blogger blog, style blogger, street style ljubljana slovenia, h&m studded bag

Coat- Zara, pants, shirt, bag- H&M, boots- Asos

zaragrey  oversized coat, no shape coat, leather pants H&M aw 2013 2014, all black outfit ootd, fashion blogger blog, style blogger, street style ljubljana slovenia, h&m studded bag

zaragrey  oversized coat, no shape coat, leather pants H&M aw 2013 2014, all black outfit ootd, fashion blogger blog, style blogger, street style ljubljana slovenia, h&m studded bag
Photos taken by Eva Boruta, edited by me


20 December 2013

What if we got the sign wrong on monetary policy?

I've been following with interest the rumblings of economists playing with an amazing idea -- what if we have the sign wrong on monetary policy? Could it be that raising the interest rate raises inflation, and not the other way around?

Most recently, Steve Williamson plays with this idea towards the end of a recent provocative blog post.   Most of Steve's post is about the Phillips curve, but he concludes
If the Fed actually wants to increase the inflation rate over the medium term, the short-term nominal interest rate has to go up.

So, here's the policy advice for our friends on the FOMC...If there's any tendency for inflation to change over time, it's in a negative direction, as long as the Fed keeps the interest rate on reserves at 0.25%. Forget about forward guidance...So, as long as the interest rate on reserves stays at 0.25%...you're losing by falling short of the 2% inflation target, which apparently you think is important. And you'll keep losing. So, what you should do is Volcker in reverse.. For good measure, do one short, large QE intervention. Then, either simultaneously or shortly after, increase the policy rate. Under current conditions, the overnight nominal rate does not have to go up much to get 2% inflation over the medium term.
Conventional wisdom says no, of course: raising interest rates lowers inflation in the short run and and only raises inflation in a very long run if at all.

The data don't scream such a negative relation. Both the secular trend and the business cycle pattern show a decent positive association of interest rates with inflation, culminating in our current period of inflation slowly drifting down despite the Fed's $3 trillion dollars worth of QE.

To be sure, I left the grand Volcker stabilization out of the picture here, where a sharp spike in interest rates preceded the sudden end of inflation. And to be sure, there is a standard story to explain negative causation with positive correlation. But there are other stories too -- the US embarked on a joint fiscal-monetary stabilization in 1982, then under the shadow of an implicit inflation target gradually lowered inflation and interest rates. Other countries that adopted explicit inflation targets have similar-looking data.  And every time George Washington got sicker, his doctors drained more blood.

So much for data, how about theory? Why do we think that higher interest rates produce lower inflation? We are now, in fact, in a new environment, and old theories may not apply any more.

The first standard story was money. In the past, when the Fed wanted to raise rates, it sold bonds, cutting down on the $50 billion of non-interest-paying reserves. The standard story was, with less "money" in the economy and somewhat sticky prices, nominal interest rates would rise temporarily.  The less money would eventually mean less inflation, and then and only then would nominal rates decline. In this  view, running the Fed was a tricky job, like driving 68 Volkswagen bus in a crosswind, since the steering was connected to the wheels in the wrong direction in the short run.

However, we are likely to stay with huge excess reserves and interest on reserves. When the Fed wants to raise interest rates now, it will simply pay more on reserves and bingo, interest rates rise. We will remain as awash in interest-paying reserves as before. So this 1960s monetary mechanism just won't apply. Is it possible that in the interest-on-reserves world, raising interest rates translates right away into larger inflation?

More recent economic thinking has (rightly, I think) left the money vs. bonds distinction in the dust. The "Paleo-Keyneisian" (credit to Paul Krugman for inventing this nice word) models in policy circles state that the Fed raises rates, this lowers "demand," and through the Phillips curve, lower demand means less inflation. No money in sight here, but yes a negative effect. The first half of Steve's blog post tearing apart the Phillips curve at least should question one's utter confidence in that mechanism.

Paleo-Keynesian models aren't really economics though. What do new-Keynesian (DSGE)  models say? Interestingly, new-Keynesian models can quite easily produce a positive effect of interest rates on inflation. Here are two examples (The models I use here are discussed in more depth in "Determinacy and Identification with Taylor Rules" and "The New-Keynesian Liquidity Trap")

Lets' start with the absolutely simplest New-Keynesian model, a Fisher equation and a Taylor rule,
\[ i_t = E_t \pi_{t+1} \] \[ i_t = \phi_{\pi} \pi_t + v_t \]
The standard solution ( \(\phi_{\pi} \gt 1 \) and choosing the nonexplosive equilibrium) is
\[ \pi_t = -E_t \sum_{j=0}^{\infty} \phi^{-(j+1)} v_{t+j}. \]
So, suppose \(v_t\)=0 for \(t \lt T\) and imagine an unexpected permanent tightening to \(v_t=v \) for \(t \ge T\). Interest rates and inflation are zero (deviations from trend) until T, and then

\[ \pi_t =i_t = -\frac{1}{\phi_{\pi}-1} v \]
Both inflation and the interest rate jump down together. Wait, you say, I thought this was a tightening, why are interest rates going down? It is a tightening -- v is positive. The Fed deviates from its Taylor rule, so interest rates are higher than they would be for this inflation rate. But an observer sees interest rates and inflation move together, both going down. Conversely, if the Fed were to "loosen" by deviating from its Taylor rule in a lower direction, then we would see inflation and interest rates move immediately and positively together. I'm not sure news papers would call this "tighter interest rates!"

A better way to think of this experiment is, what if the Fed adopted a higher inflation target? Rewrite the Taylor rule as
\[ i_t = \phi_{\pi} \left(\pi_t -\pi^*_t \right) \]
You see this is the same, with \(v_t = -\phi_{\pi}\pi^*_t \). So, if the Fed suddenly (and credibly!) raises its inflation target from \(\pi^*_t=0\) to \(\pi^*_t=\pi^* \gt 0 \) at \(t=T\), inflation and interest rates jump from zero to
\[ \pi_t =i_t = \frac{\phi_{\pi}}{\phi_{\pi}-1}\pi^*. \]
The higher inflation target gives instantly higher inflation -- and must come with a sudden rise in the Fed's interest rate target!

Blog readers will know I'm not much of a fan of the standard New-Keynesian equilibrium selection devices. But since this "model" is only an Fisher equation, obviously it's going to be even easier to see a positive connection between interest rates and inflation in other equilibria of this model. For example, take \(\phi_{\pi}=0\) (as we must at the zero bound anyway) and choose the equilibrium that has zero fiscal effects, i.e. no unexpected inflation at time T.
\[ i_t = E_t \pi_{t+1} \] \[ i_t = v_t \] Now, a sudden unexpected rise from \(i_t=0\) to \(i_t=v\) for \(t \ge T\) gives us \(\pi_T\)=0 (no unexpected inflation) but then \(\pi_t=v\) for \(t=T+1,T+2,....\). In words, the Fed raises rates at \(T\), there is a one-period pause and then inflation rises to match the higher interest rate after this one-period pause. 

"But what about price-stickiness?" I hear you protesting, and rightly. The whole story about a temporary effect in the wrong direction hinges on price stickiness and Phillips curves. I happen to have a paper and program handy with explicit solutions so let's look. The model is the standard continuous time New-Keynesian model, 
\[ \frac{dx_{t}}{dt} =i_{t}-\pi _{t} \] \[ \frac{d\pi _{t}}{dt} =\rho \pi _{t}-\kappa x_{t}. \]
Now, suppose the Fed raises the interest rate from zero to a constant i starting at time T. This is a simple matrix differential equation with solution
 \begin{equation*} \left[ \begin{array}{c} \kappa x_{t} \\ \pi _{t} \end{array} \right] =\left[ \begin{array}{c} \rho \\ 1 \end{array} \right] i+\left[ \begin{array}{c} \lambda ^{p} \\ 1 \end{array} \right] e^{\lambda ^{m}\left( t-T\right) }z_{T} \end{equation*}
\begin{eqnarray*} \lambda ^{p} &=&\frac{1}{2}\left( \rho +\sqrt{\rho ^{2}+4\kappa }\right) \geq 0 \\ \lambda ^{m} &=&\frac{1}{2}\left( \rho -\sqrt{\rho ^{2}+4\kappa }\right) \leq 0. \end{eqnarray*}
There are multiple solutions, as usual, indexed by \(z_T\), equivalently by what inflation does at time T. The inflation target or Taylor rule selects these, but rather than get in to that, let's just look at the possibilities:

Here I graphed an interest rate rise from 0 to 5% (blue dash)  and the possible equilibrium values for inflation (red). (I used \(\kappa=1\, \ \rho=1\) ).

As you can see, it's perfectly possible, despite the price-stickiness of the new-Keynesian Phillips curve, to see the super-neutral result, inflation rises instantly. The equilibrium I liked in "New-Keynesian Liquidity Trap" with no instantaneous response produces a gradual rise in inflation. The only way to get a big decline in inflation is to imagine that by a second "equilibrium selection policy" the Fed insists on a quick jump down in inflation.

Obviously this is not the last word. But, it's interesting how easy it is to get positive inflation out of an interest rate rise in this simple new-Keynesian model with price stickiness.

So, to sum up, the world is different. Lessons learned in the past do not necessarily apply to the interest on ample excess reserves world to which we are (I hope!) headed. The mechanisms that prescribe a negative response of inflation to interest rate increases are a lot more tenuous than you might have thought. Given the downward drift in inflation, it's an idea that's worth playing with.

I don't "believe" it yet (I hate that word -- there are models and evidence, not "beliefs" -- but this is the web, and it's easy for the fire-breathing bloggers of the left to jump on this sort of playfulness and write "my God, that moron Cochrane 'believes' monetary policy signs are wrong" -- so one has to clarify this sort of thing.) We need to explore the question in a much wider variety of models. But it is certainly a fascinating question. What is the connection between interest rates and inflation in the interest-on reserves world? If one wants to raise inflation, is Steve right that raising rates does the trick?

By the way, none of this is an endorsement of the idea that more inflation is a good thing. If interest rates stay low, and we trend to zero inflation or even slight deflation, why wouldn't we just welcome the Friedman rule -- inflation  policy has attained perfection, on to other things? Technically, welfare calculations come after understanding policy in these models, and "believing" that all our seemingly endless doldrums can all be fixed with a little monetary magic like taxing reserves is another proposition that needs a lot more support.  More likely, if you don't like the long-term economy, go fix "supply" and growth where the problems are.  Nobody's Phillips curve gives a big output gap with steady inflation.

History: I last thought about this question here, in response to a John Taylor Op-Ed also suggesting that raising rates might be stimulative. This sign is an old question. The last time it came up was around the stabilization of 1980-1982. A school suggested money was "superneutral." They were wrong, I think, in the short run, at the time. I wrote my thesis showing there is a short run effect of money on interest rates, in the expected direction, which tells you a bit about how long monetary controversies go on. But both interest rates and unemployment did come down much faster than the Paleo-Keynesians of the time thought possible.  It's definitely time to rethink it.

There is lots more good stuff in Steve's post. Like causality and Japan:
.. There used to be a worry (maybe still is) of "turning into Japan." I think what people meant when they said that, is that low inflation, or deflation, was a causal factor in Japan's poor average economic performance over the last 20 years. In fact, I think that "turning into Japan" means getting into a state where the central bank sees poor real economic performance as something it can cure with low nominal interest rates. Low nominal interest rates ultimately produce low inflation, and as long as economic stagnation persists (for reasons that have nothing to do with monetary policy), the central bank persists in keeping nominal interest rates low, and inflation continues to be low. Thus, we associate stagnation with low inflation, or deflation.
and the value of forward guidance without commitment
You've [Fed] pretty much blown that, by moving from "extended period" language, to calendar dates, to thresholds, and then effectively back to extended periods. That's cheap talk, and everyone sees it that way
And the whole Phillips curve thing is good stuff too.  But we're here to talk about the possible negative sign.

(Thanks to Frank Diebold for showing me how to get MathJax to work in blogger. )

15 December 2013

Nostradamus Today

More than 500 years have passed since the birth of the man who has become one of the most controversial historical figures associated with 'paranormal phenomena' (in this case prophecy) — Michel de Nostredeme ('Nostradamus' 1503-1566).

Since writing the previous blog post about Nostradamus two years ago, I've discovered that Peter Lemesurier in his book The Unknown Nostradamus (2003) provided an English translation of a letter in Latin by Nostradamus to Francois Bérard dated August 27, 1562.  An online Lemesurier translation of this letter may be read at alt.prophecies.Nostradamus.  The book translation includes the following passage.

Be advised therefore that for nine nights in succession I have sat from midnight until about four o'clock both with my brow crowned with laurel and wearing the skyblue stone and, as it were on the tripod, have wrung out of that good spirit about your ring.  Therefore, having plucked a swan's quill (for he thrice refused a goose one), and with the spirit dictating to me, as though carried away by a poetic frenzy I launched myself into the following lines:

In the letter "Michael the Archangel" is referred to as "my invincible patron."

In 1995 I found that Nostradamus had presented a “Preface to First Edition” introducing his quatrains with a document from Salon dated March 1, 1555 described as “A Letter of Dedication to his son, Caesar Nostradamus” (a dedicatory preface to the first edition of Les Propheties).  Another letter known as the "Epistle to Henry II" (1558) was another document offering commentary about his work.  In this blog article, I am quoting from the Peter Lemesurier translations of letters and quatrains that can be found in his Nostradamus: The Illustrated Prophecies (2003).

In the 1555 letter, Nostradamus mentioned “that about which the Divine Being has granted me knowledge through astronomical cycles.”  He explained, “. . . I had determined to go as far as declaring in abstruse and puzzling utterances the future causes of the 'common advent,' even those truly cogent ones that I have foreseen . . . By the grace of immortal God and the good angels these [prophets] have received the spirit of prophecy, by which they see distant things and succeed in foreseeing future events, for nothing can be achieved without Him.  So great is Their power and goodness to their subjects that all the while they abide in these two — while still subject to all other influences — that prophetic heat and power visits us in the similitude of the essence of the spirit of goodness, just as the rays of the sun reach us, casting their influence over elementary and non elementary bodies alike . . . But thanks to some indivisible timelessness via epileptic trance, things are known through the movement of the heavens . . . intellectually based understanding is incapable of seeing occultly in what direction things to come will tend — other than through the voice with the aid of the hem, and through the tiny flame . . . Nevertheless, whether by vague hunches that exceed all natural reason or by inspired dreams, it also happens from time to time that God the creator, through the ministry of his messengers of fire, proposes in the form of the flame that he sends, even to our eyes, the causes of future predictions signifying the future events that are to appear to the one who prophesies."

Upon reflecting about the work of Nostradamus, one of the things that became evident to me was that there was no connection to be found between the individual known as 'Mabus' in Century II, Quatrain 62 (a translation is included below) with the 'Antichrist' mentioned later in Century VIII.  At the present time, the 'Mabus' pattern can be found as an anagram within the name of United States President Barack hUSsein oBAMa II while the U.S. Secretary of the Navy is Raymond Edwin MABUS, Jr.  In Nostradamus: The Illustrated Prophecies Lemesurier wrote that anagrams were "a fashionable device at the time, especially for encoding sensitive proper names."

The second letter included as an appendix to the book is entitled "Translation of Nostradamus's dedicatory foreword of 1558 to the final installment of Les Propheties, addressed to 'Henri King of France the Second.'"  In the letter to Henry II (killed while jousting shortly afterwards), statements about multiple 'Antichrists' are associated with unchristian beliefs and the resultant evils and wars.

Nostradamus explained: ". . . it is to a Prince most prudent and wise that I have dedicated my nocturnal and prophetic computations, put together by natural instinct, accompanied by poetic frenzy, rather than by poetic rule, for the most part composed and harmonized with Astronomical calculations . . . and which I have composed in an instinctive manner."  

Here is another informative passage — 

But the violence of the times requires, O most serene King, that such secret events be expressed only in enigmatic terms, having but one sole sense and single meaning, free of ambiguous or equivocal reckoning — nay, rather under a cloudy obscurity in the form of an instinctive inpouring akin to the utterances of the one thousand and two prophets that have been since the world began.  As the reckoning and Punic Chronicle of Joel has it, Effundam spiritum meum super omnem carnem, et prophetabunt filii vestri, et filiae vestrae.  But such prophecy proceeded from the mouth of the Holy Spirit, which was the sovereign eternal power, in conjunction with the celestial, and some of this number predicted great and marvelous happenings; for me, I in no way attribute to myself such a title here.  God forbid!  I confess truly that the whole of it comes from God, and render him thanks, honor, and immortal praise, without having adulterated it with any of that divination that comes a fato, but a Deo, a natura, and most of it confirmed by the movements of the celestial round, rather like seeing it in a burning mirror, as though with clouded sight, the great and ominous events and the calamitous happenings that loom at the hands of members of the major religious groups.

Cases of what is today known as 'channeling' show correlations of great complexity.  As I’ve mentioned before, Elizabeth Fuller in Poor Elizabeth's Almanac (1980) chronicled that during an expedition-research trip in the Himalayas in 1979 with her husband John G. Fuller (a metaphysical author himself), she found herself engaged in what parapsychologists have called 'automatic writing' and was confronted with 121 proverbs "reminiscent of Ben Franklin's Poor Richard's Almanac."  Some other documented channeling cases include that of 'the invisible author' who became known as 'Patience Worth', Chico Xavier, Jane Roberts and 'Seth', and Rosemary Brown, to name a few.

The use of the word 'channeling' expresses an awareness of an inspiration or creativity beyond oneself.  This is certainly applicable to the case of Nostradamus as chronicled in his writings.  Conscious creativity can be a form of channeling with examples provided in the blog articles "Some Reflections about Channeling and the Creative Process", "Hotel California" and "Case Study: Philo and Elma Farnsworth".  Therefore, It is worthwhile to observe correlations between what is written in the Nostradamus quatrains with known occurrences, as many authors have done over the years.

Regarding an all-knowing transcendental source reflected through the writings of Nostradamus, translators present differing English wordings so intrinsic meanings are perhaps what should be contemplated.  Peter Lemesurier noticed what he described as "the positively kaleidoscopic nature of the whole work."  The work of printers would influence the published editions of Les Propheties as printing-house disparities resulted with textual variations among copies of any given edition.

In The Unknown Nostradamus, Lemesurier reported about astrological lore published in books in the years prior to Les Propheties.  One 'framework' or 'model' "claimed to cover the 'four seasons of the world' that allegedly made up the 7000 predestined years of its existence . . . world history, on this model, was said to comprise three great celestial cycles of 2480 years each," with constituent ages each ruled over by a different planet and archangel.  The current 'third cycle' would be finished after the age ruled over by the Archangel Michael and the Sun (starting in AD 1887 and concluding in 2242).  Lemesurier wrote that Richard Roussat in a 1549/50 book broke new ground by hinting that there could be a following cycle and "possibly a golden age this time."  The 'fourth cycle' would eventually conclude in 4368.

Although Lemesurier's opinion (from The Illustrated Prophecies) is that Nostradamus "was, in effect, merely reinterpreting whole rafts of ancient end-time prophecies by prominent saints and divines . . .," this perspective discounts the comments by Nostradamus suggesting he was some manner of amanuensis.  The spelling of some names in the quatrains could reflect phonetic variations.  I, myself, experienced incidents of clairaudience (or 'ghost voices') while investigating a 'talking poltergeist' haunting in Oklahoma encompassing an enigmatic entity known to the family by the name 'Michael' — a relatively 'safe' situation for someone to hear disembodied communication when considering some of the beliefs of contemporary mental health practitioners.

That summer of 1995, upon my return to my native Los Angeles ('The Angels') only to find the paranormal phenomena continuing to occur in my presence, there was at least one instance of clairvoyance that I experienced (seeing a missile ascending in the sky in the vicinity of Dodger Stadium).  My metaphysical research was motivated by the diverse unexplained events in my life that included two bushes outside my condo going up in flames on different occasions the previous year.  I found myself in a relationship with an unseen being named 'Michael' so I could easily accept that Nostradamus had also been involved in a similar relationship although in 1995 I didn't know that there was actual documentation for this.  My decision then was to try to learn as much as I could about other cases of paranormal phenomena, including Nostradamus; and also to see what I could discover about the history of beliefs concerning the Archangel Michael.  Gustav Davidson in his book A Dictionary of Angels Including the Fallen Angels (1967) began his article about the Archangel as follows:

Michael ("who is as God")—in Biblical and post-Biblical lore, Michael ranks as the greatest of all angels, whether in Jewish, Christian, or Islamic writings, secular or religious.

The following are some selected Nostradamus quatrains for readers today showing some noticed correlations to occurrences in recent years.  Some of the selected quatrains reflect my own introspection in relation to my unusual life experiences that provide insights about what might best be described as 'Christ Consciousness.'

Reading through the quatrains last week, I wondered if one could possibly correlate "the Easterner" of Century II, Quatrain 29—"with his rod he'll strike both one and all"—with the Fukushima nuclear disaster and the resulting radioactive contamination, although we don't know the extent of the damage to the global ecosystem.  If we human beings collectively aren't able to prevent or deal with these disasters, one is left to wonder how many more 'Easterners' there will be.

I begin this selection of quatrains with Century I, Quatrain 87.  Although there were some fabricated Nostradamus quatrains circulated following the events on September 11, 2001, one authentic translated quatrain shows correlations with 'center' (World Trade Center), 'New City' (New York City) and 'two nobles' (the USA and UK) waging 'a fruitless war' (translated from a sentence with the letter sequence USA in the word used by Nostradamus published as 'Arethusa').

Concerning the prophecies of a 'Grand Monarque,' a spiritually aware reader will associate contemporary parallels with what is expressed as 'Christ Consciousness' in the channeled reading transcripts of 'the sleeping prophet' Edgar Cayce.

Century I, Quatrain 87

Earth-shaking fires from the world's center roar:
Around 'New City' is the earth a-quiver.
Two nobles long shall wage a fruitless war,
The nymph of springs pour forth a new, red river.

Century I, Quatrain 95

Before the cloister is a twin child found
Of blood heroic by old, decrepit friar.
His fame, through every tongue, power, creed shall sound,
Such as that living twin to raise yet higher.

Century I, Quatrain 96

He who was charged with dashing to the ground
Churches and sects shall change upon a whim.
The stones more than the people he shall wound,
By flowery speech hearing restored to him.

Century II, Quatrain 10

Before too long shall all change for the worse:
We see ahead an age that's upside-down.
Of monks and whores they shall the roles reverse:
Few shall be pleased their proper state to own.

Century II, Quatrain 13

The soulless corpse shall no more suffering know:
On th' day of death it shall be born anew.
On it the Holy Ghost shall bliss bestow,
As soul th' eternal Word shall plainly view.

Century II, Quatrain 29

Forth from his seat the Easterner shall go:
He'll cross the Apennines, he'll see fair Gaul.
Onward he'll press through heaven's rains and snow
And with his rod he'll strike both one and all.

Century II, Quatrain 46

The woes once past, yet greater are at hand:
The Mover starts a new age once again.
Famine, war, plague; both blood and milk shall rain:
Fire seen in heaven, trailing its blazing brand.

Century II, Quatrain 62

Then, Mabus shortly dying, there shall be
Of man and beast a massacre most dread.
Then suddenly they'll awful vengeance see:
Thirst, famine, blood, with comet overhead.

Century II, Quatrain 70

The mighty comet o'er the sky shall sprawl:
Killed in mid-sentence, many shall have died,
Blasted the tree, the haughty race shall fall:
Brute human monsters, expiation tried.

Century III, Quatrain 94

After five hundred years more heed they'll take
Of him who was th' adornment of his age.
Then light effulgent suddenly shall break
Such as that time's great pleasure to engage.

Century V, Quatrain 96

At the world's center rules the mighty rose:
For projects new the state and folk shall bleed.
If truth were told, t'were best one's mouth to close,
Till comes th' awaited one in hour of need.

Century X, Quatrain 65

O mighty Rome, your ruin is at hand
Not to your walls, but to your living part:
He of the harsh-writ name such woes has planned,
His sword [poinctu] shall pierce all to the hilt and heart.

Century X, Quatrain 72

When 1999 is seven months o'er
Shall a great King and host — on heaven's part, he —
Restore the King from Angoumois once more,
Ere, after March, he'll reign propitiously.

Century X, Quatrain 73
The present time as well as all the past
The mighty man of God shall judge that day,
And yet the world shall tire of him at last,
And priestly lawyers shall the man betray.

Century X, Quatrain 79

Old roads with new embellishments they'll fit:
As though to ancient Memphis they shall go,
As Gallic Hercules' mercurial writ
Earth, sea and all the land shall quaking know.

  • bgbgb