31 December 2010

My First Vlog!

Guess what, guess what?!

I just made a VLOG! V-log stands for video blog... blog stands for web log... web log is basically an online log... There you go, another fact that you never knew that you never needed to know!

This is just a test-- saying "hi," letting you know what's up. Let me know what you think!

(I already know that the editing is choppy...)

While you are at it, go ahead and subscribe to my YouTube Channel!

How Did You Like the Vlog?

Should I do video tutorials?

And be sure to check out the combox-- I LOVE LOVE LOVE comments!

30 December 2010

Christmas Gifts

Did you make any handmade Christmas gifts? Here's some that I made.

I'm always so thankful that I have the "artsy gene," because I love making meaningful gifts for people. Besides, making stuff costs less. I couldn't afford to buy everyone meaningful gifts! :)

Shealynn's Faerie Shoppe Christmas Link Up
This post is part of my Christmas Link-Up! :)

Do you recall the beautiful bracelet that I was just dying to make? Well, my grandma finally gave me the chance. :) This bracelet, technically, was commissioned, but I gave it to her with her Christmas presents. So I can include it in my Christmas Gifts posts. Can, too.

My aunt wanted "Mommy and Daughter" bracelets in her signature pink and silver. I had so much fun making baby Clarabel's tiny little bracelet. :)
I also had enough beads left over for a keychain for Mommy.

My grandma's main gift was a bracelet in black and non-tarnishing silver. The Byzantine weave looks so classy. But my goodness-- does it take a bit to make!
(I had so much fun with it, though. This style is definitely making it to my Shoppe.)

Okay, you have to understand-- my family are gamers. Board gamers, that is. We are especially fond of the Euro games, and Carcassone is just a classic.

If you haven't played Carcassone... Google it. Now. Buy it; play it. There is even an app for it.

For my parents, I painted some wine glasses with Meeples-- the little playing pieces used in Carcassone.

My grandma picked up the glasses for me, and over Thanksgiving I very craftily brought them back from her house, hidden in my sister's birthday present. I just used acyrlics, decopauge glue, and an oven. Worked like a charm.

And for good measure I made a Meeple Christmas ornament.

Can I count a Christmas gift for myself? Sure, why not. Besides, my mom bought these jump rings for me...

I am proud to present my new love, the Blue Bauble Bubble Bracelet. I love being able to make my own jewelry. I can make exactly what I want.

Moebiuses, byzantine links, shiny silver, antique toggle clasp... and a rainbow of blues and greens in my fave shades.

~I have two more to post, but still need to snag pictures!~

26 December 2010

Christmas Link-Up

It's time for the Christmas Link-Up I talked about in my last post! It's also the first blog event I've ever hosted... so let's hope this works! :) As long as the world doesn't explode, we're good, right?

The Rules are easy-peasy.

  • You must post about something Christmas-y
  • It must be creative in some way
  • It has to be something you did
  • You must include the Christmas Link-Up graphic somewhere on your blog
  • Link up your post(s)!
  • Be sure to visit at least 3 other blogs (and leave comments). It's more fun that way!
  • Invite your blogging friends!

What can you blog about? Well, just about anything. Handmade gifts, cute Christmas cookies, holiday photography, short stories, artwork, cultural activities... As long as it is Christmas-y and creative, it's fair game.

The whole point is to have fun making and sharing memories!

Don't forget to grab the button!

Shealynn's Faerie Shoppe Christmas Link Up

Shealynn's Faerie Shoppe Christmas Link Up

Remember that the Christmas season lasts longer than Christmas Day... longer than the 12 Days of Christmas... I know that you probably don't want to post about handmade gifts until you've finished gifting them, and you probably aren't able to edit all of your photos in a week.

The Linky will stay open until January 22nd. 

My entries?

Now, link up and have some fun!

25 December 2010

Just Wanted to Say...

Merry Christmas!


20 December 2010

Once a Queen of Narnia...

You know how I lost those 40 pictures? (I mentioned it in my last post). Well, the loss of the pictures left me with nothing to post this week. Or to upload on the Shoppe. So... in the meantime... I thought I'd share some pretty findings...

I'm in a very Narnian mood right now.

I really want to go see Voyage of the Dawn Treader in 3D-- and we will be, later this week!

Check out this amazing tiara I found on Artfire-- it's based off of Queen Susan's crown in LWW! (For non-Narnian-geeks, LWW is The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe.)

Made by Triplelle on Artfire

If anyone wants to buy me a Christmas present... LOL!!!!

Seriously, tiaras are perfect gifts for all fantasy fans. Have you seen the stuff Thyme2dream makes? Heavenly.

Thyme2dream on Artfire

I desperately want to know how these are made. The top one is forged-- a skill I would love to learn but probably will never get the chance-- but the bottom one is wirewoven. (Or so it looks).

My own designs look wimpy in comparison:

17 December 2010

Sacrifice Beads

Have you ever heard of Sacrifice Beads (also known as Good Deed beads)? They are a small set of moveable beads used to count sacrifices and acts of love.

St. Therese of the Little Flower used a set of sacrifice beads as a child. Each time she preformed a selfless act or good deed, she pulled a bead from the knotted side to the side with the Cross. Her goal each day was to move all 10 beads closer to the Cross, just as she was growing closer to Christ. It was a challenge to herself to grow in holiness.

The sacrifice beads can be used as an "exercise in virtue." Count your sacrifices and good deeds, or force yourself to pull a bead each time you give in to a vice (ie, every time you snap at someone).

I've used my beads many times to keep track of my prayers when I can't find my rosary. It's also replaced the rosary in my purse; it doesn't tangle as much!

These beads can be used to count many things!

 Above you can see a set of Sacrifice Beads, (which will soon be) available in my Shoppe. This is a nice set made from a miniature cross and a St. Therese medal, with beautiful Czech glass beads.

Below are two other sets I've made:

My own old, worn out set
Czech glass beads and larger medals; for the Shoppe

Sacrifice beads can be made in many styles.

The most typical way that these are made are by weaving ten beads onto a string: one side has a medal of St. Therese (to remind us of her holy life, which is a model for us, and to ask her to pray for us), and the other end has a Cross. Other medals may be used.

Another, older, way is to use a knot instead of a medal.
Some people add an extra bead, like the instructions below show.

Any quality of supplies can be used. Pony beads and plastic crosses are popular with groups of kids. You can use metal crosses and glass beads. Strings can vary from various strings, cords, and twine to embroidery thread.

I was going to make a tutorial, but I found a well written and beautifully photographed tutorial online. { The Little Ways } graciously gave me permission to use their instructions on the blog!

How to Make Sacrifice Beads


Bracelets-- Some of you may remember my old post on the craft fair. I mentioned that a lady was making sacrifice bead bracelets. I've found her online: { Good Deed Beads.com } She uses tunnel cap beads, lobster clasps, and curb chain to make the string of beads into a bracelet.
This bracelet is very elegant

Here she used "mood beads" that change color!


P.S. Don't forget to check out my post on Christmas Photography. It has been updated with some new photos! 

P.P.S. I managed to delete/lose an entire memory card of photos of my jewelry, including pictures for a tutorial. I won't have time for another photoshoot until sometime next week, so my next post might be late. :(

15 December 2010

Christmas Sale

and, as always, remember that I love custom orders!

P.S. Be sure to check out the giveaway that Bramblewood Fashion is hosting! It is one of my Byzantine Weave necklaces!

13 December 2010

It's Beginning to Look Alot Like Christmas

I thought I'd share some Christmas pictures with you! I'm going to be entering several photography contests, but I don't want to clutter up the blog with a million and one posts. Thus, I am going to put all of the pictures here in one big long post-- and will be updating this post with any new photos. 


This little ornament is so beautiful-- pure, simple, and patient love and joy, awaiting the birth of the Savior!
Notice that I used a new technique-- bokeh lights!

This was another attempt at Bokeh Lights. All I had to do was set my camera to macro, low apeture, and no-flash, step 10 feet away from the Christmas tree, focus on my hand, move my hand, and take a picture!

...sounds much more confusing than it is. :)

I ran the bokeh shot through Photoshop a couple of times... :)

I also tried to do some Custom Bokeh Pictures, and seen in the tutorial at Kevin and Amanda, but there are always downfalls to not owning an SLR camera.

My parents gave me free reign to decorate a shelf in our living room. I went all out-- totally dismantling and re-decorating our wreath, wrapping boxes, promising to climb up there each week to water the poinsettias...

There is nothing more exquisite than a collection of little Nutcrackers. I am seriously in love with these. And isn't the sepia tone perfect?



Of course, one must never forget the reason for the season. No matter how overused that phrase may be.

This is one of my favorite music boxes of all time. It is so beautiful... Be sure to "click to enlarge" on all of these!

Older Photos 
Photos I took a few years ago that I still think are rather good. I love discovering forgotten files.






These photos are from a failed attempt at a photoshoot last year.


Photo Challenges
This is my first time doing these photo challenges, and I'll admit it-- many of these challenges I just heard about. (Mostly by bloghopping links from Aspire and on from there.)

Aspire Photo Challenge
Photo #1 ~ Little Drummer Boy
Sereina Charise Photography: Very Merry Christmas Link Up

Photo #4 ~ Nutcrakers ~ Week One, Decorations
Photo #2 ~ Bokeh Lights ~ Week Two, Christmas Lights
Photo #8 ~ My Sister Laughing in the Snow~ Week Three, Faces

Photo #8 ~ The First Snow
Photo #11 ~ Firewood

the long road
Photo #8 ~ The First Snow
Photo #2 ~ Bokeh
and then, she {snapped}
Photo #4 ~ Sepia Nutcracker Family
Photo #7 ~ The Holy Family
(I would also be entering the handmade Christmas presents part of this Festival, but many of my family and friends read this blog... So none of it is going up here until after Christmas!)

And on that Note...
Dear readers, do you like how I've clumped all of these photos together in one post? This is an ARTS and crafts blog, and photography is one of the arts I enjoy. However, the focus is not on photography. In the future, should I always do long posts like this that I occasionally update? Or should I make new posts? 

Also... do you like any of these photos? Which are your favorites? What could I improve? 

Leave a comment, please!

  • bgbgb