24 August 2014

A Master's Reflection on the History of Humanity

JZ Knight began 'channeling' Ramtha more than 35 years ago.  A Master’s Reflection on the History of Humanity is a two-volume anthology of transcripts of Ramtha lectures.  Published in 2001, Part I is subtitled Human Civilization  Origins and Evolution; and published in 2002, Part II is subtitled Rediscovering the Pearl of Ancient Wisdom.  This article presents a selection of excerpts from these two books. 

There are instances of Ramtha's "verbiage contradiction" and "I will manifest all your fears" philosophizing in the book.  One example in Part I comes after Ramtha is quoted as saying:

I am not any sexual being.  I never had it in my own life, and I had a hundred and ten children.  Imagine that.  All the sexual people gave me their children.

Ramtha later said

Is there a war of valued life?  Yes, it is called AIDS.  Are crossovers susceptible to this?  Yes.  Why?  Because they do not produce life.

In the paragraph preceding this statement, Ramtha is quoted:

. . . I am outrageous.  If God ever had a definition, it should be outrageousness.  It shows you the temple that our heart should be following and not what our emotions begged us to be . . .

When considering that some passages show a primitive orientation toward the sexes and sexuality, the reader should remember that Ramtha's Earth life was 35,000 years ago. 

Although there are many parallels between Ramtha's teachings and the transcripts of the channeled readings that came through the hypnotically entranced Edgar Cayce, one variation is that the expression 'Ra Ta' is found in the Cayce transcripts while Ramtha used the expressions 'Ra-Tam' and 'Ra-Ta-Bin' in discourse transcripts included in Part II.

Ramtha's 'Ra-Ta-Bin' is identified in different ways, as you will notice including "the one who claimed to have built, from Amon-Ra, the pyramids . . ."  Ramtha also mentioned an author who has written about Amon-Ra, author/researcher Zecharia Sitchin: ". . . he got his information not from his imagination but from the 25,000 texts that he found in a tell in Iran, the history of the Gods."
If I had the opportunity to interview Ramtha, my question would be how Ramtha's metaphysical perspectives in relation to God have evolved during the period he has been interacting with Earth people in the interims of channeling through JZ Knight; however, a careful study of the numerous lecture recordings could also make evident the answer to this question.  Ramtha reminded in a transcript in Part II that what each person understands as truth is based upon conditions encompassing their own experiences; therefore: "Truth is not about anything I have to say.  Everything I have to say is a dynamic, beautiful philosophy."
I am a being out of time.  I truly am.  I am a being living out a very ancient and remote dream.  So the words that I use are selected from the melting pot of your words that stimulate you, that you can understand, and they are very unsophisticated.  But if I talked to you in my tongue, you would be bewildered.  I am a foreigner in the greatest sense of the word.

And in my time that I was born into, there was a thick cloud cover over the entire earth — it was in a womb of water — just like that which is termed the great planet Venus is today; it is in a womb of water.
And when they made war with their technology, they ripped open that veil of my times.  And when that veil was ripped open, all of the waters came into that which is termed condensation, and the rains came and the winters came and the ice came.

When those scientists came and put all of those wires on my daughter's body — who is a brave woman to do it in front of her school, but she had nothing to hide because the fact is that I am an enigma, and to have it proven to you and to them — to have them verify that there is something extraordinary happening here that is not normal, well, it is me that is not normal.  What they verified, that which I am without saying it, is that which I am.

Most of you have kindred on another level.  They have always waited for you and always loved you and burned the light in the window for you, waiting for you to return home from the wars of making known the unknown.  And if we return home ragged and tattered and torn with a league of army that was not exactly what we started out with, we are always celebrated in our return.

Did you know in our mind tomorrow morning we can eliminate all the warlords in our life and indeed we can even eliminate all the councils of war?  We can eliminate them.  Did you know we can do that with one mental stroke?

Every master, including Apollonius of Tyana — who did it in the court of Cicero, to the senate, and to Caesar himself in front of the whole senate of Rome — dropped his chains and disappeared.  It is recorded in their logs.  They don't know what happened to him.  He realized he created the entire illusion.  It was a dream.  And if he did it, then it was he who could drop the chains.  That is why he is a Christ.
The Christos is indeed the one singular movement, perfected ideal, that is the Source totally of its being.  The Christ is the ideal of the Father/Source, the essence.  The Christ is the Source in mobile form, ultimate creator.  Thus when one serves the force, one serves the creator of the force . . .
And as creation became, the great central suns were set into their orbits by the great light, the inferno of the thought, and of all that gives off your light does not give off heat and it is neither hot.  It is pure light, nothing else.  And the light that sits in your universe, your central sun, was created of this time for the sole purpose of giving forth life and by the invention of its creator who gave forth the sentinel columns of each individual God in their beginning. 

The five great races came into their beings, and none was less than the other.

And it occurs to me [an enlightened person says to themselves] that the reason I cannot remember, although I know I lived them — multitudinous lifetimes, although I cannot remember them I know I have lived them — and the reason I can't remember them is because I am trying to remember with a brain that was only born in this lifetime.
Now did you know when they came here, Enki and Enlil, they came here 455,000 years ago but they really got it on about 25,000 years ago.  What were they doing in that premise between now and then?  Arguing, arguing.  And do you know who settled the argument?  Their big sister settled the argument.  She settled the argument because she was the brilliant geneticist in that family of Anu.  It was the sister who settled the argument and she got down here and she started splicing genes.  Just like you are about to find in the human genome, she already knew it 455,000 years ago.  She came down here and she crossbred the semen of Enki and Enlil and Anu to her earth children.  She was the mother that created the hybrid of Cro-Magnon, which you are.
. . . the teachings in the last days are coming from the body of Christ, yes, for I know everything that this teacher was initiated in because I made a part of his agenda.  And I am coming through the body of a woman — a woman — who is the most maligned group in the world today because they are not naturally sexual creatures.
I am very honored that you pay me such homage in lieu of so many things and so many reasons why you should not.  You are a chosen people of such a great destiny, so much to evolve, to preserve, to be.
So here you are on this journey every lifetime.  And you are fulfilling this journey, as it were, and recording on your pages of life, in your divine soul, the action/reaction that creates manifested matter, manifested destiny, manifested reality.  All of your jobs, if you will, and desires are to fill this book up and evolve as humanity, lifetime after lifetime after lifetime.  And every new lifetime a new image is created.  And the image is created as a character in a play for the sake of having the opportunity to experience what you haven't experienced: the darkness, the subconscious mind, the unknown.
Know you how you can tell an entity?  Look at what they read, look at what they watch, and look at what they hang on their walls and put in their drawers.
Well, there is a wonderful star base already that has been built on the other side of your moon, entity.  And that, as it were, is from observers, entity, from beyond the northern star.
And who be Hermes in his incarnation but Jesus, our brother.  He would be, as ascribed, the architect of that which is termed the fiery form.  And Ra-Ta-Bin, as it were indeed, was also that which is termed an engineer — appropriate word — from Atlatia, and the two, as it were indeed, distinctively together to build this temple or these great and magnificent temples in that part, as it were, into the land now called Egypt, but the Nile running twenty degrees in an easterly direction than what it is running at the present time.  

That which is termed Ra-Ta-Bin, as it were indeed — being that which is termed the first Pharaoh, being that which is termed, as it were indeed, the first Christ, being that which is termed the father of the Egyptian people, as it were indeed — brought forth the first realization of Christos seen in that which is termed God/man: the temple erected, as it were indeed, to represent the power within man, for that which is termed, as it were indeed, not even this day in your time can such a temple be made with the exactness that this one has been made.  It was not until, as it were indeed, that the priests came into the lands that order began, and the advent, as it were indeed, of the sacred Pharaohs followed.
Now the entities, also of a greater and more elaborate brotherhood, came from beyond the sun.  They helped in the construction . . .
And they used zero degrees' temperature, as it were indeed, in a vacuum to create that which is termed antigravity so they were light and nimble as that which is termed a feather.  So once they were cut precisely, they were easily moved and set into place.  And they loved that which is termed the peoples that came from the sun.

The stone, as it were indeed, was cut with laser light precisely, but it is the only tool, as it were indeed, that can cut in what is called a straight line.

Now there are that which is termed some inner walls that the messages are written in living stone.  And they are already being sought and will be found, as it were, entity. But, you know, the find of this and a great "tellamen"  [archaeological artificial mound containing the remains of ancient settlements], which is the burial place of much more information, will coordinate itself with the arrival of the people back from beyond the sun.
. . . they [people that control the world] are going to give you sports, and they are going to give you famous people, and they are going to give you entertainment that you don't read one constructive thought in your day.
Now ben, ben — look at me — means begotten of.  Say the word, ben — so Yeshua ben Joseph.  So is Yeshua begotten of Yeshua or Joseph?  Joseph.  So Bin: Ra-Ta-Bin, begotten of God.
Now if Ra-Ta-Bin was the builder of the Great Pyramids at Cheops, then all the failed attempts of the ziggurats were about radical fanatics who never could get the science down.  And the science was about divine geometry — divine geometry — and that the base of the pyramid all the way down gave a great and solemn quantum mystery to whoever would see it. 
What do you have in common with Ra-Ta-Bin, the builder of the pyramid?  Because he was the quintessential hominid brought into life by the Gods.

He was brought into life by the Gods who gave him their great big yellow brain and their great, large, crowning achievement, the frontal lobe, and they split his brain.  But Ra-Ta-Bin so passionately loved his creators that in his emotion he would deny them and then at one moment accept them, just like you will do in your life.
And he said to them, "You are the fathers, you are the mothers of my life.  But I know that you are not — even in your most excellent and most respective embodiment — you are not the giver utterly of my life but simply the passer of it."
Ra-Ta-Bin.  And, remember now, he is an Egyptian priest.  He is a deep and methodical thinker.  Now many of you think that being a deep and methodical thinker means that you must object to the information that is given to you without having had any experience with it.  You simply think to object out of hand.  That is not it.  We have to evolve to the point that we are that which is out of hand.
But humanity in its nature is Ra-Ta-Bin, the Great Pyramid.
And they will resurrect the great Pharaohs of the past, the priest-kings, and they will have knowledge.
And this last waging with that which is termed the Lord God Jehovah, Yahweh, and the wondrous entity called Id, entity, will come to an evening [to make even, equal].  And what of you?  You will have gone into a new time, for that is how you are going to be saved.  And in that, entity, we contemplate utopia and the mind of man and the marvels of thought and of light principle and the doing away of tyrants, that the kingdom is unified again with all peoples — all peoples — for that is who the Father is.
. . . in quantum mechanics there is no solid thing, because we can't have solid and a truth from a being like me backed up with a lot of people who are struggling to defend their dreams that suggest — that suggest — that in the magical presence there is no such thing as definitive materialism.
What I represent, there is no evidence of us ever being here save what we put down into oral, to stone, to papyrus text.  And the uncovering of ancient sites as the world changes from that which is termed the hall of records in the paw of the Sphinx, that has already been found and will be made public in the next two years.  And this will record the fabulous civilizations of 455,000 years ago, and from them we are going to learn about who was gifted with knowledge that was transcendent over flesh.
. . . in the quantum world all potentials exist simultaneously.
And before the end of this your next decade to come, that which in the velocity of its perseverance, that which has accrued to itself a simple understanding will live through that which is called the eclipse of all human drama and will be coming into that which is called the crowning glory or the return of Christ.  It is the new kingdom.
The kingdom of heaven, 'tis not the reenactment of the Holy City of Jerusalem that ascends and descends from the heavens with twelve gates afire in gems, but it is a consciousness.  It is the resurrection of a knowingness within every person that glimmers like so many ascended masters that work in whole unity and sovereignty, who are free of that which is termed the limitations of space, distance, and time.

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