18 August 2014

Unknown Places of the Earth: Ramtha and John Dee's Spiritual Diary

An Inner world is one of the esoteric subjects found in the Ramtha book A Master's Reflection on the History of Humanity Part II Rediscovering the Pearl of Ancient Wisdom (2002).  The source for Chapter II is identified as Ramtha Dialogues Tape 013.

Ramtha's teachings in this chapter includes commentary about other worlds and dimensions.  I have omitted some of Ramtha's colloquialisms ("as it were indeed") from the following excerpts from Chapter II "Life in the Center of the Earth."  Upon being asked about the 'people who live within the Earth' and their sociology, manner of governing themselves, spiritual level and religious beliefs, Ramtha said:

Their sociology, as you are speaking of indeed of these peoples as they are known and termed, is this: They have learned . . . greater than those that live outside of their sphere, to transcend that which is termed indeed the matter in force.  To transcend the matter in force, master, is to become more . . . than a limited time or space permits those of our brethren on the outside part of the shell to do.  They believe . . . most affirmly, that there is more and that each moment that is coming forth is the Now in their beings.

They see all things and enter all things and realize all things that they are pondering.  They have the ability . . . to become a part of whatever they create, thus enabling them to create a more perfect object, to be sure, for inasmuch as they have desired . . . the flight of their special and beautiful birds, they have created such aeroships by becoming a part of them.  And if the aeroship . . . moved ill at ease, they devised . . . such forms in matter to regulate their movement, as to regulate that which is called force-fields.  Thus all things that they have been able to accomplish, master, they have become accomplished in themselves.

They that live . . . within the center of your being of this place that is termed Terra . . . are of the same likeness and the same purpose and the same reality that you are, save this one thing: They have realized . . . the greatest science of their being and the greatest science of life and have purported . . . to put it into action, into purpose, into being.

Not only . . . do they have such things that are termed aeroships . . . but they have such things . . . as mobile transports, which means . . . that they can transport themselves . . . on what is called a ray of light from one area to another in but a moment of time.

Ramtha explained that this society had "escaped . . . into the inner sanctum of this place . . . It was to escape, as it were, that which is termed war and all warring machines."

And of all people that live there, there is a binding force of love that keeps them together.
According to Ramtha in this lecture, inner Earth beings encompass people "greenish in color because of their diet and that which is called the high content of copper in the water"; and entities that are "astonishingly tall and astonishingly small," including "dwarves," "fairies" and "elven."

Ramtha said that an 'elf' is "an immortal human, though they have the capacity for mortality . . . And they are the ones . . . that took the beginnings of their beginnings into the interior of the Earth when the outer surfaces . . . in the stratum were breaking up.  And there they found a wonderful, hollow paradise with a great ocean in the center."

Also mentioned by Ramtha as found in the transcript presented in this chapter is that there are "terrainial tunnels, they are called, or time warps, as some refer to them, that you may walk out in a moment into where your land is and in a moment be caught up into a tunnel that goes yet to another dimension." 

Ramtha said that the 'forerunners' of 'those that are within the Earth' were "the peoples beyond the sun."  These inner Earth entities "helped design . . . the ships to which they emerge through that which is termed the openings in that which is called the poles, indeed into that which is termed the seas, and indeed that which is termed the mountains."

They are . . . the remnants of civilizations that went into the Earth in the downfall of the last days, master, of continents termed, at least unto your names, Atlantis and Lemuria.

When a student asked about flying saucers, Ramtha explained that the aeroships are from three different destinations: "from the center of your Earth . . . from that which is termed indeed galaxies as they are known and seen . . . a third . . . is called interdimensional."

Individuals who have made contacts with peoples or "brothers within" of the inner world were identified by Ramtha as Byrd and then Callen, Smith, Marshall and Stevenson.

The northern lights were said by Ramtha to be "only the light of the smoky sun that is in the center of your Earth, as it were indeed, that is seen in your evening skies that is reflected inward toward outward in your Polar Regions."
In what are known as John Dee's 'spiritual diaries,' people in the ascended state of human existence were reported to have continuously communicated through Dee's scryers (mediums/describers) using a crystal globe.

The 1659 book A True & Faithful Relation of What passed for many Yeers Between Dr. John Dee (A Mathematician of Great Fame in Q. Eliz. And King James their Reignes) and Some Spirits: Tending (had it Succeeded) To a General Alteration of most STATES and KINGDOMS in the World (Internet edition) includes Dee’s description of his May 23, 1584 conversation with the one known as Nalvage.  I am using contemporary spelling and punctuation for most of the words of excerpts presented in this article. 

On April 10, 1584 while in Cracovia, Dee had written in his diary how Kelly had described the appearance of Nalvage: 

E. K.  He hath a Gown of white silk, with a Cape with three pendants with tassels on the ends of them all green: it is fur, white and seemeth to shine, with a wavering glittering.  On his head is nothing, he hath no beard.  His physiognomy is like the picture of King Edward the Sixth; his hair hangeth down a quarter of the length of the Cap, somewhat curling, yellow.  He hath a rod or wand in his hand, almost as big as my little finger: it is of Gold, and divided into three equal parts, with a brighter Gold than the rest.  He standeth upon his round table of Crystal, or rather Mother of Pearl: There appear an infinite number of letters on the same, as thick as one can stand by another.  The table is somewhat inclined on one side: he standeth in the very middle; his garment covering his feet: his breast seemeth smooth as the down remaining of a swan, when all the feathers be off, so is his neck, etc.  He is lean and long-visaged.

OMay 23, 1584, when the curtain appeared at Edward Kelly's "first looking" at the crystal, Dee wrote: "There happened a great storm or temptation to E.K. of doubting and mistaking our Instructors and their doings, and of contemning or condemning any thing that I knew or could do."  Then: "At length the curtain was opened, and they appeared."  E.K. is quoted: "I am contented to see, and to make true report of what they will show; but my heart standeth against them."
After the angel Gabriel offered some proverbs/bon mots, E.K. described what he saw. 
E.K.   There appeareth a great thing like a Globe, turning upon two axel-trees.  (The earthly Globe appearing.)
Quoted commentary of Nalvage includes the following as described by Kelly:

. . . the Angel of the Lord appeared unto Ptolemy, and opened unto him the parts of the Earth: but some he was commanded to [keep] secret: and those are Northward under your Pole.  But unto you, the very true names of the World in her Creation are delivered.

As he conversed with Nalvage, Kelly related sights seen of exotic lands as the names of the places—some known such as Egypt and others unfamiliar—were written.  One scene was of Gosmam, one of the places "under the Pole Arctic" that featured "people going into Caves of the ground, and dwelling in Caves: they are long haired men, naked; Here appear great hills, and the veins of the Gold Mines appear: the men seem to have baskets of leather."

Dee asked about the name ‘Gosmam,’ "Is it so called, of the people of the Country?" Nalvage answered, "Even at this hour."

The startling sights that followed as described by E.K. included strange animals and peoples, among them "people very beastly, with Mantles on their shoulders," "men with swinish snouts," "people of reddish colour," and "some great Giants" with jewels in their faces and appareled in silks.

Later Kelly said: "There cometh from Heaven like a Mist, and covereth a great place, about 300 miles along, like a Park, enclosed with fire.  It is on a high ground.  There come four Rivers out of it . . ."  He asked: "In the name of Jesus: Is this the Paradise that Adam was banished out of?"  Nalvage was quoted by Kelly as saying "The very same . . ."

Dee wrote: "Till 45 degrees, both Northerly and Southerly, all is known in the most part of the world: But of any such place there is no knowledge nor likelihood by any History of these days, or of old time."  Nalvage was quoted as then saying: "Therefore this is cunning, and the wisdom of God.  There dwelleth flesh in it that shall never die, which were taken up for a testimony of Truth."

Kelly also described seeing "men with talons like Lions" and next seeing "Under the South Pole.  Here appear little men with long beards: their bodies as children's bodies."  He also was reported by Dee to have said: "Here appear people with one eye in their head, seeming to be in their breast, toward the Equinoctial."

At the end of the diary entry for this day, Kelly was quoted to have declared to Nalvage: "If you prove your self true, you shall win me to God."

The following day, Dee was told by Kelly: "That he would never more have to do with these Actions."  (This would prove to be another hasty comment.)  Kelly showed Dee a book by 'Cornelius Agrippa' to confront him with the inference that their spiritual instructors had given a description of the world taken out of other books; however, Dee remained grateful for their instructors having delivered unto them "more perfect information."
In another chapter of A Master's Reflection on the History of Humanity Part II Rediscovering the Pearl of Ancient Wisdom, Ramtha is quoted:

My comrades from whence I come, from everywhere: from wee, little entity called the fairy, to a giant Gabriel whose wings are so enormous that at a dinner table he takes up three chairs besides the one he is sitting in.  I have all sorts of friends, and they include me in it.  These are masters from their worlds and their dimensions.  That — that — is who I convene with.
This blog series of articles about JZ Knight and Ramtha will continue.  There are three previous blog articles about John Dee's spiritual diaries: "John Dee and Edward Kelly's Visitor from the Ascended Realm", "In Comparison: Pearl Curran, 'Miss Beauchamp,' John Dee and Edward Kelly" and "Some Further Observations about the 'Michael' Pattern".

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