03 August 2014

Remote Viewing Is Easy (My Introduction to JZ Knight and Ramtha)

Some of the sketches described in this article can be seen in these photographs.

In 2006 my somewhat shallow perspective of the word 'channeling' was that it often seemed to denote metaphysical philosophy commercially published and marketed for people with a gullible inclination for expressions of superficial 'feel good' spirituality.  In ensuing years while discovering many interesting books about different aspects of channeling, I have found only a few books (including some 'bestsellers') that seemingly were marketed as nonfiction despite there being no reason to make this claim about the narratives involving transcendental communication.  None of the Ramtha books could ever be associated with 'feel good' spirituality.

After learning that JZ Knight was going to be interviewed by George Noory on the national radio show "Coast to Coast AM" in 2005, I decided to listen to the late night broadcast as she was somebody about whom I didn't know very much at that time.  A year later, after reading two Ramtha books—The Mystery of Love (1996) and Voyage to the New World (1985)—I attended JZ Knight's "Extraordinary Mind" lecture on January 31, 2006 at a conference room of the Doubletree hotel in Santa Monica.

I estimated that more than 600 people were present with the ticket cost having ranged from $39.99 to $49.99, standard fees for lectures sponsored by The Learning Annex in Southern California.  Just prior to the lecture, Annex program director Tracey Wise asked for cell phones and pagers to be turned off before introducing JZ, ". . . the channel through which Ramtha the enlightened one delivers his message.  He is an ascended master teacher who learned the secrets of immortality during his lifetime 35,000 years ago . . ."  This statement is an oversimplification, to say the least.  JZ in preceding months had been "talking about how to live a remarkable life" at conferences in the United States, Mexico and Europe.

This week I listened to the microcassette audio tape recordings of this lecture again and was somewhat disturbed by the demeanor of much of the audience throughout the event.  The boisterous rounds of applause and laughter at some of JZ's subtle humor made it seem many attendees wanted entertainment and not something that would make them think.

During her opening remarks, JZ said that she suspected one of the reasons why she'd been invited to speak was the movie "What The Bleep Do We Know?!"  A show of hands indicated that the large majority of those present had seen the movie.  She said in the movie Ramtha was seen channeled through her body and in the newly released extended version Ramtha could be seen speaking about how "we are essential to creating reality and we are essential to the cause and effect of evolution."

JZ's specified lecture topics concerned consciousness and the brain: ". . . how your brain works, how your emotional body works, how you affect the quantum field and in essence how you change biologically to meet the event of your collapsed desire in reality itself."  She obviously had learned a lot from Ramtha discourses that can be heard in an extensive collection of recordings; and from transcripts published in many books.

JZ guided us to become partners with the person seated next to us and the one to the left of my aisle seat was Scott.  I asked him the usual trivial introductory enquiries and discovered that he was a fellow Leo and his 'life path' number was 1 just like me.  He didn't stay long, however.  He left when it became apparent that JZ wasn't going to channel Ramtha.  I gave him a copy of my book Testament as a consolation.

JZ's lecture seemed carefully formulated to simplify complex information.  I recorded some of my initial responses to her statements with my tape recorder.  For example, here's one of my taped commentaries during one of the hiatuses in the lecture as I no longer had a 'partner' with whom to converse.
Well my thought about that is that we [individually] don't really create the nature of reality.  Or all those years I was trying to sell a script in Hollywood I would've sold one or two — especially when you consider how much better my scripts were than the dreck that was being made.  So there are aspects of what she's saying that are correct but it's not the full truth.  For example, her talk about 'The Field' interacting with us.  One insight that was missing from her lecture was that this Field has a personality.  But that seemed true to me — the analogy about people affecting The Field in that [scientific] test.

During JZ's lecture, I noticed two unusual fleeting utterances that seemed to slip out between her spoken sentences and made a note about them although I didn't think I would mistake the utterances for EVP messages later when listening to the tape recordings of the lecture. 

One portion of the presentation involved JZ leading the audience in several psychic/remote viewing demonstrations.  We were provided with paper and a packet with crayons, a pen and blindfold.  I was partnered with the woman sitting directly behind me, another Tracey not affiliated with the Annex, Tracey Joy, and we were instructed to take turns making drawings as 'sender' and 'receiver.'

When I was the sender, I quickly sketched a somewhat elaborate rendering of a crystal.  As I did so, Tracey was among those designated as receiver who were instructed to put on the blindfold, focus on their partner's face and then lift their blindfold and start drawing their first impression.  JZ said, "Don’t judge anything that you get . . . Just follow the instructions. Very easy . . . if you're not getting it you're trying too hard and you're thinking.  Just take a deep breath and let it out and re-remember their face.  By the time you let your breath out you'll have gotten an impression.  That's the one you want to color . . . Don't guess."  When it was Tracey's turn to be sender, I closed my eyes and the first thought image I saw was an eye so that's what I drew.

The next exercise was "a remote view."  JZ said she'd prepared a box some days ago with two objects in it.  We were directed to look at her and then mentally envision a box and what was in it.  We were then told to draw our first two impressions.  I drew two simple objects: a flower and then a drinking glass.  JZ further instructed us to write down what we thought were the objects.

Then it was time to compare drawings with our partners.  When I had drawn the crystal, Tracey as 'receiver' had drawn a diamond ring.  "Close," she said.  My drawing was ornate as there'd been plenty of time to draw so in the background I'd added clouds and the sun.  I represented light glinting off the crystal along with a pair of eyes.  An outline of a hand in blue at the top was meant to further represent 'Michael'/'Mighael' (the name that I associate with the Angelic Christ Consciousness and the aspect of God that makes possible all manner of psychic or 'paranormal phenomena').  Now that I think about it, Tracey's drawing of a symbolic ring was a much more correct 'match' than I realized at the time as I have often reflected about my unexpected predicament in life of being—for lack of a better word—'married' to God.  I then found that when it had been my turn to be 'receiver' and I drew the eye, Tracey's preceding drawing had depicted a tree.  I first associated her drawing with 'the tree of life' and we discussed another noticeable correlation — between the eye and the knot in the tree (or the 'eye' of the tree).

Something I noticed that Tracey and I had in common was that we both had brought along our tape recorders and were simultaneously recording JZ's lecture.  Audience members whose sending/receiving drawings matched were asked to come to the front of the room.  There were at least a dozen teams who displayed their drawings.

Then it was time for us to learn what two objects had been placed in the sealed box. The first was a teddy bear with a heart and the second was a pink plastic flower so I had one direct match in a literal way.  Other attendees had also drawn flowers, hearts and teddy bears.  Tracey had guessed a toy car and an apple (two meaningful symbols) so there were imprecise correlations as she had accurately indicated a toy and some manner of plant life.  It wouldn't be until I attended the channeled presentation by Ramtha that the significance of the drinking glass that I'd drawn would become apparent.  Ramtha usually begins his lectures with raising a drinking container and toasting to life with some manner of life-affirming supplication.  People who have attended one of these events will understand how a teddy bear with a heart equates with the symbolic drinking glass.

Some of those in the audience of JZ's lecture showed that they had drawn two literally correct matches in the remote view exercise.  JZ said that this indicated our having an innate capacity for picking up information, adding, "And everyone in the world and out of the world has that."  From my personal results, I might add that variations occur as different metaphors are presented and these can also be revealing and perhaps result with more meaningful information than a literal match.

Near the end of the presentation, JZ was suggesting how one should go about creating their day and gave the example of one waking up in the morning and saying to oneself, "I have always been radiantly healthy as long as I can remember."  Next: "I have always been fabulously wealthy."  She explained, "And why not?  Wealth is only a phenomenon of new ideas and concepts that come from the future."  She asked the audience to repeat the phrase and then another: "I have always lived in the future for as long as I can remember."  Now I thought this statement was a little silly but felt actual dismay about the former.  A goal of wealth without an awareness that spiritual wealth is more important than financial wealth seems a major reason for society's biggest problems.  JZ instructed each one of us to write down what it is that we wanted.  "Whatever it is, you have always done it.  So write it down briefly.  Anything.  This is about you.  This is your life."

What I wanted was to make the simple point about the importance of spiritual wealth so I blurted out "spiritually wealthy maybe?" but the words didn't come out very clearly so I then declared, "Spiritually wealthy instead of financially wealthy."

"I'm sorry?  I didn't hear you," JZ said.

A lady in front of me glanced at me with an insistent expression and said: "As well as."

"Spiritually wealthy," I repeated.

The lady repeated: "As well as."

"Spiritually about you?" JZ said.  "That will be wealthy because in order to manifest wealth, you have had to have the ideas and that is spiritual.  Our objective is to make known the unknown.  There is nothing wrong with the material world.  It is not wrong to have wealth any more than it is wrong to not have it.  We are creators.  It is what we're supposed to do.  And that is the God's truth.  As it is mine.  As it is yours."

Soon after this during the lecture, after having recorded on three microcassette tapes, I began experiencing mechanical difficulty with my tape recorder so I wasn't able to record the end of JZ's presentation.  I decided that I would be interested in attending a Ramtha channeling session if a local opportunity eventually were to arise — and it did later that year.

JZ is another 'paranormal person' whom one seldom reads or hears about in the mainstream media although there are dozens of books, CDs and DVDs documenting JZ's channeling of Ramtha.  A September 1999 Whole Life Times article by Tara Fellner mentioned the "highly critical segment" of the TV show "20/20."  The title of the segment—"The Voice from Beyond"—suggests that the segment may have been inspired by an unflattering January 26, 1987 People magazine article entitled "Voices From Beyond: The Channelers."

The Whole Life Times article presented JZ Knight's reaction to the "20/20" broadcast —
According to Knight, "I was making them lunch.  They said, 'Make Ramtha do something for us.'  And I said, 'If I could make Ramtha appear I wouldn't consider myself a true channel.'  They started pushing a little more, and a little more and then, there's a transformer right outside my window and lightning hit the transformer right outside my window and lightning hit the transformer, even though there wasn't a cloud in the sky.  So now their equipment didn't run.  That's why you don't see Ramtha talking to them.

"They portrayed me as an unscrupulous money monger."

I don't recall my precise thoughts about the case after listening to JZ Knight's "Coast to Coast AM" interview in 2005 but the first books I read about the case were intriguing—showing great insight about the challenging topic of love—and I wanted to learn more.

Something that I have in common with JZ Knight is that I too have experienced how the more extraordinary are one's experiences in life, the more easily dismissed and ignored are these experiences by people who are closed-minded about changing their perceptions, ideas and beliefs about what is possible in life.  There are incidents that have occurred to me that enable me to say that 'ascended masters' are a plausible expression for complex aspects of the omnipresent Christ Consciousness; however, I will save these occurrences to be related at another time as at present I don't want to give people any more motivation to disbelieve.

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