31 August 2014

JZ Knight and UFOs

This photo is from JZ Knight's autobiography.  During her senior year of high school, she created a dance where she was 'the Spirit of Light.'  As a teenager, there was one occasion when she observed a UFO. 

In her 1987 autobiography A State of Mind, My Story, two UFO sightings are described by JZ Knight.  The first sighting occurred during her teenage years while her family was residing in Artesia, New Mexico.  She was at a slumber party at her friend Janet's house at the time of the incident.

Janet had been standing next to the window when "the whole side of her face lit up with an eerie red glow."  Janet turned and looked out the window.  She said, "God, that's weird!"

We all jumped up and ran to the window.  I got there first.  I could not believe what I saw.

"That thang gives me the heebie-jeebies.  What is that?" Janet asked.

It was about one-thirty in the morning, and the crescent moon was sitting low off to the west.  The house two lots away from Kelly's, across the vacant lot, had a huge orange ball twice the size of the house suspended about a hundred feet above the rooftop.  It was so bloody orange that everything, even the house further down, was bathed in an eerie orange glow.  I just kept staring at it, trying to make out what it was.  It didn't make a sound; it just hung there, suspended in midair.  I thought it looked like a planet of some sort for it seemed to have craters all over it.  Then, all of a sudden, blinding flashes started coming off of it.  I panicked and ran from the window to the bed.  I started praying.

Soon thereafter, Janet said: "The thing is gone."  JZ recalled, "All of us at that slumber party experienced the strange event."

A second UFO sighting occurred circa 1987 during JZ's visit to the home of a woman who was pastor of a Spiritualist church.  JZ had contacted the church after Ramtha first appeared to her: "I wondered if others had had similar experiences and, if so, what they had done about it."  During the intervals when he communicates through the body of his channeler JZ Knight, Ramtha has described himself as an 'enigma' and 'ascended master' — a human being who has made the transition to life in the ascended realm of human existence.

When showing her Ouija board to JZ and her husband Jeremy, Pastor Lorraine Graham put her hand on the board and the planchette began spelling messages.  When the word "outside" was spelled, Lorraine jumped up and said, "I feel we should go outside . . . right now."

We all got up and went outside, but frankly I was exasperated.  Night had fallen, and the stars were unusually bright in the clear sky.  We walked over to the car and leaned on it.  Lorraine told us to look up.  I began to shiver from the cool night air.  Just about the time I was thinking this was a waste of time, from out of the northern sky came a huge ball of light.  It moved very fast and was only a few hundred feet in the air.  I was astonished.  I had seen comets and falling stars before, and this was neither.  Just as I was regaining my wits, another whizzed by over my head, only this time it divided and became eight smaller balls of light.  There was absolutely no sound accompanying this display.

Jeremy was very excited.  "My God, I've never seen anything like this.  What are they?"  I just stood there in awe of what I was seeing.

"I would say they are saluting you, JZ," Lorraine said softly.

I shook my head.  "Oh, no . . . no."

The eight balls of light disappeared over the treetops.  We stood transfixed by the heavenly light show.  Finally, I moved away from them and sat down on the front porch.  I was overcome by the experience, yet desperately trying to deny that it had happened.  Jeremy opened the car door and turned on the radio.  A disc jockey's voice was talking excitedly.

"Yes, I heard what you're saying, sir.  Well, there are high-level aircraft.  No sound?  Hmm, that's interesting.  Perhaps we'll have some information later on in the program.  Yes, all right.  Thanks for calling in, and stay tuned.  Well folks, our switchboard is lighting up with reports of unidentified flying objects."

JZ Knight (birthname Judith Darlene Hampton) was born at St. Mary's Hospital in Roswell, New Mexico on March 16, 1946.  The Roswell Daily Record reported on July 8, 1947 "RAAF Captures Flying Saucer on Ranch in Roswell Region".  The event is now known as The Roswell Incident.

Preceding articles at this blog have reported that books have been published that present transcripts of Ramtha's lectures about UFOs (or 'aeroships') among other metaphysical topics.  Previous blog articles about UFOlogy include: "Reflections about UFOlogy", "Flying Saucers and 'The Nine Pattern'", "The Early Days of Modern UFOlogy""EVP and UFOlogy — MP3 Audio: Arthur Shuttlewood 1968 Interview" and "The Letters from Aboard a Flying Saucer".
9/21/14 Update: This month in Ramtha's School of Enlightenment Newsletter is a report entitled "JZ Knight and others witness and photograph UFOs".  JZ reported seeing a UFO in Italy: "I can tell you that on a bright and cloudy morning I was sitting with Rebecca Capezio outside our house on a hill overlooking Sportilia and the Italy event venue.  I had been studying a particular cloud and noting all the jets taking off from the distant airport in Bologna, rising in the sky with vapor trails left in the markings of the sky.  I saw a flash and saw a UFO traveling above one of the jets but going in the opposite direction, leaving NO VAPOR TRAIL." 

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